Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Bee Ale is GOOD!
DO tell! Inquiring Minds wanna KNOW!Franklin, the "proof" is that I have located the site(s). They are inaccessible due to national historical site registration. What do you want me to do? Don't you find it curious that I am lead directly to these site(s)? Putting you hands on gold is not the only way to acknowledge a treasure which may be the gold or the path to that suspected gold site. Did you know that the whole State of Delaware, all three counties, was once Pennsylvania? Not only are the Beale Papers solved for a location, but there is another great treasure hidden in the United States and it is lead to by a map...a treasure map. There will be an announcement one day hopefully sooner than later. Stay hopeful and be patient.
Got It... THANKS!Rebel...sending you a PM.
There are as many sites as the legs on a red tarantula.A lot of "what ifs" And I too believe you may be wrong like all the rest. Why would TJB leave letters with Robert Morris saying that the treasure was carried back to Virginia. You are trying to act like it is something secret telling where treasures are in seven other locations including Pennsylvania. Is there any proof you have that can prove this tall tale even happened physically at all?
Which is from MEXICO!There are as many sites as the legs on a red tarantula.
8...?There are as many sites as the legs on a red tarantula.
Franklin...are you game for a good investment?
LOL!Jean're welcome to inquire yourself...are you game for a good investment?
Jean're welcome to inquire yourself...are you game for a good investment?
Jean're welcome to inquire yourself...are you game for a good investment?