
Gold Member
Apr 13, 2016
Abita Springs La....Born in New Orleans
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Metal Detecting
What an incredible day for me my first Barber dime last week and I just got blessed with a 1875 Seated Dime. They're ready to make this area a subdivision and I saw a lot of broken dish ware all over, not to mention there's a huge mound of this dirt. Then I noticed that they were spreading it all over. Hitting the mound was rough so I went off to where the truck had been pulling in and out and I hit it....2 inches deep. Unbelievable day. IMG_0012.JPGIMG_0014.JPG

I already called off work tomorrow

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Upvote 48
Beauty Truth! I think you better get back there tonight in the dark! Sounds like an incredible opportunity!

Big Congrats on the Seated Dime!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hunt that site hard while you can.


you're ripping through the the milestones of getting the older stuff , there's no stopping you now!

put in the time and the finds will come, if your career has to suffer, that's what sick days are for
good luck out there!

Very nice. It looks like it could tell a great story. Cheers

Congrats... Hope everything goes as good or better tomorrow..

Go, go, go to the excavated areas! Do not pass up the opportunity!


Congratualtions on the nice find!

you're ripping through the the milestones of getting the older stuff , there's no stopping you now!

put in the time and the finds will come, if your career has to suffer, that's what sick days are for
good luck out there!

Great advice

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Very nice, , those seated coins ain't easy to come by.

ATW i'm telling you I couldn't believe my eyes. They have broken plate ware scattered amongst the mud. They must have plowed up all the top layer made those big piles and spread it around. Only 3" deep. I am not gonna be able to sleep tonight brother.

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Awesome score Truth. :icon_thumright: You can scratch that one off the list. Good Luck tomorrow.

sittin', standin', walkin', flyin'_____________________that Liberty chick did it all-----'cept dancin'. :dontknow::laughing7::icon_thumright:

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