The Axe Head Showroom


Here are a few that have made the trip home....all(but two) from mid 19 th cent sites.I seldom carry them home any more,a guy can only store so many!

What a terrible problem ??!!! Good stuff

Here are two axe heads I found at two different colonial sites after electrolysis. The second one looks like a spiked tomahawk but I haven't been able to find another example with a solid handle. Any input? Thanks and appreciate this thread. A lot of useful information!


Those are beauties.
This is the same one as above..(pole axe) after some manual cleaning its in electrolysis now



Heres a few from revolutionary war encampment for women & children that were burnt out during indian raids up and down mohawk valley during the war. Top left ax head,center one tomahawk or hatchet head one solid piece, i believe you had to make your own handle and attachtreasure 102.webptreasure 107.webptreasure 105.webptreasure 104.webptreasure 103.webp head somehow.third one i have no idea what it was used for,any ideas greately appreciated,never seen anything like it

I'm no expert but I would think the solid one is a type of wedge for felling trees and the other looks like an adze a kind of swinging chisel

Found My First!!

Any idea on the date? I was told it could be a Broad Hatchett

Yes sir, it sure is. This from an old tool catalog.

Here are mine:

Pretty sure this is a broken shingler's axe blade, found at a colonial site with Revolutionary War ties.
axe - blade.webp

This isn't an axe, believe it to be a blacksmith's hammer. Found at a colonial grist mill ruin.
axe - hunsicker.webp

Not sure what style this is, pegging it to be 19th century. Has a break in one side. Found in a late 19th/early 20th dump.
axe - kulp.webp

Shingler's axe, found at an old house built in 1864.
axe - shinglers.webp

This is my most recent find. It appears to be a Philadelphia or Jersey style with a carry loop, would like some confirmation though. Site has roots in the early 18th century.
axe - looped.webp axe - left.webp

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GREAT axe recoveries! This is really turning into a great thread as a resource to identify old axe heads.

I don't think I ever added my result


Thanks! Very happy about that one

Bronze age palstave axe circa 1600-1400 BC give or take a couple of centuries. My best find yet!

Check that thing out!

Heres a few from revolutionary war encampment for women & children that were burnt out during indian raids up and down mohawk valley during the war. Top left ax head,center one tomahawk or hatchet head one solid piece, i believe you had to make your own handle and attachView attachment 931209View attachment 931210View attachment 931211View attachment 931212View attachment 931214 head somehow.third one i have no idea what it was used for,any ideas greately appreciated,never seen anything like it

The one on the bottom is a mason's hammer, they still use them today.

Found this in the summer. Mesolithic flaking shale Uwami axe head, found in Skippack, Pa. The Uwami were the ancient ancestors of the Lenni-Lenape Indians. I made the handle and donated it to the Skippack Historical Society.



Just wanted to mention if indeed that was ever a stone axe head the wide end would have been the bit.. Not the pointed end like you have in the photo with that handle

Russian battle-ax 10-11 century. 5 Type in the catalog Kirpichnikova. I found this year.топор (1).webpтопор.webp1362ge_cr.webp

That's crazy that it's that old it looks just like the pole axe I found from the late 17 early 1800's with a portion removed to lighten it up.
It's amazing how little they have changed even from the time of being made from stone

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