Tesoro Vs All the Rest (Build Quality)

I have'nt found that to be the case for me,my gamma 6000 set to 16 to disc small rusty nails and with 2 tones will find a coin even when the iron is on top of the coin..If i had a single tone machine and disced out the iron,i would likely miss the coin..

The same happens to me with the Omega all the time. I dig a dime/quarter, but there is ferrous junk on top of target that I was completely unaware of! With the Vaquero, I would crank disc up to dime/quarter area and still constantly dig iron trash. With my Omega using low/no disc, those same trash targets would have bounced from high tone/numbers, into the low iron tone/ numbers telling me its ferrous trash. If I cranked up disc on the Vaquero enough to disc a large nail, it would also disc out the dimes next to said nail. I would much rather use low/zero disc than risk masking targets.

I have a compadre,golden Sabre II,and a tejon righright now.
Sold my lobo St a couple months ago,had it over ten yrs also had a toltek II and a bandido two micro max so I am very familiar with tesoros.
Give me my gamma anyday in the trash. My Tek t2 does very good with the 5" DD coil,the best.
For really deep I like my cz6a or cz20. Or t2 with stock coil.

"Teknetics," is just a Fisher company isn't it?

First Texas product.
Slightly different package for all new Fishers.
All my CZ's are original Fishers.
But you know that Terry.

Is "First Texas" still making some of their machines in China under contract? Dave Johnson, you out there?

You know the "facts" are that if Tesoro wasnt confident in their quality; they wouldnt back every machine with a lifetime warranty. And at a price that no one can argue is not very fair at this day and time......Just imagine what kind of a machine Tesoro could make and sale for a $1500.00 retail price! Can you say bye bye Etrac?

I don't believe Tesoro could build such a machine,thats why they still make the same thing they've been making since day one.
And if they did,it would not have a lifetimelifetime warranty because it would not be stoneage simple.

Is "First Texas" still making some of their machines in China under contract? Dave Johnson, you out there?

I'm sure you already know the answer. All First Texas detectors are made in the Good Ole' Republic of Texas, USA with the exception of the Bounty Hunter Jr. You should try an Omega or Gamma (edit), Terry! It is amazing how much performance/features the Teks offer, for the same price (or less) you would spend on a single-tone Tesoro.

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No I don't think Tesoro can build anymore than what they have.
If they hired Dave Johnson to design one then sure.
If they could they would instead of employing about 10 employes to build
beep&dig machines that I have plenty of,good machines.

I'm sure you already know the answer. All First Texas detectors are made in the Good Ole' Republic of Texas, USA with the exception of the Bounty Hunter Jr. You should try an Omega or Gamma (edit), Terry! It is amazing how much performance/features the Teks offer, for the same price (or less) you would spend on a single-tone Tesoro.

Are you SURE AtomicScott? Where to they make the Bounty Hunter Jr.? What makes you think I have not swung an Omega or Gamma? They are not bad machines, just no better than the machines I swing now.

Oh I don't believe in bigfoot or ghost.
I dont believe anything Hillwhorey says.
I don't believe Teknetics are built anywhere but here,counterfeits are out there but so are Garrett's and so on.

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No I don't think Tesoro can build anymore than what they have.
If they hired Dave Johnson to design one then sure.
If they could they would instead of employing about 10 employes to build
beep&dig machines that I have plenty of,good machines.

You know Dave designed the Lobo? SuperTraq, you own and use several Tesoro machines. Do you really have a clue, or are you just pulling my chain cause you don't like my over-the-top fan boy appreciation of America's best metal detecting manufacturer? :occasion14:

Are you SURE AtomicScott? Where to they make the Bounty Hunter Jr.? What makes you think I have not swung an Omega or Gamma? They are not bad machines, just no better than the machines I swing now.

I figured if you had tried the Teks, you would not need to waste time on the Tesoro's, lol. BH jr. is made in China, (like the iphone) I preferred my Malaysian-made Minelab over my Vaquero, simply because its a better performing machine IMO.

I have an old Garrett GTA1000, (1st detector) A newer AT Pro, (Newest) A Fisher CZ20 bought in the 90s, great in deep and salt water. A Tesoro UMAX Bought from a friend used, and Tesoro Tejon, Bought used on ebay and I Love them all. They all have strong points. All built well if you ask me. The AT pro is still new so the jury is still out with how long it will last or take abuse. Keep in mind this is used in creeks and shallow water up to 10 feet deep, so it should hold up well. It pretty heavy. Water detectors are by design, way heavier than any of my Tesoros. I love the Tesoros because they are light weight and discriminate very well. Just my two cents. What ever works for you. Pick one, learn it and like a gun, treat it well and it should last.

Yep Dave designed the lobo St,had one over ten yrs.
I believe he was in on the CZ's and my Teknetics.
Pretty !much everything I own has Daves input.

Yep Dave designed the lobo St,had one over ten yrs.
I believe he was in on the CZ's and my Teknetics.
Pretty !much everything I own has Daves input.

True. The thing that strikes me about Dave is, he progressed as technology became more advanced! He (or his team) designs much more complex machines these days than he did when working for Tesoro or White's. Hard to compare a DJ designed Teknetics Omega to one of Dave's older designs, like the Lobo or Diablo, as far as usable features & complexity in design

Yea I looked at my inventory about 3 weeks ago and everything own and have in the past is D.J designed except a minelab explorer xs I had about 15 yrs ago,could not stand the delta pitch sounds and sold that?

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