The Benghazi Cover-Up Myth: No "Stand Down" Order Issued

I see a bunch of hypocrisy too. Some of ya'll that sling it in one direction, whatever you say about another, can also be applied to yourself.
Kinda along the lines of pot/kettle.

Ya'll are really a special kinda unbelievable bunch!

My belief is the thread starter just throws something out there for self amusement and is clueless about the truth.

too sad...."When one of our foreign embassy's is under attack the full force of our military should brought down instantly"

what military were you in that responds INSTANTLY? to anything?
there was no government in Libya ...we backed insurgents destroying the government...remember?
waaaa obama's letting Libyans be he creates a no fly zone so the insurgents can kill Kaddafi in the gutter...remember?

never mind.

If that's the case why in the H*** would the White House want to have an Embassy there and/or NOT protect it with its full support... let alone not turn it into a crater after the attack. Who cares about the brave men there who fought for their lives and died. I certainly do. And you ask "what military were you in that responds INSTANTLY? to anything?"... That comment just shows you or your life has never been under attack and/or threatened.


Not exactly true. One of the American heroes who died there was part of the first armed response to arrive. I'm sure you did not intend any disrespect to him.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

You had bo and "what does it matter now" hillary screaming it wasn't a terrorist attack but some silly video on YouTube knowing full well it was in deed a terrorist attack......

This adminstration couldn't tell the truth if it had too.....


Ignoring the error that it wasn't an embassy under attack - I'm sure you've studied this carefully. What military assets were available to respond? It wasn't wise to send more troops into a situation nobody fully understood.

Somehow I seriously doubt the haters would laud Mr. Obama for dispatching additional assets (which weren't available, but that's beside the point) if they'd been killed, as well.

It was called a terror attack right away. The morning after the attack Mr. Obama clearly stated "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

The fact that the attack may have had a provocation or other cause doesn't preclude that it was an attack by terrorists.

Where was Libya's government during this attack? You must know the answer to that one.

Making the scene a crater, again without fully understanding what's going on there, doesn't make any sense at all.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

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Like most beliefs, yours isn't based on facts.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

One thing I've observed of the "DC" crowd, when they do something good, right, or noble, they jump up and down, call a press conference, want a medal, then a parade.

When they have not done right by situations and/or persons/ppl, they don't want to talk about it!
Yeah TH, kinda like, what does it matter now. WELL IT MATTERS! A LOT!

The memory of 4, and many others are done no justice, by some here.


Like most beliefs, yours isn't based on facts.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Beliefs may not be based on facts, but the fact is ... my statement was talking about the thread starter and I didn't say which thread starter. So someone is assuming it was their thread which is not based on fact.


Yep - I'm certainly guility of assuming people who post under a Tread are addressing that thread.

Now, is that Poe's Law or Godwin's?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Good to see you SoCalBS, at least we know what it means when one assumes.
So just remember, not to get it all over you, when you engage. :laughing7:


Yep - I'm certainly guility of assuming people who post under a Tread are addressing that thread.

Now, is that Poe's Law or Godwin's?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


What's sad is that we had bases close enough to get there in time and we have drones in the air at all times that can hit a specific individual while he's having his morning bowl of cheerios but when we had several hours to do something about this attack we did nothing. What's even sadder is the lame individuals who make excuses for it rather than man up and admit we screwed up. People wonder why I have no respect for the President ? AND why I have no respect for those individuals on this board who condone it ? It's because of this kind of crap. He might gain some if he simply stood tall and said "I messed up and I'm sorry"... Everyone makes mistakes. The difference between a great President and this one is a great President would say "this should never have happened and it won't happen again.. This one says "how can we make sure nobody finds out"

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Ignoring the error that it wasn't an embassy under attack - I'm sure you've studied this carefully. What military assets were available to respond? It wasn't wise to send more troops into a situation nobody fully understood.

Somehow I seriously doubt the haters would laud Mr. Obama for dispatching additional assets (which weren't available, but that's beside the point) if they'd been killed, as well.

It was called a terror attack right away. The morning after the attack Mr. Obama clearly stated "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

The fact that the attack may have had a provocation or other cause doesn't preclude that it was an attack by terrorists.

Where was Libya's government during this attack? You must know the answer to that one.

Making the scene a crater, again without fully understanding what's going on there, doesn't make any sense at all.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I feel like a fool even addressing your comments because it's so obvious and demeaning to most of us....

"What military assets were available to respond? It wasn't wise to send more troops into a situation nobody fully understood." We're talking about an area of unrest and in turmoil. The W.H. allowed an embassy to exist and be staffed there. Under those conditions wouldn't you THINK about supporting THEM very closely? And not sending troops into an area "not understood"... it was fully understood what was happening... THATS WHAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOES!!!! "What difference does it make now" comment from Hillary is SO DEMEANING to all of the military and its leaders waiting for orders from their leader.. THE president.

"Somehow I seriously doubt the haters would laud Mr. Obama for dispatching additional assets (which weren't available, but that's beside the point) if they'd been killed, as well." Any show of FORCE in defense of our fellow Americans would have been appreciated. Forces were waiting in Italy and it's a stone throw for our jets. And I'm sure others were even closer.

"It was called a terror attack right away. The fact that the attack may have had a provocation or other cause doesn't preclude that it was an attack by terrorists." That's bull****. The W.H. did NOT call it a terrorist attack at all right away because if they had then their response would have held to a higher level and since it wasn't a WAY SUBPAR verbal response was issued. I'm ashamed for the United States of America's response and for the families who lost there love ones.

"Where was Libya's government during this attack? You must know the answer to that one." ABSOLUTELY... we all do! They did nothing because of the unrest of overthrowing the Govt. They had no accountability from the W.H. or balls. So why was the W.H. keeping an open Embassy staffed? Why.... maybe shipping arms to Syria's rebels through Libya????

"Making the scene a crater, again without fully understanding what's going on there, doesn't make any sense at all." The only thing to understand is that our Embassy was under attack, burned and our personal ran out and some killed... PERIOD. And with not one bullet fired in our defense except those trying to stay alive. What statement did we send back.... NOTHING... and I'm ashamed.

They try that here at my home and you'll get a full blown response as many others would respond also.

Ok... I'm sorry I even responded or tried to most of you.... it's just so said when loyal Americans are killed and our own citizens are in defense of doing nothing for those men... Brad

And i think it's sad that the right has used the deaths of these four Americans to try to further it's anti Obama agenda.

So, are you saying that their deaths were unimportant or that they died just to cause Obama trouble?

I find the level of hypocrisy on the right to be both troubling and entertaining. They only want to focus on the slices of info that feed their agenda, and the rest is discarded. They will focus on the deaths of four people when they think someone else is responsible, and yet will ignore it when many more deaths are their responsibility.

Hypocrisy? Pot, meet kettle.

I gave the OP an opportunity to clean up his untruth (only 2 hours? really?). He is ignoring it, just as the two folks quoted in this post.

Now, you can ignore the truth, but you can't force us to ignore it as well. Your deliberate efforts at disinformation is very disturbing!!!


Ignoring the error that it wasn't an embassy under attack - I'm sure you've studied this carefully. What military assets were available to respond? It wasn't wise to send more troops into a situation nobody fully understood.

Somehow I seriously doubt the haters would laud Mr. Obama for dispatching additional assets (which weren't available, but that's beside the point) if they'd been killed, as well.

It was called a terror attack right away. The morning after the attack Mr. Obama clearly stated "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

The fact that the attack may have had a provocation or other cause doesn't preclude that it was an attack by terrorists.

Where was Libya's government during this attack? You must know the answer to that one.

Making the scene a crater, again without fully understanding what's going on there, doesn't make any sense at all.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

It took in excess of five hours before hostilities (gunfire) ended. When you talk about a two hour time frame you show your political bias, you show your inability to think for yourself and your blind obedience to the jerks who perpetrated a lie to cover up their lack of action which resulted in the deaths of four Americans ... just to save a presidential election.

Forget honesty --- just look at the healthcare lies --- whatever it takes to win the election and keep your power, the truth be damned!!!

Some of the libs on this site have a pattern of doing "drive bys" posting snide little remarks & one liners and then disappearing until they Google something else "clever" to say. They don't address rebuttals usually and they present biased comments from liberal sources and shady polls as their "proof". Luckily most folks with at least average intelligence can see right through them... The sad reality that they can't seem to grasp is that it only serves to make them appear as clueless drones that preach the government gospel and try to force the rest of us to have a glass of Kool Aid. They are making fools of themselves and don't even know it. They walk a tightrope where the rules are concerned purposely insulting those of us who don't agree with them while denying that they do it. The only thing they're really good at is patting eachother on the back... I have named no names or insulted anyone directly. Just calling a spade a spade.. They won't respond to this... because it's all true.

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One more time - it wasn't an embassy.

Send a jet? To what purpose? Former Defense Secretary Gates already addressed that one. Not a smart idea. You're sure other assets were available. Apparently the US military disagrees with you - but you continue to contend you know best. Just as you continue to ignore the fact help was sent immediately.

Yes, President Obama addressed it as a terrorist attack the next morning. I quote that above - September 12, 2012. You are entitled to your own opinions and beliefs - not your own "facts." You contend "Not one bullet fired in our defense." Now you've drifted from speculation to nonsense.

We have our diplomats serving around the world - in nice places and not-so-nice places. That's why our facilities were attacked some 8 times while George Bush was our President. Hundreds of people were killed. It's a dangerous business in a dangerous world.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


You peddle the myth that President Obama saw some political advantage in not telling the truth. History tells us time and time again precisely the opposite is true - one of the fastest ways to unite the people in a country is to start a war.

He could have done what President Bush's administrations did - raise the terror alert level to ORANGE and claim only he and his people can save us from another attack. You and the others ignore the "war the dog" scenario - apparently when it is to your advantage to do so.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

PS: Where did the "two hour time frame" come from?

Treasure Hunter:

Our President did not scream it wasn't a terrorist attack. He called it just that the next morning.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

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