The Beale Ciphers....20 Years of Researching & Observation

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I imagine, it took a lot of work, you think they turned the Indians go, after, the labor help, that's spoke of in letters. Sure, it would be difficult to do, but not impossible, in a time before so populated, by early 1800's the population grew, couldn't get the treasure out, now, without drawing attention. They had a vault before the recovery started, find gold then build vault, I don't think so. They wanted to move, but couldn't risk it, that's the dilemma. So it stayed. Million labours at tuts tomb, the gold still remained many, many years later. Justsayn. Justintime

I imagine, it took a lot of work, you think they turned the Indians go, after, the labor help, that's spoke of in letters. Sure, it would be difficult to do, but not impossible, in a time before so populated, by early 1800's the population grew, couldn't get the treasure out, now, without drawing attention. They had a vault before the recovery started, find gold then build vault, I don't think so. They wanted to move, but couldn't risk it, that's the dilemma. So it stayed. Million labours at tuts tomb, the gold still remained many, many years later. Justsayn. Justintime

Whatever, but even before 1776 you would have never gotten away with it. I scarcely thing a few white men could keep killing a lot of Indians in Indian country before the "large population" of Indians would say, "Hey, let's kill those few crazy white men and stop this none sense." And as far as Tut's tomb, it was never a secret, it's existence had always been known, just not to the outside world. Nor was its exact location "exactly" known. Maps, ciphers, letters, man made rock formations, inscriptions in stone, an endless amount of people involved, etc. = "not a secret." Just my last thoughts on the subject.

Apparently, not impossible. It's done. Justsayn. Justintime

Many promising but empty holes have been found and uncovered in them hills over the years.

I believe Justintime stated before that the story of finding gold was just that--a story. But it is important in that it contains clues to the vault location and was the true reason behind the story.

Is there the possibility that two secret shipments of gold came from the west to the east? Yes, it is possible. However, it isn't possible that it involved a large number of local men or that it involved extensive labor and activity. If your theory concludes either of these last points you simply need to rethink things again in terms of the enterprise being kept a secret. Local men would have been missed and their extended absences noticed by family, friends, etc. Too much activity and exposure would have certainly raised suspicion, so this can also be quickly tossed away as a possibility. "Covert" is the keyword here, very low exposure in order to avoid raising suspicion. Our person identified as "Beale" was there twice, maybe three times, that's it. Beyond this nobody knew who he was or where he even hailed from. There is absolutely no mention, either in the story or from other local sources, in regards to any of the other men traveling with him. Hence, if they truly existed then they were not recognized residents of the local area. I think at least one of you is closer then he realizes, if only he would adjust his thinking to better address the issue of who and how. It would have only taken one resident to breif the others on the Bedford County region, after this the rest of the party could have been from anywhere and everywhere. Now ask yourself who could have arranged something like this?

It would be difficult, to covertly tackle such a undertaking, but, not impossible. Someone lived at the vault, till project was over. Most people, back then, never left, their hollow. Under the pretense of hunting, you could travel valley, to valley, seeing very few people. These guys had, Elections, captains, unexpectedly received legacies, perilous enterprises, Beale had a Job, or jobs, he done what he was told. Beale was a bad a@@, he proved to "Them", he was good at handling business, in the end The Treasure wasn't his. Not Beale's treasure, it was the One's, which he reported. If, let's just say, someone found some maps, leading to secret legacies, excited to see what was shown was true, One, would need at least 30 individuals, fond of adventure, to ride and see. A lot of time, had to, elapse,so that non of them were numbered with the lliving. The letters, are instructions, in Story Format, the cave deal is talking about the dilemma, areas that they all visited, are now populated, like a parable. Thanks Dover, preciate it. Thanks Justintime

It's nice to romanticize about our country's forefathers but I think you need to take a step back, research the history of the region and its inhabitants and earliest white men a bit better. French, British, Americans, they all had people in the region trying to win over the support of the local Indian populations. Not a single white man could have moved into the region without all of these factions being made aware of it. The loyalties ran very thin.

The DOI-key is the original first copy, signed by John Hancock, (1776), which so happens to have TJB, on it with maps. Got a signature at the crime scene, worth, a investigation. Justintime

The DOI-key is the original first copy, signed by John Hancock, (1776), which so happens to have TJB, on it with maps. Got a signature at the crime scene, worth, a investigation. Justintime

And who, exactly, did you say authenticated this? Not likely something that like this would be discovered, authenticated, and then kept a secret. Something of this nature would be huge news in a hurry in certain communities, especially among historians and scholars and collectors. Would be next to impossible to keep it a secret once it had been authenticated. Just the authentication process alone would involve several people at various levels throughout that process. Just saying, a discovery of this nature would create quite a buzz.

I never said who, but in early 90's, it went on tgis vigorous authentication process,traveling fron university to university, each time was legit, type press,rag paper,Iron gal ink, made it to amercian history specialist from,Library of Congress, the Guy there,we was dealing with,said it had been altered,so there conclision was there was man made alterations on it.,ir wasn't real,but They offered,500,000$,told them to suck it,go buy alot of fake copies for that much. Had it authenicated,by sotherbys,experts,bidding was to start a 4mil,, backed out of selling ,when the guy from LOC, heard about it,pissed,he sent letters to all the bidders. We backed out,to keep from haveong to buy back 50%,of the estimated value. The guy from LOC,said it was made in 1969,dunnly and son prinring Co.,how could that be when to Iron Box was purchased in 1967,alot of lying going on, then got John Hancock signature authenticated,by a signature expert that had many years of experience in forefathers signatures,and a expert on DOI,It is the very first copy of the DOI,the missing fair copy. Then the death of my friends dad,the document laid dormant for years,till I,got involved... So taking the discovery of TJB on the back with blacklight,useing the maps,I drove to Virginia to see if it was correct,and I was. I guess someone knows about it ,but didn't want to make the call after the LOC,deal.kinda gor forgot about,PS the guy from LOC,has Felonies now, I FIGURED,finding the maps,and locate the treasure would be a good way to authenticate. How did you find it ,with my DOI-Key,lol,,Thanks Justintime

I have to attack,like a CSI investigation,base off,whats at the crime,scene,what clues I have,never hearing of the Beale Story ,before,and never been to Virginia,I located what was shown. Its real,the,Key,the letters,and location,Justsayn, think what you want,I seen it,smelled and tasted it,can't convince me otherwise. I not here to convince,just to enlighten,,thanks Justintime

I have to attack,like a CSI investigation,base off,whats at the crime,scene,what clues I have,never hearing of the Beale Story ,before,and never been to Virginia,I located what was shown. Its real,the,Key,the letters,and location,Justsayn, think what you want,I seen it,smelled and tasted it,can't convince me otherwise. I not here to convince,just to enlighten,,thanks Justintime

Hmmm, what did it smell & taste like...?

I am in the market for a reasonable priced, but good detector. Anyone got one for sale, or donate. I don't have much money. What's a decent cheap Brand. Thanks Justintime

How would someone get investors, how does that work, or sponsorship. Just curious. Thanks Justintime

Justintime, why would you need a detector or investors? If what you have is truly the key, you should be able to find the BT without a detector and with a minimal cost to yourself.

I never said who, but in early 90's, it went on tgis vigorous authentication process,traveling fron university to university, each time was legit, type press,rag paper,Iron gal ink, made it to amercian history specialist from,Library of Congress, the Guy there,we was dealing with,said it had been altered,so there conclision was there was man made alterations on it.,ir wasn't real,but They offered,500,000$... Had it authenicated,by sotherbys,experts,bidding was to start a 4mil... then got John Hancock signature authenticated,by a signature expert that had many years of experience in forefathers signatures,and a expert on DOI,It is the very first copy of the DOI,the missing fair copy... So taking the discovery of TJB on the back with blacklight,useing the maps,I drove to Virginia to see if it was correct,and I was...
Why involve investors? Just sell the DOI to the highest bidder,buy the property with the vault...Justsayin...

I just wanted to search for things that got dropped, already found some. I have a family, trying to juggle, this and that, paying for that soon that, its not easy, each 500mls apart. I expended, a lot of sources exploring, getting to know the area, in the beginning. Sure, I got the key, Its not as easy, as all of you guys think. It gets harder as you go. The game, lol. If I had a lot of money, I would. I knew someone was going to try and get me, for asking, that's kool. The cost is minimal, after so many, its added up, its not a real expensive, just needed a little help, to speed up the process. I will do on my on, with no help, but if I had some, things could go much faster. thanks Justintime.

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