Tesoro Vs All the Rest (Build Quality)

I have no doubt multi tones with real low disc or all metal is an advantage. The problem is most of the areas I have been hunting are sooooooo trashy it would hard to make heads or tails out of all the music. Not saying it cant be done and isn't done, but I imagine you would have to really slow it down to try and get a good sounding high tone hit. There is a lot of junk out there that would have the right conductivity to give a high tone hit. In some situations where trash is extreme, notching or high disc is the only reasonable option. Do you miss some coins? No doubt, I am sure I have.

If multi tones are what has given you great success, it would be hard to justify switching to a single tone. I understand that. Conversely though, I have had great success with the Tesoro single tone and can tell most trash from a coin. Some exceptions are bottlecaps with the sides bent in. For me I will stick with what has bought me success, and that is Tesoro.

There are guys that do well and have had success with all makes. It can be hard to mess with what is successful for you, and really why would you. Some people will go through several detectors to find the one that suits them well. When they find it, it's a keeper. For me that has been Tesoro, for others it's something different. So be it!
I use the same criteria: Finds. I post my finds here, and although I havent found anything earth shattering, I have found much more goodies in trashy torn down homesites using all metal, zero disc, multi tones, than using disc and a single tone. I can hunt both ways with my detector, and IMO it is nearly impossible to hunt sites with 10 targets per swing using a single tone. I find more (you can see my finds posts) with my current detector. I had to try DIFFERENT detectors to know this, so I took a chance like everyone must if they want to experience the capabilities of another brand. I would not know how much I like my current detector other than by trying it myself and FINDING things. Note, no brand names were used in the above statement.

Dam AtomicScott that had to be hard for you to type without using that particular brand and model name! I am quite impressed! Trying different detectors keeps the detector companies in business, this is good. If I had a detector that didn't suit my taste I would try different ones also. If you are not happy with your detector you will end up quitting. Some people may need to try several to find the one that suits their needs and style just right, that's just the way it works. Once you find the right one, the fun begins!

Dam AtomicScott that had to be hard for you to type without using that particular brand and model name! I am quite impressed! Trying different detectors keeps the detector companies in business, this is good. If I had a detector that didn't suit my taste I would try different ones also. If you are not happy with your detector you will end up quitting. Some people may need to try several to find the one that suits their needs and style just right, that's just the way it works. Once you find the right one, the fun begins!

True dat!

Dam AtomicScott that had to be hard for you to type without using that particular brand and model name! I am quite impressed! Trying different detectors keeps the detector companies in business, this is good. If I had a detector that didn't suit my taste I would try different ones also. If you are not happy with your detector you will end up quitting. Some people may need to try several to find the one that suits their needs and style just right, that's just the way it works. Once you find the right one, the fun begins!

You mean may need to "own" several before they find the "ones" that fit needs,lol

People also miss targets because when they are running no disc/multi tone, they encounter a target(coin) with a nail or two keeping it company....just enough to make it sound rough and screw up the VDI readout. So you think junk....and pass it up......
and im sure you disagree Scott....lol
I don't know if Scott will disagree but I will, to the extent that anyone relying on their VID is foolish for starters. Audio still rules, and VID is simply more input to consider.
Another thing to think about is the response that various materials have to different frequencies. It is one reason that multi-freq machine users enjoy such great success, as well as machines that can change frequencies similar to the one(s) that Scott (and I) use.

(and again no brand/model mentioned)

I don't know if Scott will disagree but I will, to the extent that anyone relying on their VID is foolish for starters. Audio still rules, and VID is simply more input to consider.
Another thing to think about is the response that various materials have to different frequencies. It is one reason that multi-freq machine users enjoy such great success, as well as machines that can change frequencies similar to the one(s) that Scott (and I) use.

(and again no brand/model mentioned)
Longhair, actually I agree with you. I came from a beep & dig one-tone machine, so I do not use the VDI other than for reference. The tones will keep me from digging a target, not the numbers. Now that I have my current machine, I dont use ANY disc, but those multi-tones keep me from having to 'thumb the disc knob' as was necessary to run zero disc with my previous machine. As you said audio rules. I just need more of it, than one tone!

This thread has run now for 3 years … And is still very interesting to follow and read..

That is how i feel about relics also..

Some relics are great finds. I still like finding old brass padlocks from the 1800's, etc... I don't consider 'iron junk' relics, its just iron junk!

I don't know if Scott will disagree but I will, to the extent that anyone relying on their VID is foolish for starters. Audio still rules, and VID is simply more input to consider.
Another thing to think about is the response that various materials have to different frequencies. It is one reason that multi-freq machine users enjoy such great success, as well as machines that can change frequencies similar to the one(s) that Scott (and I) use.

(and again no brand/model mentioned)

Longhair, on the frequency changing ability, Minelab has it nailed. I think that would be hard to argue.

The thing I wonder is just how much of a difference the frequency makes. The reason I say this is because of my Tejon. A 17 KHZ detector shouldn't be great coin detector by conventional wisdom, yet it nails deep coins no problem. I haven't found deep silver with it yet but others have. My deepest coin was a 9" dime that hit loud and clear. It would be interesting to see a real good test done to show just exactly how frequencies affect depth on different conductors. For example I wonder if there is really much of a difference between a 10khz detector vs. a 5 KHz detector on targets. I don't know the difference and to be honest I don't have a clue!

My guess is the detector manufacturers know the answers. I would love to see some data from them.

Dave Johnson, if you are reading this please feel free to give us some info/facts on Frequencies!

It's not so much what depth you get, nor the metals that a frequency will see, as most are capable of detecting all metals. The notable difference is how various metals respond to different frequencies. There are distinct audio variations that result from changing frequencies which can for instance assist in determining whether a potential target is really worth digging, or whether you'll decide that it's trash.

It's not so much what depth you get, nor the metals that a frequency will see, as most are capable of detecting all metals. The notable difference is how various metals respond to different frequencies. There are distinct audio variations that result from changing frequencies which can for instance assist in determining whether a potential target is really worth digging, or whether you'll decide that it's trash.

You make a good point. I assume you have a 3 KHZ coil for your 705, do you feel that it gives you an advantage on the silver coins? Does it help distinguish the silver from surrounding trash?

Absolutely! I recently was at a site where literally every good target had trash in the hole along with it. That place had been previously pounded, so my finds there had apparently been masked to my predecessors.

Absolutely! I recently was at a site where literally every good target had trash in the hole along with it. That place had been previously pounded, so my finds there had apparently been masked to my predecessors.

That happens sometimes with the 7.5 khz DD as well. Solid dime signal, after digging 2-3 rusty iron items & maybe a pulltab, the dime is still in the hole.

I don't know if Scott will disagree but I will, to the extent that anyone relying on their VID is foolish for starters. Audio still rules, and VID is simply more input to consider.
Another thing to think about is the response that various materials have to different frequencies. It is one reason that multi-freq machine users enjoy such great success, as well as machines that can change frequencies similar to the one(s) that Scott (and I) use.

(and again no brand/model mentioned)
I was referring more to single frequency machines....

People also miss targets because when they are running no disc/multi tone, they encounter a target(coin) with a nail or two keeping it company....just enough to make it sound rough and screw up the VDI readout. So you think junk....and pass it up......
and im sure you disagree Scott....lol

I have'nt found that to be the case for me,my gamma 6000 set to 16 to disc small rusty nails and with 2 tones will find a coin even when the iron is on top of the coin..If i had a single tone machine and disced out the iron,i would likely miss the coin..

It looks like Tesoro really makes a quality built machine as it looks real good and sturdy (high quality of build). Not to mention they offer a lifetime warranty (even though most would not cover accidental damage), it must be built well. Right? I do not own one or have ever used one, but I did read an article earlier in the year that stated they were built well. The Tesoro line does not seem to have succumbed to the light weight plastic and fragile-like construction that is widely being offered by the metal detector industry to offset operating costs and job cuts at their companies; and possibly pave their way for future repair/replacement costs? :sign13:
I can only hope being they are a smaller company and hopefully growing they will come out with some really oustanding units in the time to come (Not that they don't already), that will really change the playing field. We as metal detector enthusiasts and consumers should not have to settle for poorly built machines when paying several hundred to a thousand dollars for a unit. You do not see them making soft plastic hunting rifles. You really should be getting something rugged and durable, especially since alot of them are taken into the bush, and not just used on a park green.

Anyone have any unit to unit comparisons on build and quality?
Nothing to write home about,primitive beep and dig,no r&d from Tesoro.

Supertrac, anyone who has used a tesoro and uses them knows that if you disc out the nail it leaves the good target to sound off. Very few machines can match the performance of a tesoro in carpets of nails and iron even with it being only one tone. F 75 unmasks better in 1 tone better than any of the other options it has also. The only other better detector I own that does better than my tesoros in heavy iron is my deus and only seems to be in full tones. Try Montes nail board test with a tesoro and you will be shocked at the outcome. Look it up on youtube.

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