Just an idea.
Threatening the world with Famine, Plague and War: To Princes, Death! To Kingdoms, many Crosses;To all Estates, inevitable Losses! To Herdsmen, Rot; to Plowmen, hapless Seasons; To Sailors, Storms, To Cities, Civil Treason's!
De cometis
John Gadbury
London 1665
London was hit by the Black Death in 1665 followed by the Great Fire the year after.
They were first described as "terrible balls of fire" that "sowed terror" in civilizations throughout the world. Today, this wide spread fear of comets and their potential as a destructive force seems all together misplaced, perhaps even ignorant. These masses of ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, and water arrive without much celebration or concern and their appearance is for the most part predictable and the path they take thru our solar system, their obit, somewhat regular.
Its a beautiful phenomenon, the vaporizing of the celestial bodies as they approach and leave our sun. But we may have grown complacent in their beauty and misjudged the fears of early man who, I now believe understood the threat.
One thousand years ago an object traveling at up to 150,000 mph slammed into the North Atlantic Ocean. The combination of superheated steam and supersonic particles, followed by a massive wall of water killed several hundred thousand people. The entire coast line of North America was devastated and "
all humans living near the coast from Newfoundland to Florida would have been exterminated". "
In present day Georgia, the tidal surge would have pushed 160 miles up the Altamaha River to the Fall Line. The large lakes near the fall line, seen by early explorers of South Carolina and Georgia, probably were 500 year old vestiges of a massive comet strike in 1014".
The event change the history of North America. "
The scale of this 1014 disaster would have had a major cultural impact on the indigenous peoples of the Americas. There are stone inscriptions of a great flood along the coast of Mexico and Central America in the early 11th century AD. It is possible that the Aztec legend of the death of the Fourth Sun originated in the cataclysmic events of 1014 AD."
Hours later, the Western coast of Europe was devastated by a massive wall of water. This was recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. "
on the night of Saint Micheal's day (September 28, 1014) came the great sea-flood, which spread wide over this land, and ran so far up as it never did before, overwhelming many towns, and an innumerable multitude of people." In the British Isles alone it is estimated that a minimum of 80,000 people died.
Other period records confirm the destruction. From the history of the English Kings, "
A tidal wave, of sorts which the Greeks call euripus, grew to an astonishing size such as the memory of man cannot parallel, so as to submerge villages many miles inland and overwhelm and drown their inhabitants". The Chronicle of Quedlinbug Abbey (Saxon) states that many people died from flooding in "
the low countries". 1014 A.D.
So, what is the connection to Father Kino, the Jesuit explorer, cartographer, astronomer, and historian?
Kino was educated in Austria, joined the Society of Jesus in 1665, and received Holy Orders as a priest on 12 June 1677. His dream of a mission in the Orient (China) never happened and "
While waiting in Cadiz, Spain, he wrote some observations, done during late 1680 and early 1681, about his study of a comet (later known as Kirch's Comet), which he published (later in Mexico)
as the Exposición astronómica de el cometa." Kirch made the initial discovery but, it was Father Kino who charted the comets course. In Mexico, Don Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora, chair of Astrology at the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico observed Kirch's Comet with great interest.
1680 was also the year of Pope's Rebellion also known as the Pueblo Revolt. August 10-21. Pope was arrested for an earlier uprising and following his release he and others spent the next five years planning the revolt of 1680. Think about that for a moment. Five long and torturous years to plan, organize, and implement a revolt. It seems an unreasonably long time. I believe that Pope and the other leaders were waiting for something, an expected sign of "divine" intervention. Confirmation that the time was right for rebellion. I believe that they were waiting for Kirch's comet. Obviously, they would not have known it by that name but, if you think that Native American people were ignorant about the heavens, think again. Celestial observations were being made in North American for thousands of years.
Three months after the Spanish were driven south to El Paso de Norte, Kirch's comet made its appearance. A sign from the heavens and the beginning of their return to the old ways and traditions. It lasted only twelve years.
From The Encyclopedia of Geography, By Hugh Murray, Phila., 1837.
A very remarkable comet was seen in the end of 1680 and beginning of 1681. Its tail extended 70 degrees, and was very brilliant. This comet, of all those which have been observed, approaches nearest to the sun. Descending with immense velocity in a path almost perpendicular to his surface, it proceeded until its distance from his centre was only about 540,000 miles. Sir Isaac Newton computed that, in consequence of so near an approach to the sun, it must have received a heat 2000 times greater than that of iron almost going into fusion; and that if it was equal in magnitude to our earth, and cooled in the same manner as terrestrial bodies, its heat would not be expended in less than 50,000 years.
Excerpt from The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America , by John Fiske, 1903
Late in the autumn of 1680 the good people of Manhattan were overcome with terror at a sight in the heavens such as has seldom greeted human eyes. An enormous comet, perhaps the most magnificent one on record, suddenly made its appearance. At first it was tailless and dim, like a nebulous cloud, but at the end of a week the tail began to show itself and in a second week had attained a length of 30 degrees; in the third week it extended to 70 degrees, while the whole mass was growing brighter. After five weeks it seemed to be absorbed into the intense glare of the sun, but in four days more it reappeared like a blazing sun itself in the throes of some giant convulsion and threw out a tail in the opposite direction as far as the whole distance between the sun and the earth. Sir Isaac Newton, who was then at work upon the mighty problems soon to be published to the world in his "Principia," welcomed this strange visitor as affording him a beautiful instance for testing the truth of his new theory of gravitation. But most people throughout the civilized world, the learned as well as the multitude, feared that the end of all things was at hand. Every church in Europe, from the grandest cathedral to the humblest chapel, resounded with supplications, and in the province of New York a day of fasting and humiliation was appointed, in order that the wrath of God might be assuaged. Let us take a brief survey of the little city on Manhattan Island, upon which Newton's comet looked down, while Dominie Nieuwenhuysen and Dominie Frazius were busy with prayers to avert the direful omen.
Attributed to The Reverend Robert Law(approx 1624-1689). The Memorable Things that Fell Out within this Island of Brittain from 1638 to 1684.).
December 10, being Fryday, 1680, after sun-sett, there appeared in the west a comet, having a large broad and great streamer coming from it, the lyke was never seen or read of, and continued till the 16th or 17th day of January, growing smaller and smaller to it’s end.
Comets had for centuries been considered harbingers off ill omen, and this one was viewed with apprehension in both the Old World and the New".
Next, Kino, Comets, and California.......
LUCIFER, Mt. Graham, Waiting for...
Images of The Great Comet of 1680
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