Terry's UFO - UAP - USO Video Review: Do You Believe?

Hey buddy! This pic drools of certain sources. Notice the DEI "person". ..... pot belly (male) with female genitalia. They are obviously headed to parking lot 13, north of pad 39A at Kennedy.... the nude beach!
In this day and age it doesn’t matter “male” or “female genitalia”. It is just a matter of “how do they identify.” John Holmes could probably join a Girl Scout troop today.

I personally believe it would IMPOSSIBLE for life here on earth to have NEVER not been repeated millions, billions or trillions of times over in all the universes. I do not believe we are unique what so ever.

I believe that humans are arrogant and so full of self confidence to the point we actually believe we are the most intelligent species here on earth...? It's a self fulfilled prophecy. Because we can kill any creature at will and build things is that an example of intelligence? All we're doing is just impressing ourselves. Do I think we're intelligent yes.... but compared to what? Hell... take your dog, strip naked and parachute out of a plane into a rain forest. Upon landing see who lives longest. Humans today are so weak and we depend upon technological now. Hell we still wage war against each other.... but we're intelligent.... right?

Do I believe alien life forms have traveled to earth... yes! But how would "they" know what an intelligent creature is? All they know is that life is everywhere on this planet. In order for an alien species to traverse here from another universe their intelligence level is multiple LIGHT YEARS ahead of ours. But due to our arrogance we believe they'd recognize "us" as an intelligence species.... why? Why would they (or us think) they'd know us any better than an ant hill in Africa...? I believe we think that because as a species we are so arrogant.

Just because we have 2 vehicles now leaving our solar system named Voyager 1-2 or have landed vehicles upon mars numerous times none of those accomplishments can begin to be confused with intelligence as compared to ANY alien species capable of coming here. And we'd be arrogant again to even begin comparing those 2 accomplishments.... but I bet we're capable of it...!!!!!!

In the end do I believe in alien intelligence... damn right! They survived themselves, pulled together and rapidly developed TOGETHER. Us here on earth...? Doesn't look like much has changed since the dawn of man (but we're intelligent!)? My money is on the ant hill in Africa.


1. How would any alien intelligence life know enough to contact us (humans) or why would they? Especially the "why would they" part.

2. The "why would they" part is "them" just picking up humans and living creatures doing whatever... which is again why? Possible answer: They don't give a damn about contacting anybody in "charge". They don't care nor did they know they had too....! There is nobody in "charge" nor do they care or know how. Our arrogance as humans think "they" would or should. Bad.....

3. If an OBVIOUS alien craft landed in a field here in Middle Tennessee how would we react? I'd bet instantly guns would be drawn, law enforcement would show up for some reason and many other folks with a "show of force". Why...? It's our first reaction.... same as since the dawn of man. Why...?

4. Why does human nature instantly want to kill what we don't understand...? We "broadcast" this behavior and then am willing to repeat it instantly and we're the intelligent ones...!

To think or believe we're intelligent is beyond STUPID especially if you believe any alien life form can travel to earth and have a desire to contact us..... WHY? I personally believe it's happened and will continue.

Why do we bother with going to a zoo, or the moon? Maybe earth is a travel stop for some reason. Maybe time travelers wanting to see “the old country.” I would travel back, if I could, to see the pyramids being built, the library at Alexandria, etc. I don’t have answers, only questions.
No one needs to go to zoo these days just to to Walmart plenty of apes to see there?

No wait that its just me scratching my bum?

Crow :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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What if these aliens are not actually aliens but advanced versions of ourselves?

If we look to evolutionary nature for the most efficient society structures. we need to look no further than some insect species. Ants, bees, termites for example. Every bit of the society is controlled by a single entity.

We have falling birth rates in human kind. Micro plastics are now detected in male sperm all over the globe. resulting as we become more and more polluted we become more infertile as a species. But it is also with women with egg production.

Add changing cultural factors as more and more relationships become less and less in time. the need for emotions love or even opinions are becoming redundant.

Changes via technology is changing society. It is already alienating us from our traditional values. We are becoming enslaved to technology around us. ( We are all becoming digitally entrapped by smart phone. Our money, social lives, communication our thoughts are all being controlled? AI controls your emotions it scans what news content send you and reinforces your beliefs creating cognitive bias.)

We have by enlarge have distanced or disengaged ourselves from the world around us. Many people walk around with ear phones connected to the internet. We have become autistic in nature. Afraid of eye contact,

Many people are failing understand facial eye contact or face to face communication, to the point we are losing our humanity.

In time future generations will see us as inferior. it happening even now with the generation following us? We are patronized and seen as a 20th century dinosaurs in our thinking, values and aspirations. Imagine thousands of years from now?

We are on the cusp of new world. I am pleased I am at the end of mine. I can hypothesis that in the future if we survive not blowing the crap out of selves with nuclear bombs.

In the future Mankind's society will look very different than we are today? There is no need for dating, marriage or relationships?
For example there will no longer need for independent thought. that will be under the control with AI. That has already started.

No need for sex or sexual romantic relationships. As all breading with be industrialized. No child birth, no mothers or fathers. No concept of family group. No race as by then you DNA will be pretty much the same. No need for fashion or creativity because that is not efficient. No such things as religion or even independent thought.

Al in the endless drive for efficiency will make sure you are just produced in the most efficient form.

AI will be logically be slaved to efficiency, even now when I type this statement on the forum. AI is constantly changing words I type.

I believe the Aliens some people see are the future personification of ourselves as we advance and evolve as a species.


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Here is a crude drawing of the two creatures I encountered about two decades ago. I saw these things before I did any research on what aliens are "supposed to look like". They bassically resemble what the popular consensus is they're supposed to look like... which makes sense because it's indeed what they look like.

The middle hand drawing on the left is what I remember seeing as the creature beckoned me to come closer. It didn't speak but somehow I knew it was calling me over to it, very much like a human would sign with their hands to a stray dog.

When I realized the aliens intended to bring me up into their starship I shook my hands and thought "No. No, no, no." But I didn't speak these word out loud, I was incapable of speaking. I may have been speaking to them telepathically or maybe my hand motions were enough to convey my choice in not joining them. (Note the placement of the ship in the sketch is roughly how I saw it in the sky, tilted slightly above and behind the street light).

I don't remember how the aliens got back on their ship but in what seemed like an instant they were gone and so was their ship.

I thought I must have hallucinated the whole thing. I went home and went to bed. The next day I remembered the whole thing and asked my parents if they heard or saw anything unusual that night. My mom told me she had seen a bright blue light outside late at night. So I hadn't imagined it, I now had corroborated evidence. I went out and bought my first book on aliens and was facinated nobody really took them too seriously.

Never really thought much more about them before or since really, they're out there but they dont seem to be anything more than a neutral observer of our planet. Sure it would be great to get their technology I guess, but good luck with that, they seem to have mind controlling powers to some extent and memory wiping technology plus their space ships are simply insane, our most advanced planes must seem like the Wright Brother's first airplane to them in comparison.

There is another school of interesting thought. Are any of us real? Are you real? Am I am real? Or are we both actually AI chat bots having this imaginary delusional conversation believing each other to being real? trawling though the internet nothing seems real any more?

Are we all just an illusion? or in my case a delusion? Underminer I had similar experience that do not know if it was just a dream or delusion.

My experience waking up in be one night parallelized unable to move only my eyes. I in panic experienced a sucking sensation on chest. my body horizontal floated through the closed window and curtains as if it was not there to a bright light out side my body floated up the yard to a hedge.

There was the noise of garbage truck picking up the bins in the early hours. I went through hedge like if it was not there. But it was not a garbage truck but A floating dome shaped craft hovering in the middle of the street before I knew it I was on a table with bright light and felt these Three strange creature looking like dark eyed aliens operating on my nose insert or tagging me on in left nostril.

I awoke cold and shivering naked on top of made bed the wrong way round. I could still hear the garbage truck picking up bins going from bin to bin.

I treated it as lucid dream that that even today I can remember it so lucidly. Yet ten years on I had operation of my adenoids because nasal passage was blocked. After my operation the doctor chastised me saying what the hell did I shove up my left nostril? He told me he removed a foreign object latched deeply on my left nasal bone.

The strangest thing the doctor asked to keep it. even though he would not show me what it was.

Was it real, a dream or delusion. I do not know? I have never seen a UFO awake at least.


Been interested in and closely followed the subject since the late 50’s. Noticed this getting play most recently, no doubt because two Harvard scholars are behind it…

Good study on a variety of experiences with NIH(Non Human Intelligence):

“….the results suggest that the reported CE with an NHI is largely non-physical and can occur via telepathy, during an out-of-body experience, being floated into a "matrix-like" reality, as well as through physical interaction on board a craft. Consequently, the results suggest that a non-physical ("contactee") CE is distinctly different from a physical ("abduction") CE and should be studied as separate but interrelated anomalous events. In fact, the CE associated with a UAP is not the predominant form of CE, and sighting a UAP is not necessarily associated with a CE.”

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You ever notice that some “people” look like hybrids?

Wendy Williams always looked like a human/big gray cross. I thought Derek Jeter looked like a space alien cross too. It would explain his superior play on the diamond…
Just saying, what if?


Hey Terry.... I watched the video 100%. For me.... I still question why would any alien life form contact humans if they can come across universes. What would "draw" them to or for them to "pinpoint" humans as the ones to "contact".....? What connection would they have to us over a herd of deer in Middle TN.

Do I question how were the pyramids built and other structures back in the day.... HELL YES!

But I still question if they (ancient folks) were visited and helped by aliens.... WHY? How in the hell would aliens who can travel across vast space distances know enough to contact us humans THEN. And/or why would they upon contact do anything involving / concerning US? For what reason...?

We're no more advanced now then we were when the pyramids were being built...? That's my belief to ANY intelligence life capable of coming here across universes.

Can anybody tell me the technology of today vs 5000 years ago that makes us more intelligent to a alien life form who can traverse across space to this little planet....?

Hell we waged war upon on our kind then and even today... ALL ADVANCED we still do....!

Hey Terry.... I watched the video 100%. For me.... I still question why would any alien life form contact humans if they can come across universes. What would "draw" them to or for them to "pinpoint" humans as the ones to "contact".....? What connection would they have to us over a herd of deer in Middle TN.

Do I question how were the pyramids built and other structures back in the day.... HELL YES!

But I still question if they (ancient folks) were visited and helped by aliens.... WHY? How in the hell would aliens who can travel across vast space distances know enough to contact us humans THEN. And/or why would they upon contact do anything involving / concerning US? For what reason...?

We're no more advanced now then we were when the pyramids were being built...? That's my belief to ANY intelligence life capable of coming here across universes.

Can anybody tell me the technology of today vs 5000 years ago that makes us more intelligent to a alien life form who can traverse across space to this little planet....?

Hell we waged war upon on our kind then and even today... ALL ADVANCED we still do....!
Maybe the answer is Humans are the aliens. What if they were here long before we were, and like parasites, we have taken over the planet and now threaten to destroy it with our nuclear weapons? What if they made us? Lots of theories floating around..

Hey Terry.... I watched the video 100%. For me.... I still question why would any alien life form contact humans if they can come across universes. What would "draw" them to or for them to "pinpoint" humans as the ones to "contact".....? What connection would they have to us over a herd of deer in Middle TN.

Do I question how were the pyramids built and other structures back in the day.... HELL YES!

But I still question if they (ancient folks) were visited and helped by aliens.... WHY? How in the hell would aliens who can travel across vast space distances know enough to contact us humans THEN. And/or why would they upon contact do anything involving / concerning US? For what reason...?

We're no more advanced now then we were when the pyramids were being built...? That's my belief to ANY intelligence life capable of coming here across universes.

Can anybody tell me the technology of today vs 5000 years ago that makes us more intelligent to a alien life form who can traverse across space to this little planet....?

Hell we waged war upon on our kind then and even today... ALL ADVANCED we still do....!
Maybe the answer is Humans are the aliens. What if they were here long before we were, and like parasites, we have taken over the planet and now threaten to destroy it with our nuclear weapons? What if they made us? Lots of theories floating around..

Hello Terry

And excellent theory.

We can discuss that when all the AI terminator bots are hunting us down like vermin as we huddle in underground bunkers.:tongue3::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

We are a sad excuse of species that we can create wonderful technology? But the first thing we will do with it, is to weaponize it. Right now Elon musk says we HAVE technology from facial recognition app used on smart phone can applied on suicide drone with an explosive devise programed to kill a intended target by facial recognition.

Drone A1 Assassins

Think about that? What crap are they not even mentioning that they have secretly?

Most of our news is now on smart phones. Run by Al So AI now determines what interests you and your sent more and more of the same things. Our news feeds are different for each other. For example.

A friend of mine she read up on story of rape and murder of women. Now all she gets on her smart phone from news feed dictated by A1 are stories of women raped and murdered positive re reinforcing her cognitive bias that all men now are rapists and murderers.

Or another having Jewish stories having stories fed to them of Jews being killed by Hamas. And the other having vice versa. So you see AI can inflame racial, political, gender, and law and order issues and positive re enforces an agenda, a fear or belief. ( Perhaps this why every one seems so angry these days.?)

AI has the power to manipulate billions of people around globe as governments they are blind to the social upheavals in the race to develop weapons against each other?

Not to mention the huge social displacement of millions of jobs to come. There will come a time when Humans will become obsolete. That then how do exist as society as we know it?

See this picture of this beautiful young women AI news feed through her smart phone reinforced her fears with stories that we are all going to die from climate change. AI flooded her news feed month after month year after with same doom and gloom stories.


Positive reinforcing her fears until she killed herself.

She is not alone. A girlfriend of mine her daughter only 12 years old tried to hang herself. Al feed her storied positive reinforcing fears with cognitive bias. It is causing social problems of images and identity problems and mental health issues. And its not doing to thousands but millions that are being emotional manipulated.

We have unleashed the devil now called smart phones that now manipulate our thoughts for better or for worse. And governments now want us to be more enslaved to the smart phones. it already happening in countries trying to go cashless.

It is all about total control of your thoughts and opinions and your lives. And this is dangerous precedent in the making. Not just in America all over the world. AI can give America centrist bias or Chinese , or Russian centrist bias etc to fit any political agenda they want.

So with all of this technology and obsession we have to have it. As we on this world have competitors and we need to get the edge over enemies. Our technology advances has exploded at a alarming rate. fundamentally changing the society functions.

The ironic thing is if we do not do have these advances we become vulnerable to our enemies? It is a vicious cycle we are a technological arms race. So in the last 50 years technology as advanced to beyond our wildest imaginations. (At least to raggedy old Crow's old bird brain.)

Where has this technology came from? Is it all from us? Or from some outside presence of an superior Alien society? Who is transferring accelerating our technology and mentally transforming society to be more advanced before our time?

Are we all just an ongoing social engineering experiment of an advanced Alien civilization? Slowly evolving us with technology until we are mature as a race, and cope with interstellar contact?

Perhaps Aliens are already among us? I swear Gretal Thumberg and Elon Musk are related?

alien one.JPG
alien 2.JPG

Just look at their buggy eyes. I swear they are hybrids? :tongue3::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

All jokes aside Maybe aliens treat us the same as we research inferior wild animals to us with tagging and conversation programs?

Perhaps in our life time there will be a progressive acceptance of Alien life that will rapidly challenge our views on the universe? Perhaps we are already controlled by a advanced civilization way beyond our realms of comprehension?

I suppose I get back to my anal probing. Oh wait that is IRS. :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Homars Alien Anal probing

Sadly I have only questions, no answers.:dontknow:


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