The Beale’s letters treasure clues

Morriss was a standby alibi waiting for Beale or one of its members to bring him the key at the proper time in secret to over see the final stage of the buried treasure. That never happened and he became more desperate as time went by. In 1845, when he found out the government was closing the deal, he ran to a trusted friend with his story. This scammer was hoping that someone would help them find the gold by dispersing pamphlets. Im glad no body found the gold because he didn’t have the authority of giving away that which wasn’t his plus the government still didn’t own the lands. Ok, this is where we have to go back and identify what went wrong with the plan. But, first, let me say that if the group was still alive they would claim on their behalf that they weren’t aware of any wrong doing therefore claiming pay for all the hard work they did. So the government’s offer for a finders fee now is 50 percent to the person or group who finds it which involves the Rebel, the Navy guy, myself and anybody who claims to have had a hand in finding the gold aside from the gold that should be given to the descendants for their ancestor’s hard work. All this needs to be said in order to make things right in my book. The Apache will be taken care off by the government who will take the other 50 percent and sounds like the right thing to do. Now! That this have been said, we should now proceed to what went wrong with the plan in order to execute a better plan next time! Just joking!. Let’s move on so someone can find what we are looking for.

Morriss was a standby alibi waiting for Beale or one of its members to bring him the key at the proper time in secret to over see the final stage of the buried treasure. That never happened and he became more desperate as time went by. In 1845, when he found out the government was closing the deal, he ran to a trusted friend with his story. This scammer was hoping that someone would help them find the gold by dispersing pamphlets. Im glad no body found the gold because he didn’t have the authority of giving away that which wasn’t his plus the government still didn’t own the lands. Ok, this is where we have to go back and identify what went wrong with the plan. But, first, let me say that if the group was still alive they would claim on their behalf that they weren’t aware of any wrong doing therefore claiming pay for all the hard work they did. So the government’s offer for a finders fee now is 50 percent to the person or group who finds it which involves the Rebel, the Navy guy, myself and anybody who claims to have had a hand in finding the gold aside from the gold that should be given to the descendants for their ancestor’s hard work. All this needs to be said in order to make things right in my book. The Apache will be taken care off by the government who will take the other 50 percent and sounds like the right thing to do. Now! That this have been said, we should now proceed to what went wrong with the plan in order to execute a better plan next time! Just joking!. Let’s move on so someone can find what we are looking for.

The first thing that went wrong was the Apache claiming that some Americans stole their gold in 1922. That makes me think that they were all dead or gone from the gold mine. The investor’s were probably implying that they didn’t think anyone would do such a thing! LOL! The second problem was the investors not complying with their part of the plan to push the paper work so that the government could quickly buy out the lands. Morris broke his promise by not waiting till then. Another problem was that Beale miscalculated the year on his coded message. Morris cut himself out of the plan by exposing the papers prematurely. But, it really didn’t matter anymore with all the evidence going around. There was only two questions that everybody wanted to know. Did any of the group survive the Apache mine in 1922? And/or did any of them returned for the gold and vanished to a secluded island. A good treasure hunter doesn’t go beyond a buried treasure unless he has seen the site and know for sure it has been taken. So, stay focus! Cause some of the clues were right in front of our faces laughing at us! So now we’re going to discus something very important that was labeled improperly. Beale, the smart man, new that if everything wen according to plan they would need to show claim of mine ownership. In order to make people believe that they were in a legal mining business. He devised another plan based on a certain year which would show legal ownership of mine. He created a story line of certain history events on several stones. He figured that a contract for legal mining carries the first year and the last final year of the issued contract. If he only stamps the last year of contract on a stone it could prove he had some kind of contract and the government would be the only one to back that up if they owned the land. The year 1847 was a shot to his own foot, thanks to their secret organization not to be compared with the Templar’s.

... He created a story line of certain history events on several stones. He figured that a contract for legal mining carries the first year and the last final year of the issued contract.
If he only stamps the last year of contract on a stone it could prove he had some kind of contract and the government would be the only one to back that up if they owned the land.
The year 1847 was a shot to his own foot, thanks to their secret organization not to be compared with the Templar’s.
This reads like another version of Eldo's Peralta Stoned combined "all in" treasure tale fables. :read2:

The stones were supposed to portray or insinuate that they were part of a secret organization and therefore they kept to themselves so they could change the story as to when they got there. Well, that plan was good on paper, but the timing was bad. The stones carry historical references pertaining to their operation. The old stones carry more information than the remakes because some of the chicken scratch on the old stone carries specific graphics of where they were. One stone was dedicated to their favorite work horse whom made two trips to Virginia with the gold which they buried. He died on the second trip crossing the James river. The exact location is given in three different ways so you you can get the picture of another hidden clue. He now grazes north of James river below the mountain that is branded with a circular white rock located directly on top of his head. A second smaller description shows the cross on the same mountain with the circular rock. I know what it is, but for now we will call it the white rock. The third one shows only the white rock in reference to the mountain behind it. Why? Because it’s your second treasure clue. I love old graphics and symbols, it’s what I’m very good at. The river at the top is the James river! Don’t worry you’ll see it again! Wait till we talk about the other stones and if I was you I would call friends in Virginia to get ready for a three treasure hunt. See you guys tomorrow.

Another long running hoax similar to the oak island hoax......

... I posted some of the information hoping they would ask for more.
I then decided not to because it wouldn’t be fare to James Simpson.
So I decided to come here because you all know James Simpson.
I’m going to add to the end of his story and would like for him to record the new find.
It would be nice for someone to contact James Simpson.
I would like for him to be present when I tell the final story to Beale’s letters...
Will the final story explain how all the "TJB" initials got carved into all those various landscapes across the USA?
We will put out a BOLO for James Simpson. :laughing7:

This is what has happened and is going to happened. James Simpson took the ball into the red zone so I’m going to run it in to the zone and someone is going to spike it for a touchdown! The Beale stones are actually known as the Peralta stone due to the fact that the Apache found out about Beale’s plan of laying hidden stones along the trail to lead the second group up to the secret gold mine. The stone had coded information of the mine location, the cipher key, the general location of the buried gold, the name the person holding the letters, and he coded every message in three different ways to make sure some got the message. The Apache eliminated the perpetrator destroyed the stones that carried the location of the mine and took the other stones from the east mountain trails to the western mountain trails where the Peralta family was known to have been mining. The Spanish statement inscription on the stones helped the Apache in their plan to deceive everyone from finding the gold mine for a very long over due time. Beale was two steps in front of the Apache when it came down to coding the mine’s location on the stones. The Apache didn’t catch on to that and the same goes for many. In one of the stones the high priest of the group is blessing the gold that got buried. The cross is giving account to the direction of how you would find the slightly curved rock ridge which is facing not quite south. In front of the the mine is a circular rock canyon and to its left not so big circular looking rock. All this you will find when locating the mine. Under the removable heart he gives witness to an angular pointed rock pointing towards the circular canyon. All this and in the direction stated you will find not in the horses neck or the head, but in the horses mouth which is located at the edge west of coral armor springs near the Aztec peak. This is Apache gold! It’s the law of the land by their rights! Don’t go near this area! Do not look for the mine! Do not look for the gold! Do not get killed! It’s not worth it! Now that that’s settled let’s find the safer gold. After the high priest blessed the gold they buried it in three different locations one was near a white rock ridge, a white rock circular canyon and in the middle of the heart. I know your thinking why does he know this? Well, I’ll explain this by the clues I found and the use of satellite images. The clues mentioned lead me to the general location of the three sites. I first located the year 1817 which I found on the first letter. The second searched was for the number 4 mentioned as possible miles. This number was found directly below the year and I assumed the next number had to be larger than 15 in order to be closer to the mountains because that’s where I would buried gold. The number 19 was the winning number being next to the 4. So I put everything into perspective like 19 miles north stop and go about 4 miles right. It so happened that I found the 4, 28, and the 4, 30, which was not properly spaced. I was pretty sure I was on the right track. With the help of James research plus my skill in utilizing satellite imaging I was able to match the stone’s information to the three places in question. But when I found the heart it was the most amazing thing! The by description of being surrounded on three sided by mountains. The left side of the heart is slightly angled towards the north. Farther to the east lies what looks like the number 8 followed by a large crooked (f) as in the stones. South of the heart slightly to its right is the white rock canyon. The white rock ridge is located at the 19 mile stop turn straight right till you come up on it. As you can see, there is different ways to skin a cat! Find the heart or el corazon first, I think! Back in the 1800’s you could still see what Beale saw with his eyes. It is still there under the vegetation everything including the crooked lines he drew on the heart. I hope that someone finds what were looking for. Thanks to everyone that got involved and participate in one way or another for I was able to discover stones that were unturned. Happy hunting!!!! I’m not going to correct my writing because for me is not about writing it’s all about just finding treasures!

"Since nothing definitive is known about these (Peralta) stones, and no one has deciphered them, they seem tailormade for fiction"
-Steve Berry, author, "THE LOST ORDER" from which this quote was taken

The equation 2= 3 - (@) - 18 = 7 meant to be 2 = 3 - 5 or 25 -18 =7 explained that from set point or tavern 25 miles out on the right side of Buford’s Rd you would be directly in front of the circular white rock canyon on top of the mountain and in 5 more miles you would be directly in front of the heart.

The equation 2= 3 - (@) - 18 = 7 meant to be 2 = 3 - 5 or 25 -18 =7 explained that from set point or tavern 25 miles out on the right side of Buford’s Rd you would be directly in front of the circular white rock canyon on top of the mountain and in 5 more miles you would be directly in front of the heart.
HA! NONE found... have YOU ever been in Bedford County, Va. & found such...?



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