The dangers of our hobby.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Golden Thread
Bayamon P.R.
Detector(s) used
DFX,BH ID,5000s2,AT Max,MX Sport,Spectra V3
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
How would you react and what would you do? If a suddenly peaceful and magic hunt were broken with an unexpected dangerous find "a gun" you reed right "a gun". And not just any gun a heavy profesional BB pellet gun, this is my short version of that day years back. I had planned to go to my last and 3rd beach before my hunting scedual ran out for the day I had just found a reasonable amount in clad coins to cover for my bus fare and a little less than $2 in profit for some I would say 3 hours of scanning.My 5000s2 coin master was doing a great job as always,on my last try before I was to continue to the final beach.I got a loud blast from my coin master just on the rim of the side walk where the sand ends. I dug down 1 feet thinking it must be another darn refreshment aluminum can.My scoop hit something long and black (the back of the handle) I said to myself this is no drink can and on a tug with the edge of my sand scoop out came to my dismay that shocking thing.When I finally reacted I took my hanky from my pocket and wrap the handle to see it closely.Being no cops no where the only person seeing me just smiled and left quickly expecting the worst. I made a quick desition to wrap it well and cancel my trip imidiatly I was scared all the ways home. Today I still posses it as a premium piece as I newtralized it so it wouldn't be used for nothing evil.I knew if I turned it to the cops I would never get it back so this is how this story ends.


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been to P R many many times having been "offered" big bucks several times to smuggle in a "illegal" hand gun from the "mainland USA" I always turned down the "the offers" since a gun of any type is highly controlled there --so anything that even appers to be a gun can and will get you jail time ---oh my call the cops !!!!

the ultra strict gun laws in PR were made after an attack by P R seperatist group using guns in washington DC many years ago -- the US Govt cracked down on their gun ownership rights in PR because of it and it has been that way ever since --- Ivan

since the gun is "disabled"*" made unusible--- he might not get in trouble for having it (maybe)

I own a Beeman RS2 Sportsman series 2, break barrel, spring-piston .22 air rifle. 850psi, one (pump?). it weighs in at 9.8 lbs. it has the 4X32 Beeman scope and when assembled, it looks just like a high powered hunting rifle. Have only taken it outside my house to practice with it and hunt squirrels and rabbits with it, at my friends house out in the sticks. Got two squirrels with one shot last week, they were getting it on, hit the male, female was a bonus. It was not loaded when I looked out my window 2 weeks ago and saw two local scumbags trying to steal my truck from my driveway, just pointed the gun at them and asked them if I could help them with anything? Surprised the hell out of them, they dropped their tools and run like hell. Then I called cops and they caught them. Surprisingly, they said nothing about my TOY.

Its A BB gun, jeez (o.K you Could put your eye out) If I ever find another gun i'm taking it home, (unless obviously crime related) the police will just keep it and you will never see or hear about it agien.
Great find but a little over dramatized.

Just a BB gun dude. Get a grip. You'd really crap yourself if you knew what I carried when I detect certain parts of town. (Legally of course). You're subject heading is "Dangers of our hobby". At no time were you ever in danger of that BB gun unless you are stupid enough to point it at yourself and pull the trigger. But then that would make YOU the danger. Sorry for the blunt post, but that was a little dramatic. Even if it was a high caliber pistol you still would not be in danger as long as you are a responsible safety conscious adult.

I have been around Firearms all my Life and also Reload just about everything, Never has a firearm been the Cause of anything, (IT"S THE IDIOTS BEHIND THEM)
The Thing I find more of a danger of our Hobby is that amount of Live Rounds that I have found in the ground, especially the Rim Fire ones!

I'm from a small farming town in TX and I have never found a pistol I do find rim fire bullets alot in the local school tot lots but figured they are left over from a hunt and the kid forgot they were in his or hers pocket. Dumped so they wouldn't get busted at school.

There are other dangers in the hobby also. What if we dig up some germ like the scientist do? Did you know that there is a mountain, might be shark mt. but I really do not remember, that folks who go looking for fossils there sometimes come down with a fever and big problems. The article was in a treasure hunting mag. in the seventies or eighties.

haha Clarke used one in National Lampoon Vacation to hold up John Candy who was the security guard. According to Clarke "It could lodge under the skin and cause a very very bad infection" haha but John candy disagreed "You couldnt even break the skin with that I had one as a kid"


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jimb said:
There are other dangers in the hobby also. What if we dig up some germ like the scientist do? Did you know that there is a mountain, might be shark mt. but I really do not remember, that folks who go looking for fossils there sometimes come down with a fever and big problems. The article was in a treasure hunting mag. in the seventies or eighties.

Could it be ??? ??? ??? GOLD FEVER :icon_sunny: ;D or in these folks case FOSSIL FEVER :tard: :tongue3:

Just kidding! Couldn't resist it.
I have noticed every time I go to this certain old military base I get a fever and am tired for a day or so afterward. I just figured it was the mosquitoes and sun but who knows?

That resembles a " MARKSMAN" BB/PELLET/ DART pistol. You had to tip up the front part of the "slide" and insert the projectile of your choice. Close the "chamber" and rack the rear section of the "slide" Out would come the BB through about a 2 inch smooth bore tube.

These things were frowned upon when I was 10 years old and nobody liked them. No accuracy and no power. I believe they sold new for about 8.00 in 1960 or so.

My, my what a commotion! This post is more than I expected in answers.Well for the tranquility of all I put it in a safe place and never took it out or fumbled with it and I don't plan to.I am considering to join the police soon an have a small training a cop said they would give me the uniform.I would be in charge of helping them when my detectors can be needed on solving a crime where metal is involved.I feel in this way I can show my responsability to society and show I will always be the noble and prudent officer of my team and public and until the guardian angel founder makes his move here and forms his chapter here so I can be the first to join the team. Thanks for all the valid enteries and the wise comments of all, see you in the field good hunting. :thumbsup:

Is your avatar the police uniform you mentioned?

Had a Crossman like that one along with a Daisey also. We used to shoot each other from our respective Forts with nothing more than welts. Except for one kid who put the thing about an inch away from his arm. He had the BB lodged in his elbow for a week before he told his Mom. The doctors left it in. Needless to say he was the coolest kid in school! Everyone had to feel the BB bump in his arm. And he was the most popular with all the girls on the playground ;D Later on I earned enough to get a Benjamin .22 pellet pump. Sure raised hate & discontent with the local crow population! And always won the fort war without even firing a shot ::)

Damon64 said:
Is your avatar the police uniform you mentioned?
No Damon my avatar is the old coustum of my fantasy novel character "Prince Damian lord of dragons" I don't have the new one ither a shame I really liked it. I usually dressed up to collect funds in the street avenue for telethons like muscular distrofy,or pro cancer ect. I went to gencon with it "Geneva convention" In 1994.The Role playing game by Wizard of the coast tournament. He is the lizard people protector in my story the good guy in my 50 or so page story I created. Seriously I plan to help police in the affair I mentioned you folks will see me soon if they take me in the force I will have a snap shot of me in my cop uniform if you wish this.Well I think this clears your dought see you around. Ralph :thumbsup: Post data: Mom made it she is a sewing machine expert since a young lady.

If I had pulled that out of the ground, I would have had a "what the hell?" feeling for a moment or two, but as soon as I realized what it was, I would not have worried. I went through a few of those exact type of pistols as a kid. Most of the time the BB would not even dent a Coke can. I ended up using it to shoot ant piles.

As Ivan stated, guns are not commonplace among people in some countires. In fact just turning one in that you have found, like Lizard-Prince did could cause you some time in lockdown trying to explain why you have a gun ( even a BB gun), or even jail time.

I don't think he was being overdramatic in his recount....just telling how he felt at the time.

If someone in the US found a BB gun, while detecting, we would think nothing of it, because they are sold in many places as "toys".

Give Mr. Lizard-Prince a break... guns are illegal to own where he lives....but he can go detecting, that should count for something !!!!! :wink:

No need to go undercover with this. It's just a bb pistol, although an exciting find. Murder weapon? Absolutely not. { although ALL guns should be handled seriously.Very cool find though.

plehbah said:
Lizard-Prince said:
I got a loud blast from my coin master just on the rim of the side walk where the sand ends.

I dug down 1 feet thinking "it must be" .My scoop hit something long and black I said to myself this a shocking thing.

When I finally reacted I took my hanky from my pocket and wrap to see it closely.Being no cops no where the only person seeing me just smiled and left quickly expecting the worst. I made a quick desition to wrap it well and posses it as a premium piece as I used it .

I edited some of your "word salad" for added clarity. I only deleted sentences that were irrelevant to my post. I also added one example of punctuation.

First of all, I can understand your alarm at your discovery. I do wonder however at your decision to take secret possession of it, and to retreat to a secluded locale with it, instead of just notifying the nearby law enforcement officers.

Second, will there be wedding bells anytime soon?

"Word salad" has me & sweetie LOL over here. Thanks for the much needed laugh.

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