The Beale Papers has solution - Work with me to validate...

What of Justintime's coded copy of the Declaration Of Independence with the cropped top that was shown of Josh Gates show, or the 30 bodies and Peralta stone maps that Eldo claims contains the solution.
On a Beale Cipher site, Laf claims to be the only one to have solved the Beale codes , but currently on these TN threads there are at least five who have made that claim.
The point being, with all these separate claims of solutions, including those of the past that have come and gone, the only true proof of solution claim is recovery.
Without that recovery, these claims of solution are nothing more than boasts and brags that become tedious reading without solid proof of that claim.

In the beginning we all wanted to believe that there rested a practical clear clear text to the two remaining ciphers, this curiosity being why most of us entertained the story and challenge in the first place. And then the years go by, solutions are formed, many of them oh-so close and yet still containing the inevitable train wreck that always developed as we progressed. We've all been there, some of us many times over. In fact, thousands of hopefuls have been there, some of them the best in the business and yet always the same thing.

Eventually it is concluded that there must be something more, some type of additional coding, or perhaps even a completely different type of coding altogether? And so we set out to see what we “can find that will work.” And, eventually, as ECS points out, many have over the years. But in this rest an obvious problem, and in some, multiple problems.

So there sits Robert Morriss, the executor of an important task should his services ever be required, to which he can eventually only assume that they might be, and so he passes the task onto someone to continue in his stay. Now dare I ask, just how was any executor to carry out said task if the process of cipher solution was so complicated and/or the clear text so choppy that he was completely unable to either decode the ciphers or understand what he was reading?

Jean has posted an epitaph that he claims is contained in the cipher yet it that epitaph isn't even in proper sentence, the wording choppy and not precise at all. What, the coder of C2 suddenly turned illiterate when penning ciphers 1 & 3? Not very likely at all. And then there are those cipher solutions that would have required either years of study to just to grasp, the proposed key having to be entire volumes of reference resources. Again, not very likely at all if the original decoder ever intended his wishes to be served as directed. And then there are those magical maps and the stars and the sun and the moon and mysterious “TJB” inscriptions on just about every feature and item one comes across, these somehow being the trails of a man who would have had have lived for several hundred years just to make a small portion of them, and that's only if he had an enormous amount of help. Again, not very likely at all. No, my friends, all of the above are simply the products of creative minds, those who have only managed to fool themselves once they lost sight of the practical. We've all fallen victim to it at some point and no doubt many more will certainly follow. :thumbsup:

Well stated, Bigscoop. :hello2:

As far as the ciphers go, the author was in complete command of everything regarding those ciphers, even presenting a key that didn't exactly work for cipher 2 as he claimed it did. Well, if it didn't exactly work for C2 as he claimed then why expect that it would, in some way, work for C1 or C3? The ciphers as they were presented were pure bait, no chance that anyone could arrive at accurate solution to them just as they have still been unable to. If those ciphers ever did hold a decodable clear text they certainly didn't as presented. And that is a cold hard fact. :thumbsup:

...and that is why there are five different claims of solution currently on these Beale threads, and all those different claims that have come before.
If one expects a Freemason connection, they will find that in their solution, Lafitte, in their "connexion", an epitaph, Remy Ledoux, and so on with whatever the expectation is, it will be found in their "solved" cipher.
There are six examples of this on these very threads.

You know, one of the elements that hopefuls tend to lose sight of is the precision of the clear text presentation in the C2 cipher, flawless use of grammar and straight to the point, obviously a well educated individual. And it is this precise presentation of that clear text that causes people to find hope in that clear text. So why on earth anyone would expect anything less in the clear text of the other two ciphers is beyond me. This is one area in all of these claims of solution that completely baffles me, broken sentences and poor grammar, incomplete words and even partial words, etc., etc. It's like these hopefuls actually believe that the well educated man who penned the C2 clear text somehow suddenly turned ignorant and uneducated. Or, that instead of presenting a precise clear text in the remaining ciphers he decided to present something so cloudy and complex that the poor executor would really have to work on it with multiple chances of likely error. Come on......really? :icon_scratch:

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My decipherment is clear text. It leads from Buford's Tavern to the burial site. The distance to the burial site is close to four miles and it is not far from the Walnut Grove Church in North Goose Creek. Whether the story is true or not I don't know. One of the landowners in this area was missing or deceased before 1825, her brother in law over-looked for her financial affairs according to her father in laws will in Amherst County. One of his sons married Paschal Buford's sister and the land of over 1,800 acres was divided among his sons and daughters. The land was purchased from Paschal Buford's father, Henry. A couple of his son in laws served in the War of 1812. There is a monument in the area about 1,800 feet off the road and it was there before 1841 in one of the northern property lines but I have been unable to locate it. Could be where the treasure was buried as it is near the property that Clayton Hart purchased.

All of the family was living in North Goose Creek at the time the treasure was reported buried in 1819 to 1822.

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My decipherment is clear text. It leads from Buford's Tavern to the burial site. The distance to the burial site is close to four miles and it is not far from the Walnut Grove Church in North Goose Creek. Whether the story is true or not I don't know. One of the landowners in this area was missing or deceased before 1825, her brother in law over-looked for her financial affairs according to her father in laws will in Amherst County. One of his sons married Paschal Buford's sister and the land of over 1,800 acres was divided among his sons and daughters. The land was purchased from Paschal Buford's father, Henry. A couple of his son in laws served in the War of 1812. There is a monument in the area about 1,800 feet off the road and it was there before 1841 in one of the northern property lines but I have been unable to locate it. Could be where the treasure was buried as it is near the property that Clayton Hart purchased.

All of the family was living in North Goose Creek at the time the treasure was reported buried in 1819 to 1822.

A Conjectured Location for Beale's Vault

My decipherment is clear text. It leads from Buford's Tavern to the burial site. The distance to the burial site is close to four miles and it is not far from the Walnut Grove Church in North Goose Creek. Whether the story is true or not I don't know. One of the landowners in this area was missing or deceased before 1825, her brother in law over-looked for her financial affairs according to her father in laws will in Amherst County. One of his sons married Paschal Buford's sister and the land of over 1,800 acres was divided among his sons and daughters. The land was purchased from Paschal Buford's father, Henry. A couple of his son in laws served in the War of 1812. There is a monument in the area about 1,800 feet off the road and it was there before 1841 in one of the northern property lines but I have been unable to locate it. Could be where the treasure was buried as it is near the property that Clayton Hart purchased.

All of the family was living in North Goose Creek at the time the treasure was reported buried in 1819 to 1822.
PROBABLY War of 1812, Vets... like Capt. Paschal Buford, (Artillery - War of 1812). MAYBE, they were even in his Artilley Unit...

Jean Laf, I have been all over that area when it belonged to Sanford Bower. He also owned the land on the other side of Goose Creek and that is where I dug years ago. It is also the location of the "ice house" that was claimed to be the treasures location by another treasure hunter. You will not find the treasure where that location is but you may find the bodies of TJB and his 10 associates and several Indians that were ambushed and massacred by the Lucks, Oteys and Bufords. I am 15 to 20 years ahead of that location and you, Jean Laf can only post something that is claimed by another poster. When are you going to do any of your own treasure hunting.

As I have mentioned many times, The Otey family had a constant presence in the Beale Papers, be it Ward's and Clayton Hart's wives, N H Hazelwood's cousins, or who showed Pauline Innis an iron box with a number inscribed torn sheet of paper.

.....or who showed Pauline Innis an iron box with a number inscribed torn sheet of paper.

So now you're saying there was an iron box and contents? Or do you mean to say that according to local lore it existed? For a minute there I thought you were confirming the actual existence of the iron box. Silly me! :laughing7: No, wait, I think you did imply that. :laughing7: In fact, you basically just confirmed that you believe there was indeed something more to the Beale mystery beyond just fiction. I figured you come around sooner or later. :thumbsup:

Just stating what Pauline Innis claimed.
Was this THE IRON BOX, or an iron box used by the Hart brothers.
It was George Hart who introduced Innis to the Oteys, after all.
...and as Ward before him, wanted to sell his version of the Beale story for profit.

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Just stating what Pauline Innis claimed.
Was this THE IRON BOX, or an iron box used by the Hart brothers.
It was George Hart who introduced Innis to the Oteys, after all.
...and as Ward before him, wanted to sell his version of the Beale story for profit.

No, George I. Hart gave the papers and his recollections to the Roanoke Library and they sold the Hart Papers for profit.

You know, one of the elements that hopefuls tend to lose sight of is the precision of the clear text presentation in the C2 cipher, flawless use of grammar and straight to the point, obviously a well educated individual. And it is this precise presentation of that clear text that causes people to find hope in that clear text. So why on earth anyone would expect anything less in the clear text of the other two ciphers is beyond me...
If it is not clear text, Legrand, there will be no dancin', dancin' in the streets,
no celebration across the nation for another solution claim.

It's "clear text" ... clear patient.

My decipherment is clear text. It leads from Buford's Tavern to the burial site. The distance to the burial site is close to four miles and it is not far from the Walnut Grove Church in North Goose Creek. Whether the story is true or not I don't know...
...and that is a major consideration, "whether the story is true or not".

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