The Book on Tayopa by Real de Tayopa

Oto. Crosse. You have a helper. Unicorn. I have known her from the start and she periodically gets on my
beck. She has been a confident, so roy, get in contqct with her "if". She has seen many of my plans go awry over the years and has given me hell when I am discouraged, but then she is of Oirish blood married to a scot and living in Blighty land so what can you expect ??

Son Jose de La Mancha.

Ps. she is constantly correcting my English, which is understanable. Her correcting that is, I write almost perfect English, even though they kicked me out of English class rm 302

There are no IFs about it; should you take your story to the grave, it will never be written, period. For someone to try to piece together the story from notes, data etc would be a much lesser book as a result. No offence intended to our mutual amigo Unicorn, but I would not even attempt it, having not been a part of the search and years of experiences in the field, it would very much be an "outsider looking in" that had NO insight into much of what happened. Don't worry however you are off the hook, I figure that you have probably decided not to write it. Considering your health, it is wise to concentrate on getting your good health back rather than writing or dictating a book anyway.

ORO my esteemed socio, I have found there is a huge difference between writing a simple post and a book. But due to you and Unicorn, I will write it, good or bad.

The eye is almost recovered, when I look at a persons face out of my left eye, their features appear to be covered wth a piece of almost clear red colored cellophane, recognizable, where as before over 1/2 of the sight was covered with what appeared a solid red sheet = the blood clot.

Frankly, I believe that the sock coffee is responsible for the almost miraculous recovery, so keep it hot and black.

Incidentally why doesn't Beth post more often? I am reminded of that unique coke bottle trick.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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ORO my esteemed socio, I have found there is a huge difference between writing a simple post and a book. But due to you and Unicorn, I will write it, good or bad.

The eye is almost recovered, when I look at a persons face out of my left eye, their features appear to be covered wth a piece of almost clear red colored cellophane, recognizable, where as before over 1/2 of the sight was covered with what appeared a solid red sheet = the blood clot.

Frankly, I believe that the sock coffee is responsible for the almost miraculous recovery, so keep it hot and black.

Incidentally why doesn't Beth post more often? I am reminded of that unique coke bottle trick.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Health first - then IF you wish THEN the book. Your health comes first, everything else after.

Beth does not spend much time on T-net, hence the fewer posts.

Don Jose, my esteemed friend of many years. I am sorry if I appeared to have been nagging you about your book. It has only ever been to see you getting the recognition you so richly deserve. That and the capturing of the history of your story. Where would we be without the books that have developed our World.
Of course you health must come first, there is no question about that, and I never really knew about the extent of the damage in your left eye (communications luv)
I certainly won't say any more about your book, you must put your health first. But I will say a big thank you for sharing your stories, and for those who have had the pleasure of reading them. Book or no book your stories will stay in our memories, and often in our hearts. You look after yourself my dear dear friend, and I promise, no more 'nagging'
Regards to Berta and a hug from me.


Don Jose, my esteemed friend of many years. I am sorry if I appeared to have been nagging you about your book. It has only ever been to see you getting the recognition you so richly deserve. That and the capturing of the history of your story. Where would we be without the books that have developed our World.
Of course you health must come first, there is no question about that, and I never really knew about the extent of the damage in your left eye (communications luv)
I certainly won't say any more about your book, you must put your health first. But I will say a big thank you for sharing your stories, and for those who have had the pleasure of reading them. Book or no book your stories will stay in our memories, and often in our hearts. You look after yourself my dear dear friend, and I promise, no more 'nagging'
Regards to Berta and a hug from me.


Agreed, was only meant in appreciation of the fantastic stories.
Can't really help it, the Tropical Tramp stories do fascinate,
but was truly meant to encourage, not the bad kind of nagging...

Nevertheless, no more bugging, and all joking aside.
Thank You ~ Don Jose, For Your Generosity And Inspiration ~
Best Wishes Always, Crosse :thumbsup:

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Up date on Tayopa' The rains have come so we have stopped work, It is too dangerous on those clifs - light coating of soil turns into slippery mud when wet.


Senor Don Jose, a little rain, seems like just another excuse for if you added a Crow supplement to the coffee, perhaps the rain would not be a problem............
Vaya con Dios mi amigo

Arrgh! Don amigo El capitano is stubborn as those mules he loves. Its all part of his master plan for us to progressive write the book for em......

Judyh is loading the blunderbuss. Mastif4me is sliding out the plank. Oro, mrs Oro and corozon are sharpening the cutlasses. Unicorn is loading the cannon Doc-d is moving the cannon into place. Gollum and liorphannie loading the flintlocks and Peralta is bringing up the powder. Markmar is mixing up the tar and feathers, Corporate is swinging the Cat o nine tails. Cactus jumper is sharpening the Axe.

Me mangy old one eyed crow thinks en mutiny is brewing Don Capitanio. Or at very least a keel hauling.

How many pages is it now????

El Crow

Hi my friend Crow, I don't know, haven't looked for a week when I deleted the last weeks work in frustration. Writing is a bit of work, something that I have avoided where possible, I just seem to lack confidence in my style being good enough for a book. Still would like to tie Tayopa in with Victorio Peak an the Caballo mts for the trans shipment via the Rio del Norte - Rio Grande - to Matamoros and Rome.

I am convinced of it, but proving is another thing.

Senor Don Jose…..forget the confidence stuff……simply write and allow others later to help and edit it for you……it would seem you have little choice now as Señor Crow has pointed out……
As for tying in Victoria Peak……write what you can and it is always possible later to tie it in……do not tempt the wrath of the likes of Señores Cuervo, Oro, Marius, Corazon, and the ever bonita Senoritas JudyH and Mastiff, and of course, muchacho Crow…..
There is a mutiny for sure coming……
And it seems that as soon as the newly hatched black bird can fly, the mutiny shall commence if you do not resume writing…..
Vaya con Dios

Hello don Amigo

There is an old trick in when making a speculative claim to word it in a way that "you suspect" which tends to say to the reader is what you think is the case? Or say impartial manner "there are interesting claims of such". Or And ending with a question mark as you posing the question to the reader....Some things in course of writing a book any book will in due course over time will anyhow become dated as new information surfaces. However the simple fact that you have posed the question will either one day be proven or disproven as new evidence come to light.

For me if I was writing the book I tend to balance the story with other possibilities also in retrospect. Sadly we can takes years and some times more than one life time to unravel such treasure legends to get at the truth. Some times the real story is the journey to find it and not the actual story that one is searching for,


Hi my friend Crow, I don't know, haven't looked for a week when I deleted the last weeks work in frustration. Writing is a bit of work, something that I have avoided where possible, I just seem to lack confidence in my style being good enough for a book. Still would like to tie Tayopa in with Victorio Peak an the Caballo mts for the trans shipment via the Rio del Norte - Rio Grande - to Matamoros and Rome.

I am convinced of it, but proving is another thing.

A rough draft however crude is better than interpretation by others of your thoughts and will result in second and third parties oral stories limited in their knowledge down the road should you not take the opportunity to record them.
So many have enjoyed your writing already and your points get through despite the minds picturing your prose in a first person manner of near tangible comprehension.
Who would not rather read Don Jose's version?
Write Sir, write. Damn any critics of form and style and don't sell yourself short through self criticism.

Yes Don Jose , write your version ! Would be more real than the other books on Tayopa which contain one trip's experience combined with myths . Your version would be more updated and upgraded .

OK, OK,, back to The book and misc adverture along the way, including a few runins with bandidos in those days sigh, was thinking of taking a vacation, but, slave drivers !

incidentally , Gracias

Hey Amigo, I sympathize with your situation. I, too, started writing a book a few years back, and as of yet have not gone back to finish it. It is hardest, I think, to write an ending to a book. The start and middle are no problem, but when it comes to the finalization, it seems to play on your mind as to the many scenarios, (mine is fiction of course), that can reflect upon the entire book. Another one I have started more recently is more of an autobiograqphy. It is titled "'The adventures of A Rockhound", and I have put more work into this one but still have many more stories to tell. Mostly, it is a comedy of things that have happened to me, or others that I was associated with at the time. I have been fortunate to have worked or been involved with some really good comedians who loved to pull something on someone unexpectedly. Hopefully we can both wrap up the loose ends and finish our books. Good Luck. rockhound

Senores Don Jose y Rockhound……you both need to get your books written……do not fail to do so or you will incur the wrath of the ever bonita Señoritas JudyH y Mastiff…….

After reading this thread, how about the idea of dictating it on a recorder and then have someone transcribe it for you Don Jose.


I have made this suggestion to our 'Dear' Don Jose many many moons ago, other than standing over him with a ruler in hand, Don Jose will write this book when he is good and ready. Maybe if someone can offer their dictophone, and offer to type his notes up for him we will get his book.
Oh! I offered to type it myself, but I suppose it's easier coming from the US. Just imagine the costs and time it would take for 'tapes' to be going back and forth from Mx to the UK. Is there anyone out their? :BangHead:

Take care my dear American friend of many years.


She did, She cid, then proceeded to mangle my ego as a budding author with examples . As a matter of fact, she has been privy to the Tayopa saga from the start, she could write the book herself, my hopes, plans, developments, and failures.

I have Judy planned to write the Geological aspect of it - I am surprided that she understood my crude attempt to explain the geology of Tayopa. - and to keep the spiders out out of te cave.

Both are excellent ,

p.s. But WHAT RED BLOODED MALE WANTS TO BE SHOWN UP BY A MERE FEMALE ????:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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