The Book on Tayopa by Real de Tayopa

Big Scott my friend: Coffee with Oirish nectar to give it a kick?

I just realized that I have all of the pertinent data Locked up in my brain and almost lost them this last month.

As for what you suggest about records, is very true, for an ordinary mine. That is nearly impossible due to the Jesuits covering their tracks and systematically wiping all records clean or simply placing them in an "need to know" files in the Jesuit society in Rome

.Even Amy in a month of research, couldn't uncover any, and she is an expert and lovely, a combination that despite any vows of chastity, would melt any of the Priestly keepers hearts.

But there were tantalizing clues that after being interpreted that did lead to Tayopa; These cannot be verified as fact, only hearsay.' The fact that they produced results that led to Tayopa could be claimed to be a curious coincidence - such as an air liner being given specific landing instructions does so but at the wrong airport.

Even the report "on the seventh of March" cannot be verified as to it's source or author. even though it was proven to be correct..,

so it would be only a book with most conclusions that led to Tayopa, but critics would have a field day.
so I will start and also send the information to ORO for safe keeping, to be written is case of my
riding my mule to Tayopa in te sky . which t almost did a month ago'

You shall have your book but in a slightly different version, a third party version comb.

Thanks Scott for your suggestions/

Don Jose de La Mancha

Big Scott my friend: Coffee with Oirish nectar to give it a kick?

I just realized that I have all of the pertinent data Locked up in my brain and almost lost them this last month.<snip>

so it would be only a book with most conclusions that led to Tayopa, but critics would have a field day.
so I will start and also send the information to ORO for safe keeping, to be written is case of my
riding my mule to Tayopa in te sky . which t almost did a month ago'

You shall have your book but in a slightly different version, a third party version comb.

Thanks Scott for your suggestions/

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well Don Jose - first, you did not mention that it was much more serious than just some eye trouble. This was your "shot across the bow" warning about your health, and to get that book down on paper. If you leave it for someone else to write, you will not like the result, and it will not, can not have the insights, information in your head, and the experiences you personally had. Besides, you promised that you would write the book, and you know that only you can do it - so we are holding you to that promise. :read2::notworthy:

Let the skeptics and critics have their fun - besides, controversy only helps sell MORE copies of the book! ( :tongue3: )

Quit trying to shirk that task and get writin' - if you don't have the patience to type it all out, dictate it onto tapes, or get some of that software that converts your spoken word to text. I guarantee that if you don't write the book, and just let someone else do it, the result will NOT be the whole story, nor have nearly the story that you already have in your head.

Don't disappoint your readers amigo, or the next sock coffee might have a different flavor to what you are accustomed to!
:tongue11: :laughing7:

Big Scott my friend: Coffee with Oirish nectar to give it a kick?

I just realized that I have all of the pertinent data Locked up in my brain and almost lost them this last month.

As for what you suggest about records, is very true, for an ordinary mine. That is nearly impossible due to the Jesuits covering their tracks and systematically wiping all records clean or simply placing them in an "need to know" files in the Jesuit society in Rome

.Even Amy in a month of research, couldn't uncover any, and she is an expert and lovely, a combination that despite any vows of chastity, would melt any of the Priestly keepers hearts.

But there were tantalizing clues that after being interpreted that did lead to Tayopa; These cannot be verified as fact, only hearsay.' The fact that they produced results that led to Tayopa could be claimed to be a curious coincidence - such as an air liner being given specific landing instructions does so but at the wrong airport.

Even the report "on the seventh of March" cannot be verified as to it's source or author. even though it was proven to be correct..,

so it would be only a book with most conclusions that led to Tayopa, but critics would have a field day.
so I will start and also send the information to ORO for safe keeping, to be written is case of my
riding my mule to Tayopa in te sky . which t almost did a month ago'

You shall have your book but in a slightly different version, a third party version comb.

Thanks Scott for your suggestions/

Don Jose de La Mancha

Whhhaaaaattttttt? First mastiff4me now you Don Jose, care to talk about that one?
If not that software Oro mentioned sounds like a great helper and time saver, don't understand though, but glad you didn't ride off on your mulie in the sky.

Don't forget my horse can overtake your mule pronto, so don't think you can just get
away like that... Yeah, I heard the coffee is way too good there (heavenly), you have to adjust, takes time, it's a change, so why rush it now...

Oro sounds serious about the coffee flavor too!
Your Friend, Crosse :cross: :tongue3: :laughing7: :read2::idea1:.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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sheesh, I'm not quitting. After all I have spent, off and on, the better part of 50 years n Tayopa. Drink yer coffeIn/ Imcidenally a good mule can out distance a good hoss in the mountains easily, so there !!!!!! Sides ORO won't let me el slave driver.

Don Jose de la Mancha

sheesh, I'm not quitting. After all I have spent, off and on, the better part of 50 years n Tayopa. Drink yer coffeIn/ Imcidenally a good mule can out distance a good hoss in the mountains easily, so there !!!!!! Sides ORO won't let me el slave driver.

Don Jose de la Mancha

Don Jose,

I have to agree with you. A good mule, especially one that's half pure bred 1/4 Horse is plenty fast. That goes double in rough mountains like the Superstitions. I have always said, if I were going to purchase something to ride in the Supe's, it would be such a mule.:thumbsup:

Take care,


I know, I know, OK. Well you put those highly entertaining teasers out and for so long.
The keen reputation you have to live up to, and a lot of people have grown
to thrive on your coffees and short stories so that we, well you know,
are looking forward to the big pictures...

We'll settle for the basic facts, or whatever you got,
our bartering goods and silver coins handy, when
you're ready for the signing party...
Remember too, they can really tell the tall tales up there,
but more gravity makes our coffee richer... :laughing7:

Aren't those some purty lookin' socks, are those
secret map symbols embroidered in them?

I know your mule can handle terrain my horse I wouldn't even attempt,
but hope all your years of hard work and patience pays off nicely,
when you hit the mane goodies, and also contribute 'yer legacy
written for us and the generations to think on...

Wishing the Best to you in all you're doing, and as always if you need anything,
just give a holler or friendly shot echo across the river valley... :hello: :cross: Crosse

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I hate to keep picking on my amigo Don Jose' but his life has been one of real adventures, and the story of Tayopa is intertwined with his own; it would not be the same if someone else wrote it. I love to procrastinate too but we never know just how much time we have in this life, it is not wise to put things off TOO long.

I have confidence that Real de Tayopa will get the book done, if only to shut me up! :tongue3:

Plus I was serious about that coffee - :coffee2: even have a special sock ready just in case! <It is so bad, even the dog won't touch it!>


If two beautiful women cannot prod Don Amigo to pull his finger out, I doubt 50 grumpy old men can do any better, So I guess we will wait until he is good and ready.

So you better get that sock coffee ready as it might be a long wait.


Crow, soon as I stop seeing two set's of keys and see one complete. instead 1 1 1/2 Incidentally one of those gals is a happy mom,.the other is engaged to a foot ball player -- a football player ?sniffffff

sides Oro has some cute sheep !:laughing7:

You gonna settle down for a while or still have your itchy sea legs?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don jose

Nothing is done . This is what give us hope and keep us alive .


If two beautiful women cannot prod Don Amigo to pull his finger out, I doubt 50 grumpy old men can do any better, So I guess we will wait until he is good and ready.

So you better get that sock coffee ready as it might be a long wait.


Maybe you are right - I give up trying to coax, cajole, wheedle, or otherwise convince Don Jose; some folks can be pretty stubborn! :tongue3:

Comes from associating so much with purty mules.Where's mi coffee ???

Incidentally, just how long have you been at "YOUR" book which may rewrite history ????

Don Jose de La Mancha

Maybe you are right - I give up trying to coax, cajole, wheedle, or otherwise convince Don Jose; some folks can be pretty stubborn! :tongue3:

Maybe our good friend, and world famous miner and author,
learned some good STRONG habits from his beloved mulies...

The sure steady pace will surely get him there, to his lovely destination,
and hopefully, with good luck we'll still be around, with our bags of coffee,
and antique silver coins in hand, looking forward... :find: :tongue3: :thumbsup:

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Don Jose.....Oro is right, you are as stubborn as that 'purty' mule of yours. All the talking about your book has been going on for so long, I doubt it will ever get written. :headbang: Just think, it could have been finished by now and you could have been the toast of The Explorers Club. Short of sitting by your side and MAKING you either dictate or write your book. You will be sitting drinking continual cups of coffee and thinking. Yes my American luv, you are a wonderful thinker. Now 'git' those fingers moving, or do as was suggested, and dictate that darn book.

You won't like me if I get mad. :BangHead:

luv yas you stubborn ole b-----r


Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
Incidentally, just how long have you been at "YOUR" book which may rewrite history ?

Nearly ten years, currently stalled due to a dead computer issue. In it the first draft is complete, over 480 pages in fact, was working on the second draft when the trouble arose. However I might point out that this was and is a very different case from yours. I had to spend a great deal of time researching and reading the source materials, as I am currently doing on the Custer thing, for I did not "live" it; in your case, you lived the story, you already had done all the necessary research even before starting your search, so already have all the experiences and history research part done before typing (or dictating) a single word. Basically all you have to do is pull the information out of your brain and onto tape or paper, maybe pull out some notes if needed. If you trust the work to someone else to do, it is a certainty that they will not, can not know what you know, and the result is predictable. I could point out several examples - like the time you ran out of water for several days, how could anyone whom was not there, tell that story? It is OK though I got the message, won't hold my breath waiting, but I do warn you about that sock coffee might be a surprise! :tongue3:

BTW that word posted was B-----R so would not be the name for an illegitimate child; we here in the USA can get away with posting that English cuss word 'bugger' :laughing7:

Well, I admit that I probably don't have quite enough for
a real tasty book Yet... So, naturally I'm quite happy an proud,
for anyone that has a good deal of their works well on the way...

But, if I have the pleasure to live long and healthy enough,
perhaps I'll be working on my book for what 15-20 yrs. ???
Yes dictating would definitely be a great benefit, and long life,
and good friends, an lots of mule and mining stories (maybe just horses),
and plenty of good coffee, and maybe a bit of luck, and good friends around
the campfire, buggerin' me to get my book done...
But for now, ahh, lets go run out on vacation awhile,
and record chapters in our laptops, I'm no slave driven... :cross:

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ok. ok I'll lay off on your book for now, oro, now pass the hot coffee

Don Jose de Manana land

You won't have to wait forever on that one, and I will let you off the hook on your promise to write your book as it appears you have too much on your plate for it. We do have the stories you shared so that is something. Just concentrate on getting healthy again, or I really will dig that sock out from under the dog's coop for some "special" brew. :tongue3:

Oto. Crosse. You have a helper. Unicorn. I have known her from the start and she periodically gets on my
beck. She has been a confident, so roy, get in contqct with her "if". She has seen many of my plans go awry over the years and has given me hell when I am discouraged, but then she is of Oirish blood married to a scot and living in Blighty land so what can you expect ??

Son Jose de La Mancha.

Ps. she is constantly correcting my English, which is understanable. Her correcting that is, I write almost perfect English, even though they kicked me out of English class rm 302

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