
Gold Member
Apr 13, 2016
Abita Springs La....Born in New Orleans
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What an incredible day for me my first Barber dime last week and I just got blessed with a 1875 Seated Dime. They're ready to make this area a subdivision and I saw a lot of broken dish ware all over, not to mention there's a huge mound of this dirt. Then I noticed that they were spreading it all over. Hitting the mound was rough so I went off to where the truck had been pulling in and out and I hit it....2 inches deep. Unbelievable day. IMG_0012.JPGIMG_0014.JPG

I already called off work tomorrow

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Upvote 48
Any Seated Ladies are always welcome at the party..Now go find her some friends! ( and send us pictures so we can all drool)!

Dude I can't wait. I haven't got permission from the wife yet! HA Just Kidding.

Double Congrats on some great finds! :occasion14:
I think I would have taken tomorrow off to go pound that site as well. Good luck finding more goodies.

Can you post better closeups? Im almost wondering if it is a silver plated period counterfeit by the crumbling?

Can you post better closeups? Im almost wondering if it is a silver plated period counterfeit by the crumbling?

Yeah you're right I got this new iPhone 6S and it does not take good pictures like the 6. I'll try again

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Can you post better closeups? Im almost wondering if it is a silver plated period counterfeit by the crumbling?

Here's the pics. I'll see what you're saying to I'm going to test it right nowupload1494557793.935774.jpgupload1494557826.204982.jpg

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I looked at it through my jeweler scope and I don't know one Nick on the side looks like silver all the way through but the part where it's really messed up it looks dark. It might be counterfeit. Would it weight different?

Seated dime Silver Weight: 0.0723 oz


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I absolutely love working construction sights. The window of opportunity is tiny so I'd get on that sight ASAP ! Probably my best ever hunt was done at night working a scraped off parking lot project revealing around five or six Indians, a barber half, a Canadian half cent and I am not sure what else since I don't keep records of these things. It was a work night and I didn't want to leave. Well, the next day they brought in the gravel and my parking lot was mostly covered. I wished I had taken a personal day and hunted it until sunrise. Morel of the story mate, GET AFTER IT !

Counterfeit or not, that is a sweet score. :icon_thumright:

I found my one and only trime at a construction project replacing curbs and sidewalks. I doubt I'd have ever found it otherwise. Construction sights around old history are the best.

I absolutely love working construction sights. The window of opportunity is tiny so I'd get on that sight ASAP ! Probably my best ever hunt was done at night working a scraped off parking lot project revealing around five or six Indians, a barber half, a Canadian half cent and I am not sure what else since I don't keep records of these things. It was a work night and I didn't want to leave. Well, the next day they brought in the gravel and my parking lot was mostly covered. I wished I had taken a personal day and hunted it until sunrise. Morel of the story mate, GET AFTER IT !

You're absolutely right and if you don't jump through that window closes forever in these kind of situations. I'm going to try to put in 12 hours tomorrow. Believe it or not I just started drinking coffee when I started metal detecting and it's like meth to me. I'm a generally wired up guy who doesn't require much sleep. I've always been that way and when you ad that coffee I'm like a digging nut.

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What's next, a two cent piece or a trime ? You're on fire!

Village I would freakout on the odd coins. I that you knew know. The right stop and luck we'll get you far.

Thomas Jefferson-"I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it."

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