The Axe Head Showroom

BuckleBoy said:
I think shanegalang will have something to post here, since I have him that side axe back. :read2:
Here it is. We have been unable to find an exact match for this one anywhere. I welcome any suggestions. I wonder if it was a weapon? Where it was found there is a lot of evidence that there was some activity related to the making or maintaining of boats. I wonder if it was a tool directly related to the making of or maintenance of boats? Thanks a million Buckleboy for cleaning it up, your time and effort using electrolysis and preserving it. Sometimes it pays to dig those large iron signals!!


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Thanks for posting that one, Shane! I felt when it was dug that it was certainly a weapon rather than a tool. Still thinking weapon due to shape and size. That's a great piece!


The Civil War soldier had 2 essential pieces of equipment.. the rifle and the axe

This was dug at a camp near Warrenton VA


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This little guy called the Wilderness area of VA home for 140yrs


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This is more of a maul than an axe.. from Chancellorsville

The rest are in the shed.. with the horseshoes.. unfit for home habitation


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Those are some great axes! You are so right--those tools were very important in earlier times. The land of this great country was cleared, and houses were built, all by hand, with these tools!

That maul is cool. What size/weight is it?

Best Wishes,


The maul is 4.5in long and weighs just under 3lbs. The hole is small.. 3/4in and very irregular.. def hand forged. Found it years ago in one of my hot spots near Chancellorsville so I've always assumed its CW period.

Do european axe heads count too?

Wood axe, german around 1600.


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Not identified... Could be late medieval to 18th century, found on a medieval site.


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Westfront said:
Do european axe heads count too?

Of course they do. Those are fantastic! Thank you for posting them. It's great to see those styles; they are so different from anything we find here in the U.S.



found in corner of wifes grandfathers old excavating business shop edenville mi. Not sure how old still has handle


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That looks like something out of a horror movie.. luv it!!!

Oh,boy.....I will have to snap some pics......I dont usually pack em home!I do have a pile though

Here's one I found a couple weeks ago. It has a unique opening that so far the only explanation I have received is that it may have gotten that way from being used as a wedge and is just deformed. That may be, but the reason I question that is it is perfectly symmetrical side to side and top to bottom. There is no deformation to the back of it with the butt being perfectly flat with nice distinct edges. If anybody has any ideas let me know. I would love to be able to date this. The pictures here are before electrolysis, I'll post some later after she's cleaned up.


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One more. This one is hatchet sized. First pic is right after I got it home and the second is after a little electrolysis. I need to seal it though. What's best, an oil or urethane?


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Hi All,

I found a old AX head today it was 4 inch's down any idea on the age of it,

Thanks for the help, Happy Hunting,



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BuckleBoy said:
Hello All,

I am starting this post as a showroom for axe heads, whether electrolysis cleaned, or still rusty crusty. Post 'em here.

There is a large variety in these tools over geography and time, and it will be cool to see everything from trade axes and weapons all the way through more modern tools.



Great Idea!! Here is my first and only axe head, found just the other day. Its soaking in apple cider vinegar right now and I will post an updated photo when its done.


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Here is a pic of the other side of the Ax,

Thank's and happy hunting,



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