Thank you Garrett


Full Member
Nov 15, 2012
c ny
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Metal Detecting
Been dreading sending pro pointer in, how long will I be without? Do I remember how to hunt without one? Well anyway the notorious falsing got so bad had to bite the bullet. Sent in on Thursday got to Garrett on Monday (NY to TeX) any who followed up on Wednesday and sheila told me it was being shipped!!!:hello2: wow really I asked what was the issue? She said she didn't know but it was on its way. Sweet, package came Friday to my surprise A BRand New One wow hats off thank you

Upvote 2
Every Manufacture Has There, Supporters Garrett Just Has a Better Product, I'm eye balling A New White's Pin pointer At the Moment just wait Impatiently to Buy It Let us know how It Work for you All Chug and Red HH All

I've been through two and neither last more than a couple months. I think garrett needs to go back to the drawing board.

every company has their faults, garrett recognizes theirs by giving absolutely NO hassle at all fixing the issues. My pinpointer and atpro have been through a battlezone and are holding up just fine:dontknow:

Love my pro pointer but have sent it back twice already and both times they replaced it. Hopefully 3rd times the charm
I can't help but wonder how much you would like one that just worked and did not have to be sent back twice only because that is the same as my experience with propointers. I came away with a different view.

Here's what I don't get about all the Garrett bragging. I owned my ATP 3 months and it malfunctioned . Yeah they were great fixed it and all but I had to pay return shipping and was without a machine for 2 weeks. You hear story after story of defective stuff and people brag about great customer service ... How about this make a quality product in the first place! And if you read these forums enough you will notice a lot of Garret stuff ends up getting sent back. So my feeling is they produce there stuff with inadequate quality control and that's why so much stuff malfunctions. Make quality products in the first place . They are so generous with their returns because the markup is so high they can send out multiple replacements and still make money.

I watch You tube videos all the time and I can't begin to tell you how many times folks have said they had to send their Minelabs in for repair.. Just saying..... Electronics break. It is nice to know you can count on great customer service.

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