The Beale Ciphers....20 Years of Researching & Observation

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In "post" # 1 (0P), "Scoop" put the "focus" on solving BC #1 & BC #3; BC # 2 was "already" decoded as, "I have deposited... etc., etc"... YET! The "beat goes on...", as the song sezs. Trying to decode BC # 1 & BC # 3 HAS been vexing, leading up to a "rummage sale" of theories... (books, tapes, etc.); I personally have a VERY NICE library, which I review from time to time, as subsequent R & I indicate "new in-sights". The CONFEDERATE WAR "theory" does seem to be the BEST one with the LOCAL R & I that I can do "on the ground"... looking at 1885 Lynchburg, VIRGINIA. IMHO, forget the ciphers, and look at the HISTORY of this SOUTH VIRGINIA "area"; from Lynchburg to points WEST (Bedford County, Roanoke County...), points SOUTH (Campbell County, down to Danville, Va.), points NORTH WEST (Botetourt County, Fincastle, etc. to West Va. border, and ESPECIALLY, "Fed-Land" (Blue Ridge Parkway, Thomas Jefferson National Forest, George Washington National Forest...). Ppl, I think what is to be found are GOLD Bars, SILVER Bars (UNSTAMPED
w/o the CSA "logo"... melted down from the various coins), jewelry (from the Southern Ladies), and REBEL weapons... some, already found. AND! There IS MORE! HH! GOOD LUCK!:icon_thumleft: 8-)

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Rebel, I guess this is my point about the Beale Pamphlet providing the perfect series of research traps. I say this because it is arranged in such a way that you can focus on just about any event during the period in question and if you work hard enough at it you can eventually find a way to make it a suspected solution to the story. The same is also true of a long list of possible players from this same period. Add to this, C1 is also arranged in such a way that you can apply just about any theory or notion to solving it and if you work at it long enough you can produce a clear text of 50% or more, and suddenly, you are a firm believer simply because of what you're efforts have produced. Because of this one thing is becoming more certain in recent years, ....regardless weather the pamphlet was a simple hoax, dime novel, or a story with some measure of truth, the author was very keen to what he was creating and he was also very keen in the details and time frame he chose to include. Truth or fiction, the Beale Pamphlet was a very educated masterpiece that will lead it's followers down just about any avenue they wish to choose with some measure of believed success. Wish I could write one just like it today!
That was very well stated.

That was very well stated.

Don't feel that the CONFEDERATE WAR "theory" is a "Research Trap"; what is YOUR "Research Trap"...? The "French Connection"...? The "Sherman thing"...? LOL!

Don't feel that the CONFEDERATE WAR "theory" is a "Research Trap"; what is YOUR "Research Trap"...? The "French Connection"...? The "Sherman thing"...? LOL!
Far too many researchers go looking for external connections that are not germane to the integrity of the pamphlet.
1862 and 2nd year of the Confederate War was included for a purpose,and the pamphlet was published after the end of Reconstruction.

From what I know today, "if" there is any measure of truth to this treasure tale then the deposits in question probably represent either a portion, or the entire sum, that was to be deposited in up to five separate locations at the conclusion of the signing of Adam's Onis Treaty. Why they may not have been deposited is still being looked into, however, in 1832, which represents the conclusion of the ten year term, there was the arrival of a long foreseen event that would have played a very important role in the future safety of this transactions if they had reached their destination/destinations. A great deal of this info is well documented and much of it can be found in the Library of Congress and in other various collections. As for 1862, it can be explained as well "if" any of the above was indeed the actual source.

From what I know today, "if" there is any measure of truth to this treasure tale then the deposits in question probably represent either a portion, or the entire sum, that was to be deposited in up to five separate locations at the conclusion of the signing of Adam's Onis Treaty. Why they may not have been deposited is still being looked into, however, in 1832, which represents the conclusion of the ten year term, there was the arrival of a long foreseen event that would have played a very important role in the future safety of this transactions if they had reached their destination/destinations. A great deal of this info is well documented and much of it can be found in the Library of Congress and in other various collections. As for 1862, it can be explained as well "if" any of the above was indeed the actual source.

1832...? WHAT does LOC "say"...?

Is there any truth to the tale? The tale in the letters are instructions for the Key holder, without key, all is unintelligible. Instructions in story format, and were written before Morriss received the, Box. So to take it as lateral truth, I wouldn't. I just so happened to find a DOI, with the initials TJB on it, that was found in a false bottom, of a iron box. Once discovering, it was the Key, I attacked it from a neutral stand,. Using the letters, explaining how, some, of the Key works. Then the game begun. I don't have, 20 Or 40yrs on this subject, but I do have the key, So all which is unintelligible, is intelligible to me, only a few things I don't understand completely. I hate that it makes everyone so upset, but I feel that the info must be told, the Truth, will set IT free. I remain as ever, Justintime

We'll see Frank, hope not..

Got to at least, Try. Got a lot solved, and authenticated the DOI, and tied it to the Beale treasure and the County of Bedford. It's hard work, I do what I have to, you know how the letters said, to procure a guide, and two or three, and to obtain such information would be beneficial here after, I, am the guide and the servants. I remain as ever. Justintime

Is there any truth to the tale? The tale in the letters are instructions for the Key holder, without key, all is unintelligible. Instructions in story format, and were written before Morriss received the, Box. So to take it as lateral truth, I wouldn't. I just so happened to find a DOI, with the initials TJB on it, that was found in a false bottom, of a iron box. Once discovering, it was the Key, I attacked it from a neutral stand,. Using the letters, explaining how, some, of the Key works. Then the game begun. I don't have, 20 Or 40yrs on this subject, but I do have the key, So all which is unintelligible, is intelligible to me, only a few things I don't understand completely. I hate that it makes everyone so upset, but I feel that the info must be told, the Truth, will set IT free. I remain as ever, Justintime

The problem you face in making your claim, are the many claims you have made themselves. i.e., in order for everything to be as you have presented them it would have taken all of Bedford County and half the entire seaboard to arrange it all. Arranged rock formations, carvings, secret signs here and there, certainly you realize that these are not accumulated undertakings that could have been conducted without drawing upon "a lot" of time, labor, and local attention? Certainly not an undertaking that could have been conducted in secret, the idea of "secret" being not to draw attention to, or leave evidence of, the secret undertaking being conducted. So, by presenting everything you have this far you have thus set a course disproving the logic and possibility of the huge secret you are presenting. Have you considered all of this?

The, formations are in a general area, during a time when less population, the Vault was built before the treasure recovery 'Operations started, then all, they had to is stick it in. Then you had the dilemma, population increases. Like Beale said in the letter, farmers were using a cave that they, all, had visited. A large operations to get in, but couldn't get it out without being noticed. Ten year term, no one was to be numbered with the living, the list of heirs, was needed. M L Justintime

The, formations are in a general area, during a time when less population, the Vault was built before the treasure recovery 'Operations started, then all, they had to is stick it in. Then you had the dilemma, population increases. Like Beale said in the letter, farmers were using a cave that they, all, had visited. A large operations to get in, but couldn't get it out without being noticed. Ten year term, no one was to be numbered with the living, the list of heirs, was needed. M L Justintime

This still doesn't address the issue of time, labor, and the shear number of people required to pull off the incredibly huge accumulated claims you're suggesting. And it certainly doesn't address the issue of "in secret" with so many clues, markings, symbols, initials, and man made "formations" existing for everyone to see and to raise suspicion, just the opposite of what anyone would want in order to maintain a secret of the accumulated size and proportion you suggest.

in case "none were to be numbered with the living." You are taking this out of context when you suggest that, "none would be numbered with the living." This clearly is not what is spoken.

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From what I know today, "if" there is any measure of truth to this treasure tale then the deposits in question probably represent either a portion, or the entire sum, that was to be deposited in up to five separate locations at the conclusion of the signing of Adam's Onis Treaty. Why they may not have been deposited is still being looked into, however, in 1832, which represents the conclusion of the ten year term, there was the arrival of a long foreseen event that would have played a very important role in the future safety of this transactions if they had reached their destination/destinations. A great deal of this info is well documented and much of it can be found in the Library of Congress and in other various collections. As for 1862, it can be explained as well "if" any of the above was indeed the actual source.

ANOTHER good book in GENERAL, along the "lines" of YOUR research is THE BOLD AND MAGNIFICENT DREAM: America's Founding Years... 1492-1815 by Bruce & William B. Catton. HR & HH!

I sure enjoy Justin trying different angles. Something must be goin on, he hardly pokes Reb with a stick singin sweet home lately.

This still doesn't address the issue of time, labor, and the shear number of people required to pull off the incredibly huge accumulated claims you're suggesting. And it certainly doesn't address the issue of "in secret" with so many clues, markings, symbols, initials, and man made "formations" existing for everyone to see and to raise suspicion, just the opposite of what anyone would want in order to maintain a secret of the accumulated size and proportion you suggest.

in case "none were to be numbered with the living." You are taking this out of context when you suggest that, "none would be numbered with the living." This clearly is not what is spoken.
The carvings, are well hidden, perfectly placed stones, in certain placement order, same distance patterns. They didn't want it to be lost forever, for it to lost forever would be a catastrophe, and would avail nothing. Yea, it took a large work forces, probably servants, slaves, got done, killed them. To procure a guide and two or three servants would be beneficial, hereafter, is what one of the Beale letters stated, so you know they were using them. Every time they completed a project, only a few would, return. Keep everyone fresh, and in check, don't want to be those guys, the ones left behind. You want to Ride to the end, got to prove it, tough back then, sure they had a process, of Picking associates, prob, use lodges, pure investigated

The carvings, are well hidden, perfectly placed stones, in certain placement order, same distance patterns. They didn't want it to be lost forever, for it to lost forever would be a catastrophe, and would avail nothing. Yea, it took a large work forces, probably servants, slaves, got done, killed them. To procure a guide and two or three servants would be beneficial, hereafter, is what one of the Beale letters stated, so you know they were using them. Every time they completed a project, only a few would, return. Keep everyone fresh, and in check, don't want to be those guys, the ones left behind. You want to Ride to the end, got to prove it, tough back then, sure they had a process, of Picking associates, prob, use lodges, pure investigated

"a large work force and killed them all."
"only a few would return, keep everyone fresh."

So over the several years of feverish laboring and scheming they managed the repeat mass murders of a large number of people in order to keep their huge project a complete secret? But, a few guides and servants (witnesses) would be useful hereafter? All of this just keeps adding more reason for suspicion and more risk of exposure. The more slaves you use the more men you need to keep watch over them, etc. The more labor you and activity you include the more men required and resources required. Every time you add just one more man or one more activity you likewise add more risk of exposure and more risk that control over the project will be lost or compromised. "Out of mind, out of site. And, the fewer highly trusted bodies involved the better."

Sure, prob.not all at once. They killed to protect, project. Justsayn

Look, believe whatever you want, but the more sign, activity, and people you involve the more unlikely it becomes that any enterprise could have been conducted in secret. When we watch movies such as National Treasure we have to realize that it's all just a fantasy, a simple work of fiction for entertainment only and that very little of it was even possible or based on any measure of fact. Can you imagine just how many people and just how much labor would have been required to pull of something of this size. It took thousands of people to create King Tut's tomb. Even the mines in Mexico required hundreds of laborers and an extended support system, thus none of these things were, or could have been, conducted in secret. Just way too much exposure to maintain a secret.

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