the everything site ...?

Blind, the little bit I have read sounds very interesting but could you please give me a quick rundown of the conversation? What is site #4, etc. Most of the ancient peoples of the entire earth went underground to escape the last problem with the sun. Now it seems to be at hand again. Planet X. From Malta to Arizona people have underground dwellings.

Gossamer said:
I'm sooooo confused!!!! :BangHead:
(can someone tell what 5th means?)

Janiece - My assumption was that RDT was "pleading the 5th" and that he just wasn't going to comment on the grounds that it may incriminate him (or at least piss off BB) :wink:

That was my interpretation and why it made me laugh - perhaps that wasn't what RDT meant?

Boy, I am now confused. First the conversation is about some 13,000 year old civilisation and when I read further the story is about the lost dutchmen mine. If you are talking about the Dutchman Mine, forget it I discovered it 10 years ago!

HOLA amigos,

Gossamer wrote:
(can someone tell what 5th means?)

It is a reference to the 5th amendment, which allows a person not to say anything on the grounds that it might incriminate ones-self. A person who uses this escape might be well acquainted with the correct use, perhaps from having numerous occasions to have to use it, as in with various encounters with law enforcement personnel? ;D :D :wink: ::) (Just kidding Jose'!!! ::) :o ;D :D)

Blindbowman wrote:
you have no idea what evidence i have let alone how much evidence i have or how sound it is . so your statements are nothing more then ignorence

Well there you have encapsulated the very crux of the matter amigo - for you have not made public the evidence that you have said that you found. I fail to see why you keep taking any doubt as some kind of "insult" when it is nothing related to any kind of insult. What have I said that was an insult to you? For someone with so high an intellect, how is it that you seem to be incapable of putting yourself in the other person's place, to view things from the other person's perspective? You know the old song amigo? "Walk a mile in my shoes"?

I have to think that you are actually very upset because of your brother's condition. I do wish that he would go ahead and have the surgery - they are very successful in heart operations these days; Mrs Oro's mother had to have a triple bypass and it added at least nine years to her life. Your brother is much too young to be giving up on life amigo, I hope you can convince him to get taken care of - for his life affects not just himself but all those who love him. Please do your best to talk him out of simply giving up on living.

Blindbowman you mentioned that you made up a story for your first test of our fellow amigo (or acquaintance at least) Scott Wood. I am not sure why you chose to test him in this way. What if he had approved your claim, for a fraudulent story? Wouldn't that simply prove that he is just gullible? In using a fake story, it damages your own credibility - for now he will have extra suspicions about any new applications you might make. There are times when it is wise to keep your cards close to your chest, and there are times when you should lay the cards on the table - and when you are applying for a treasure trove claim, you should not hold back any kind of information that helps to prove your case. Remember that the Forest Service has been "hit" with so many fake applications and the most ridiculous stories that they have to keep a rather skeptical eye out - for it would give the Forest Service (as well as the Department of the Interior, and the US federal government as well) a very black eye if they were to grant a claim for a fake story! I don't think it was a fair test of Scott to run a fiction past him, and consider this - at least he was willing to hear you out. As much as folks tend to have a grudge against him (and the Forest Service in general) for not approving treasure trove applications, he does keep an open mind and at least will hear out anyone, including some stories that are so far-fetched and ridiculous that you would have a hard time keeping from laughing at the fellow telling it. I don't think Scott still visits Treasurenet anymore, which is our loss as he has a great deal of knowledge about the Superstition mountains; in fact he might well have been a great help to you Blindbowman.

I only say this because there are many archaeologists, historians, anthropologists etc who will NOT hear you out; and worse - they have closed their minds to any new evidence or theories and just will not even look at the evidence you have found. Apparently you have not encountered any of this ilk, but I have. If you think Scott was being un-reasonable, try contacting some of the heads of history departments of various universities and colleges. Maybe you will get lucky enough to find one who will be willing to look at your evidence and hear you out - but more likely you will find the closed-mind types who won't even give you the time of day.

Blindbowman if anything I said was offensive to you, I apologize - and you must know by now that NONE of what I have said was INTENDED to be offensive. I think you have a most interesting theory or set of theories, and if you are indeed playing a game with us here it has been fun (and useful) for all involved; you have told me that you do indeed have plenty of solid evidence, which would prove your case absolutely beyond doubt - but are not willing to make it public. So what would you think of me (and all of us here) if we simply believed everything you said, without asking to see any evidence? I suspect you would have much less respect for us and think of us as a pack of gullible buffoons. I can understand why you would choose not to post all of your evidence, to keep it secret until publication or news release etc but would it hurt your case to release a little bit? Even a single artifact, carving, stone wall, etc would certainly add credence to your case - for many of us do not ask to see ALL of your evidence, only a little bit that would prove that you are not just blowing smoke. For example, you mentioned the ball court - well what about a photo of it, you know enough about digital photo work to be able to crop the photo so that no one can tell exactly where you took it. It is certainly your decision, but put yourself in our place - wouldn't you wish to see at least a little solid evidence to back up the story?

I am NOT taking your statements about not even wanting to recognize each other in person to heart amigo - for I know that you were writing when you were upset. Whatever our differences of opinion, we still have much in common amigo, and I will consider us to be friends regardless of what words might pass on some internet forum. I hope we can get together some time and have that fireside coffee, I think the exchange of information would be priceless. Perhaps you forget that we are in agreement that the history books are wrong, that a great deal of our history is not even written in any books; and that it needs to be written. We are NOT so different amigo.

Well sorry for another long-winded post amigos - I really ought to be at work but wanted to see what was up on T-net. Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

For some reason the phrase "self righteous indignation" keeps popping into my head today. I used it in an earlier e-mail to someone and it seems to have become my word of the day :icon_jokercolor:


I have to admit, "self righteous indignation" does seem to fit the bill here. Two other words that seem to be lacking are, common sense. Those that have none, believe we will all just accept everything they say as the unquestionable truth. If they had a lick of common sense, they would realize that no one would buy this.....story. I am being kind there.

There are many people in this world with very high intelligence, who don't have any common sense.


Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

Take care,


Cubby, we can just shorten it to a disorder called 'SRI' (self righteous indignation), I think it could be used around here quite a bit.
Oro, in your past life were in the Senate in Rome ... probably during the time of Caesar Augustus. A voice of calm. Just RVing for a sec. :tongue3:
Jimb, you said: First the conversation is about some 13,000 year old civilisation and when I read further the story is about the lost dutchmen mine. If you are talking about the Dutchman Mine, forget it I discovered it 10 years agoThat is why this thread is called 'the everything else' thread. Cuz it is everything else and then some.
Some of us think and in ways can prove that history books are wrong ... flat out lies. LOL. I collect old history books ... its just sad.
I haven't figured out quite what BB's theory is, but I am of the mind (although I doubt anyone cares), that the America's and particularly AZ and UT were part of an older culture, going back 13,000 at least, actually (I think) that it is when people started to come out of the shelters and survive i.e.: Magdalenian and Clovis sites. It IMO is the only explanation why arrowheads 'devolved."
If I can extrapolate... and I could be wrong, but what the heck (am I going to get zapped again for that word, I swear I didn't say a bad word)?
BB, believes that the Chicomoztoc is in AZ and is LDM, i.e., site 3, or site 4. Unfortunately he will not give any tangible info, other than blurry photos and circles of 'interesting' but cut and pasted research. I find his wanderings fascinating, but not the pulling posts or panties in a bunch.
Then when asked questions, which he finds insulting. he gets his panties all twisted up, which is ridiculous, because all research and discovery must be challenged, questioned and given debate. I like the arguing part a lot.
What I have discerned, from posts that have since been UN-posted, (which annoys me no end)... BB has in some alternate and clever means, including boots on the ground (?) has found the fabled Chicomoztoc and its not just the lost goldmine, but is the source of legend of the lost peoples of 'Atlantis', or the seven caves of Ancestors.
But, there are several problems with those claims, because RDT owns Chicomoztoc and you've found the LDM.. Oro is persuaded that an ancient culture is found in the Utah Mts. There is a lot of credible info on that too.
I'm persuaded that Western America could be an exit spot for our ancestors after a disaster (the kind that sent us back to the stone age), and I'm getting more convinced the more research I do, that the west has a significant underground complexes.
I and I think some others here are persuaded that there was a Pre-Columbian habitation by peoples advanced in building, writing and other interesting and sometimes hidden or most certainly misinterpreted ruins, sites, intaglios, cave drawings etc. (whether intentional or not)
Say good night Gracie
Good-night Gracie

Gossamer said:
Cubby, we can just shorten it to a disorder called 'SRI' (self righteous indignation), I think it could be used around here quite a bit.
Oro, in your past life were in the Senate in Rome ... probably during the time of Caesar Augustus. A voice of calm. Just RVing for a sec. :tongue3:
Jimb, you said: First the conversation is about some 13,000 year old civilisation and when I read further the story is about the lost dutchmen mine. If you are talking about the Dutchman Mine, forget it I discovered it 10 years agoThat is why this thread is called 'the everything else' thread. Cuz it is everything else and then some.
Some of us think and in ways can prove that history books are wrong ... flat out lies. LOL. I collect old history books ... its just sad.
I haven't figured out quite what BB's theory is, but I am of the mind (although I doubt anyone cares), that the America's and particularly AZ and UT were part of an older culture, going back 13,000 at least, actually (I think) that it is when people started to come out of the shelters and survive i.e.: Magdalenian and Clovis sites. It IMO is the only explanation why arrowheads 'devolved."
If I can extrapolate... and I could be wrong, but what the heck (am I going to get zapped again for that word, I swear I didn't say a bad word)?
BB, believes that the Chicomoztoc is in AZ and is LDM, i.e., site 3, or site 4. Unfortunately he will not give any tangible info, other than blurry photos and circles of 'interesting' but cut and pasted research. I find his wanderings fascinating, but not the pulling posts or panties in a bunch.
Then when asked questions, which he finds insulting. he gets his panties all twisted up, which is ridiculous, because all research and discovery must be challenged, questioned and given debate. I like the arguing part a lot.
What I have discerned, from posts that have since been UN-posted, (which annoys me no end)... BB has in some alternate and clever means, including boots on the ground (?) has found the fabled Chicomoztoc and its not just the lost goldmine, but is the source of legend of the lost peoples of 'Atlantis', or the seven caves of Ancestors.
But, there are several problems with those claims, because RDT owns Chicomoztoc and you've found the LDM.. Oro is persuaded that an ancient culture is found in the Utah Mts. There is a lot of credible info on that too.
I'm persuaded that Western America could be an exit spot for our ancestors after a disaster (the kind that sent us back to the stone age), and I'm getting more convinced the more research I do, that the west has a significant underground complexes.
I and I think some others here are persuaded that there was a Pre-Columbian habitation by peoples advanced in building, writing and other interesting and sometimes hidden or most certainly misinterpreted ruins, sites, intaglios, cave drawings etc. (whether intentional or not)
Say good night Gracie
Good-night Gracie


You're right about SRI and the fact that it can be applied quite liberally here (and heck, everywhere!!) - of course I'm the one exception to that :wink:

Just two corrections - you mentioned that RDT owns Chicomoztoc - I think what you meant to say is that RDT owns (or to be precise I suppose, claims to own) TAYOPA.

Also - the thread is actually titled the "everything site" - not the everything else site (although they both fit).

I think the reason BB titled it thusly, is because at one time or another his Chicomoztoc is also the Sombrero Mine, the Lost Dutchman Mine, Tayopa, an ancient "ball" field with spirits playing with human heads, has a force which destroys digital photos, has a force which alters memory, could be highly contaminated with arsenic or strychnine (or was it cyanide?), contains Montezuma's tomb, has never been understood by anyone but him, will never be found by anyone but him, has ties to the Templars, contains the treasures of the Mount from Christ's crucifixion, and those are just off the top of my head. I imagine a few hours of wading through the posts could assign a few more things to the site - unless of course those posts were deleted :wink:

Looking forward to meeting you at the Rendevouz this year Janiece

Yes, I believe you have left out the five-gallon jars of Nitroglycerine guarding the entrance to his......well, to something. :icon_scratch:

Joe Ribaudo

Oooops.. Cubby ya' busted me again, sorry... you are right (rolling eyes), but in my defense, its hard to keep up here. :thumbsup:

Joe, there are old pots around the entrance and a ladder of sorts. They 'could' have nitro in them. :smileinbox:

RDT... sorry Tayopa not Chicomoztoc, I'm blonde (please adjust your viewing screen.) Damn, I get that mixed up so much. :hello:

Jimb... where can I read about your adventures and finding the Dutchman? :icon_study:

I look forward to visiting with all you guys. wwery intawesting gwoup. (my best Elmer) :tongue3:
Janiece :bunny:

HI Goss LUV: you posted ---->

he gets his panties all twisted up

I believe that he uses skivies".

cub was right on the nose, as for that sheep loving, would be cowboy --------

But in any event, Cubber posted --->

RDT owns (or to be precise I suppose, "claims to own' ) TAYOPA.
Claims? snifffff I have shown you pictures of the mission site, title, aerial / sat. photographs, everything but a stack of Gold & Silver bars, which I will never do for obvious reasons, plus it would ruin your life, you would never be your sweet, everloving self any more.

Exactly when in Oct is this LDM junta? I just might be able to take time off from counting My Gold bars.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
HI Goss LUV: you posted ---->

he gets his panties all twisted up

I believe that he uses skivies".

cub was right on the nose, as for that sheep loving, would be cowboy --------

But in any event, Cubber posted --->

RDT owns (or to be precise I suppose, "claims to own' ) TAYOPA.
Claims? snifffff I have shown you pictures of the mission site, title, aerial / sat. photographs, everything but a stack of Gold & Silver bars, which I will never do for obvious reasons, plus it would ruin your life, you would never be your sweet, everloving self any more.

Exactly when in Oct is this LDM junta? I just might be able to take time off from counting My Gold bars.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Now now RDT - I was just trying to stay precise with my terminology, and unless I get to hold one of those gold bars in my hand, I can't very well say that you DO own Tayopa now can I? :wink:

As Jerry McGuire said... "show me the money" hehe.

As far as the Rendevouz goes, the dates are October 24, 25 & 26. Saturday the 25th will probably be the best time to catch everyone, although I believe CJ, myself and djui can be found there all 3 days. If you want directions as it gets closer to the date if you think you might be able to make it, just give one of us a shout!

I for one would love to meet you. Perhaps you could even bring along just a "wee little piece" of your horde? :)

OK... Don Jose de La Mancha "I believe that he uses skivies".
Now how would you know that? There is a story here, give it up.
And for the record... I will guard your gold bars while you go to AZ. in Oct... Like they were my own.
(picture=) 'ooh, ooh, (hand up) ooh, I will help :hello2:
Janiece :bunny:


Like many of bb's statements, I believe he purged his "nitro" period.

A few references are made to it back around this post:

Re: Read the Lost Dutchman Lies for free
« Reply To This Topic #82 on: Jul 18, 2007, 07:12:47 AM » Quote

Hio BB: You can safely rule out Nitro G--- from the Aztecs, Templars, or Spanish.. It wasn't invented until the 1800's. Then Nobel had to find a way to reduce it's sensativity by mixing it with an inert filler, presto Dyanamite.

However, IF you can refind them, I would suggest handling them with gloves and a mask then have them analized. Incidentally, how large were they and what materiel were they constructed with?

Don Jose de La Manmcha

That was a damn good yarn. Sorry he came to and deleted it.

Take care,


HOLA amigos,

It is not my place to speak for someone else, but in my opinion I believe that when our amigo Blindbowman posts some response that sounds as if he is insulted etc it is really because of outside pressures that are really bugging him, not so much that someone he has never met has a minor disagreement of opinion. I am guilty of this myself, you know when you are having a rather bad day, it is very easy to take something on a forum the wrong way. I am fairly convinced that he feels responsible for his brother's heart condition, which is understandable but hardly fair to himself.

Joe that episode about the jars of nitroglycerin are what finally "keyed" me in to the probability that Blindbowman's psychically-obtained information (or remote-viewing) is very likely symbolic in nature; this is what the Army intel officers reported in their own experiments so would fit the pattern. If it is symbolic in nature, then many of the things he has mentioned as bits of information have a different meaning than the literal meaning he has been assigning to them. For instance, the jars of nitroglycerin could be a symbolic message of danger, of something "explosive" but of course "explosive" has several meanings as well; it could mean also "handle with care" etc. The tomb of Montezuma might be a reference to a grave of an important Amerindian chieftain, not literally "the" Montezuma, or it could be another Montezuma, perhaps an earlier one. The Sombrero mine, Tayopa, LDM etc might have a different meaning as well - perhaps a rich vein of ore, something that is on a par with Tayopa or the Lost Dutchman and so on. The Templars and church and "sacred site" Chicomoztoc also could have a different meaning, anyway you get where I am going with this. I have suggested this possibility to Blindbowman before, but he has insisted that his information is definitely literal and NOT symbolic, but perhaps he is mistaken? Would his discovery be any the less meaningful if it proved NOT to be Chicomoztoc but a most holy site of the Anasazi? It would still be quite a discovery, in my opinion. In fact I suspect that this is the case - not that Blindbowman has been lying about the information he has perceived, but that it is symbolic in meaning and thus could be quite different from Chicomoztoc or the LDM etc yet still be a very important and significant discovery - if he will make it public.

Gossamer wrote:
Oro, in your past life were in the Senate in Rome ... probably during the time of Caesar Augustus. A voice of calm.

You are close amigo, though if I were to post the whole thing publicly I am sure that folks would be convinced that I am an oddball nutcase - instead of just suspecting it! ;D ::) :D What would people think if I mentioned that I rode alongside Hannibal dressed as a merchant, with Carthalo leading us in to the great city to spy on the Romans, and laughing while the Senate held an auction for the land where our army was camped. :o ::) ;D :D Ah well I can always say that I just "imagined" it all.... :icon_jokercolor:

Don Jose' Dueno de Real e Minas de Tayopa wrote:
HI Goss LUV: you posted ---->

he gets his panties all twisted up

I believe that he uses skivies".

cub was right on the nose, as for that sheep loving, would be cowboy --------

Well amigo, you know the old saying - "Wyoming is the land where the cowboys wear boots and the sheep are scared!" ;D :o ::) ;D :D :wink:

Don Jose' also wrote:
I have shown you pictures of the mission site, title, aerial / sat. photographs, everything but a stack of Gold & Silver bars, which I will never do for obvious reasons, plus it would ruin your life, you would never be your sweet, everloving self any more.

I would add here that it is relatively easy for a person to make up fake photos of stacks of gold bars, so such a photo would not add much authenticity to the case for Tayopa. Just my opinion of course but having seen a good deal of the information Real de Tayopa has made public, I am convinced that he has the real thing - the original Tayopa of the original stories. About the only thing that would seal it beyond doubt would be a piece of the ore, even something off the tailings pile/waste would show it is what he says it is, and he does have ore samples and assays to back them up. For these reasons (and others) it was rather a shock when Blindbowman made the claim that Tayopa was in the Superstition mountains of Arizona, and at first I dismissed this claim out of hand (since it is no longer lost but is owned by our esteemed gentleman colleage here) however - there were and are at least three different places that were named Tayopa, all were mines and all were rich but in different places and different time periods - SO - it is just possible that there could be a fourth. It would certainly help Blindbowman's case if there were some kind of record(s) to indicate that another Tayopa existed in the Superstitions, or even a local legend; unfortunately so far he has not found one (or has not made it public) and I have failed to find any kind of legend of a Tayopa in AZ either. That does not make it impossible however.

Cactusjumper wrote:
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

That is usually a safe credo amigo, but also an easy way to dismiss everything rather than examine and weigh the evidence. It certainly does NOT help the credibility of a person to make up a story on his application for a treasure trove permit, but also does not automatically mean that everything that he says is also false. (A particularly bad choice on his part in my opinion, for no matter the outcome it is certain that he would be impressed in a negative way. A lesson for others who might decide to try such a course?) So I must respectfully disagree on this point amigo; after all who or whom has never fibbed even once in their life? (By the way - Joe you never mentioned that you are Latin-literate! You are full of surprises my friend - boy would I love to have a chance to pick your mind over coffee by the fire - with notebook in hand!)

This has gotten pretty long so will end here. Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

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