The Apache of the Southwest of the States and northern Mexico...

More IPUK,,. Incidentally, I'll have your answer in a few days --patience.

Probably females, the Apache were touchy about that, no females meant the men had to work :tongue3::laughing7:

Injunbro, The cartrige to the left appears to be a 50 70, the one to the right is a 45 70.

More IPUK,,. Incidentally, I'll have your answer in a few days --patience.

Probably females, the Apache were touchy about that, no females meant the men had to work :tongue3::laughing7:

Hey Donny,

Think we may have discussed this one with our old 'drinking' matey EL Crow, we really do miss that old rascal of a pirate; I truly wanted to run my current project past him as I'm due to take a small preparation excursion soon...

Back to the matter in hand, I'm sure that you've got some input you naughty Paddy if it means "bigging-up" the Spanish and or Mexicans, and having a sly dig at the Apache...

But it will be good to discuss this one.


Again you are assuming that any "quest" for the "truth" hasn't started from as early as possible. Believe it or not, but most can know without saying that you have to begin from 'A' in order to quantify how it came to being at 'Z'.

It would be fairly naive to possibly think that all mistakes and all acts of cruelty and ignorance were solely perpetrated by one 'side' or the other. But, by weighing up intentional acts of brutality, an intended position of elimination, greed, corruption, bigotry and plain and simple racism, one can get pretty close to the truth - regardless of whether they agree with it or not.

But now I will assume you are already aware of the above...


It's a fool's errand trying to explain human nature with political history.

Without a doubt, their were atrocities on both sides. To try and decide which side acted first, is next to impossible. In those days, you got your point across with brutality. Since neither side really understood the others lifestyle or reasoning, talk was next to useless.:BangHead: Plenty of blame to go around, but the side who managed to be more brutal than the other, usually came out the victor. Pretty much how things work out with the "Ultimate Fighter" contests.

If you are looking to assess blame to the whites, you will find plenty of cases to back up your argument. On the other hand, if you are looking to assess blame to the Native Americans, you will also find plenty of cases to back up that position. Personally, I come down on the white boy's side.....being white. On the other hand, I can appreciate the Indian's side of the debate.

I was working on a power plant outside of Farmington, NM and large group of us were sitting around having our lunch. Five or six Navajo elders were sitting against a wall. A young man came up, for some reason, and asked me...."White man, when are you going to give us back our land?" I replied: "Well, we kicked your ass and took the land. When you folks get around to kicking our ass, you can get it back". :boxing: All of the elders just nodded their heads. That's how things worked in the real world.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Judging by that helmet, I'm glad to see the Spanish were really the first to invent Stainless Steel lol screw you Harry Brearley!

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. William Blake

Joe Ribaudo

Judging by that helmet, I'm glad to see the Spanish were really the first to invent Stainless Steel lol screw you Harry Brearley!

Actually it's not stainless just highly polished steel. That one isn't original but I included it w/ some original stuff to see if anyone actually noticed. Good eye!

Without a doubt, their were atrocities on both sides. To try and decide which side acted first, is next to impossible. In those days, you got your point across with brutality. Since neither side really understood the others lifestyle or reasoning, talk was next to useless.:BangHead: Plenty of blame to go around, but the side who managed to be more brutal than the other, usually came out the victor. Pretty much how things work out with the "Ultimate Fighter" contests.

If you are looking to assess blame to the whites, you will find plenty of cases to back up your argument. On the other hand, if you are looking to assess blame to the Native Americans, you will also find plenty of cases to back up that position. Personally, I come down on the white boy's side.....being white. On the other hand, I can appreciate the Indian's side of the debate.

I was working on a power plant outside of Farmington, NM and large group of us were sitting around having our lunch. Five or six Navajo elders were sitting against a wall. A young man came up, for some reason, and asked me...."White man, when are you going to give us back our land?" I replied: "Well, we kicked your ass and took the land. When you folks get around to kicking our ass, you can get it back". :boxing: All of the elders just nodded their heads. That's how things worked in the real world.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo
very true joe...thats the way its been for the last few thousand years...the strong conquer the weak and relieve them of their possessions ...when the apaches got here they stomped a weaker tribe and took their land..same with the Navajo's called least whitey gave their land back to them...indians own about 1/3 of arizona....5% of the population in arizona is indian....there is about 5.6 million people in we have just under 300,000 indians....i would say giving them 1/3 of our state is way more than fair...if anything we got shorted

Ah yes, Racism!

Those Apache's are the most Racist people I've known!

To this day they still hate "Whitey". Just a few years back I got an ear full on the deep seated hate of the White race from the Indian Law enforcement on the Apache San Carlos Indian Reservation. They proclaimed "Whites" weren't welcome in their sovereign nation and they only tolerate "White's" dumping money at their Casino's because they believe we are stupid, ignorant breeds of insignificant dogs! That was after I dumped 500 bones at the Apache Casino on the way to the lake. Since I was young dog I learned my lesson and have never dumped another bone in any Apache Indian owned Casino's to this day. The Racist Apache Lawmen then handed me a $300 ticket and told me to never set foot on Apache reservation again without a permit or they would confiscate my vehicles and all personal items.

I've experienced Racism against me going way back in the 1970's from a black policeman. Not to even mention growing up a poor Irishman. But, I've never experienced any Racism from any of my black friends from back then.

Go figure!

Ah yes, Racism!

Those Apache's are the most Racist people I've known!

To this day they still hate "Whitey". Just a few years back I got an ear full on the deep seated hate of the White race from the Indian Law enforcement on the Apache San Carlos Indian Reservation. They proclaimed "Whites" weren't welcome in their sovereign nation and they only tolerate "White's" dumping money at their Casino's because they believe we are stupid, ignorant breeds of insignificant dogs! That was after I dumped 500 bones at the Apache Casino on the way to the lake. Since I was young dog I learned my lesson and have never dumped another bone in any Apache Indian owned Casino's to this day. The Racist Apache Lawmen then handed me a $300 ticket and told me to never set foot on Apache reservation again without a permit or they would confiscate my vehicles and all personal items.

I've experienced Racism against me going way back in the 1970's from a black policeman. Not to even mention growing up a poor Irishman. But, I've never experienced any Racism from any of my black friends from back then.

Go figure!

lol....i always thought it was kinda funny that they can come and go as they please on our in our stores..own booze...but if we set foot on their land we have to pay a fee


Depending on where you found the Spanish conquistadores items, that could prove to by extremely interesting from a historical point of view. There is a story that when Coronado made his expedition through the Southwest, some soldiers mutinied and left the main force to try and find gold by themselves. I might have some of the details mixed-up simply because it has been some time since I came across the legend and it concerned the AWOL chaps finding s decent gold site which they then mined, whilst tentatively trading with Apaches. It was said they accumulated a fair amount but before they could return to Mexico City, they were massacred by the Apache for something or other. I can't recall if it was in the Southwest or present-day northern Mexico...

From time to time, people would find relics, clothing, camp items even small amounts of secreted gold, that was said to have come from this 'lost' group of Spanish.

It was an interesting story.


There were Spanish grants in central AZ. proving the Spanish were here. What are now Wikieup & Camp Wood areas. There's @ least 1 Spanish gold mine in the area w/ some armor & weapons still cached there. That's all the details I'm going to give about that location. There's a Spanish mine, arrastres & fort north of Phoenix where a breastplate & either cannon or musket barrel was found. It's near one of Miguel Peralta's mines (& a J. Walz one too). My double edged Spanish sword was made in Toledo, Spain - found near Camp Verde, AZ, the handle is a replacement since the original was rotted away. The smaller one was found between Prescott & Camp Verde, AZ near a private ranch fort. One of the Mexican swords came from a cave in Navajo country & is pretty rusted, the other bone-handled one came from just south of the Grand Canyon. Yep, definitely Spanish in central AZ. Nope, not sharing exact locations where the stuff was found.
Most of the rest of my collection is from Apache Wars battle sites & includes arrowheads, knives, tomahawk (what was a tomahawk doing in Apache country?), 1848 Army knife, lock from stagecoach strongbox w/ a bullet hole found on our old ranch (probably a good story there), broken guns, metates, stone tools bullets, old moccasin...

Racism??? I don't hate anybody! Of course being a lowly halfbreed maybe I missed that lesson (eye roll). It's my experience if we show up on a reservation & are quiet & polite but friendly we're treated accordingly... the other half of this "we" is my white-skinned, blonde wife. Most Indians are friendly & helpful if you're respectful to them. OTOH if you show up acting like a stuck-up, haughty, arrogant, Whitey it ain't gonna be pretty! Some people need to stay in the cities where the gangs are apparently nicer to you...:icon_scratch:

Injunbro, I have found that to be true all over the world. Old China (pre communist ) in particular. I roamed over it, from the the Gobi the forbidden City, to the Shensi Pyramids., and the pacific islands, quite freely, by myself, without any problems, probably because some thing about me did not shout superiority, but equality...The only difference between a cannibal on the Island,s was my formal education, but there again if I had to live under his conditions how much difference would there be ?. I always treated everyone as an equal and they respected me for that.

Did I ever tell you about when I was to be the guest of honor with an 18 year iold gal barbecue, A genuine long mary Kai Kai. At least the Apache didn't eat thier victims after they had parbroiled them. Or did they ???

An example, yesterday I was visited by a group of miners, among them was a group of Japanese that could neither speak Yankee nor Spanish. I noticed that when we were introduced, that the Interpretador :laughing7: very specifically did not mention Guadacanal where i had my indoctrination of the Japanese in 42, to mentioning only Korea. I had a silent laugh on that, but as a matter of fact I liked the Japanese. Course it would be another thing for an apache:tongue3: nah, actually it wouldn't, I would be thinking if he (she) accepted 'me' The Yaqui did.

Incidentally Injunbro they were never defeated by the army in battle, but by education.

I treat everyone exactly the same. Like crap. :laughing7:

At least the Apache didn't eat thier victims after they had parbroiled them. Or did they ???

Course it would be another thing for an apache:tongue3: nah, actually it wouldn't, I would be thinking if he (she) accepted 'me' The Yaqui did.

Incidentally Injunbro they were never defeated by the army in battle, but by education.

Don Jose: Nah, Apaches never ate their victims, they taste like dirty socks. I'd probably accept you if you weren't a troublemaking Oirish. ;) If you're referring to the Yaqui as the ones who "were never defeated by the army in battle" you need to research 'The Battle @ Bear Valley'. On 1/19/18 bunch of Yaquis were smuggling guns & ammo into Mexico for one of the countless revolutions & the 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) caught them in the act. The Yaquis had Winchester .30-30's & Mauser rifles & tried an ambush. The cavalry spent about 30 minutes kicking their collective butts. The Yaquis later said they thought the soldiers were Mexican & would run if fired on but when they found out they were Americans w/ Apache Scouts quickly gave it up. The only reason it's even noted as a "battle" instead of a skirmish is it was the last time the US Army fought Indians in the US.

Prejudice prejudice, not fair, Now I'll have to look it up, Under similar circumstances, what did the Apache do ?? '''' Simply fade away ? Join me in coffee, ya scroungy half breed.??:coffee2::coffee2

Dirty socks, ?? hm the colored boys in the Solomons told me they taste like excellent pork, hence the term " long pig" ?: Course they could have been referring to the Apache themselves.

Trade or pidgin English ---- You likem long Mary, kai, kai ?

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