Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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I have did my own work. I have found someone on the Internet that has already performed that task. It is in a 20 page surmise. According to the information Henry Sinclair never was in Nova Scotia. If you have any documentation to prove other wise well hold it tight until you make a discovery. Have you found anything in your five years that is "Knight's Templar" NO of course not. The "Knight's Templar" came through Newport, Rhode Island. The "Knight's Templar" Maps came through Jamestown and later to Williamsburg, Virginia. No connection whatsoever to Nova Scotia. Keep up the hunting. This one is unobtainable because it did not happen.

Yep he did find something Templar, just delivered at a later time of around 1600AD to evade the English and Roman Catholic Empires.

The evidence is being gathered......

Stop demanding instant results and claim people are a fraud just because they don't hand you everything as to fit with your speculation.

I live here in Vermont, merely a half mile from a point of reference from ANOTHER part of the Templar puzzle.

And they were obviously crafting their entire Masonic tradition around these known sites.

I have found at least three points of reference so far that proves both Templar of origin, and that the Freemasons were in Vermont using some of the loot from these troves, crafting an order surrounding the troves and their Templar's legends.

I have read the legend of Henry Sinclair's traveling to Nova Scotia under another name but that man was in prison five years during the time Henry Sinclair was supposed to have made the trip. This in itself proves that the trip never happened. But you can go on looking. I will hunt else where.

Hmm, perhaps I can put my two cents into the discussion. IMHO, the Templars sailed to and landed in Vinland, oops, I mean Nova Scotia in 1308 and not 1398. They had 18 ships that left France in 1307, some went south and some went north, and some ended up in New Scotland. A wooden ship of the 13th/14th century couldn't have lasted over 30 years and it is documented (big word) that the last ships bought by the Templars was before the turn of the century (14th). I can produce documentation for both of these statements (the ages and dates of the Venetian ships being bought), something severely lacking in most of these discussions.
Cheers, Loki

Hmm, perhaps I can put my two cents into the discussion. IMHO, the Templars sailed to and landed in Vinland, oops, I mean Nova Scotia in 1308 and not 1398. They had 18 ships that left France in 1307, some went south and some went north, and some ended up in New Scotland. A wooden ship of the 13th/14th century couldn't have lasted over 30 years and it is documented (big word) that the last ships bought by the Templars was before the turn of the century (14th). I can produce documentation for both of these statements (the ages and dates of the Venetian ships being bought), something severely lacking in most of these discussions.
Cheers, Loki
O No,:BangHead: Frank was just about to leave and hunt else where, now you gave him the secret info he will keep looking for the Templar Treasure.:BangHead: O well it all most work.

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Here's a theory: Templars arriving in 1308. Making their way south. Not leaving a trail because they were being hunted. Treasure being what is is, bulky and heavy, chambers being built to store it in while they stayed here and there for the winter perhaps. Now, the order was a secret order, and children born to these knights from the indiginous peoples would have most likely been raised in the order, using the page, squire, knight method used in the guilds of Europe. This trip would have taken years to complete, and would have taken many man hours of work. By the time of the English arrival in what..1607?, The migration could have been in the Virginia area. Because of the Masonic order to be so prevalent in the new world at the onset of this country, could it be the Templars not only reached the "New World", but were sailing back and forth to their holdings in friendly Scotland. plenty of time to plan a new country.. As for the treasure? It's still here, always will be. Because it was never lost to begin with. The secret passes in the guilds, father to son, master to apperntice like it has for years. It' all in fun, but still a possibility.

Albert 'Pike'ville?........got some history down there for sure

Here's the photographic evidence of the troves being located here in the US.

As far as the sites in Nova Scotia, nobody knows if there are any troves left. Will have to actually inspect them personally

Besides the troves in Vermont have been taken.

Here is the proof the Masons have crafted a formal order surrounding the Great Seal they made for the Dollar Bill.

View attachment 1211495

Notice the cross pointing at the unfinished pyramid?

Notice the triangle carved on the left side of the cross.

It leads from the triangle on the top of Mt. Mansfield and makes its linear path to the vault on the opposite side.

the rough carved features are actually a topographical map of the area. Same as the Liberty Bell has its roughed and raised features that are exact replications of the range here.

Something was buried there that is extremely important to the creation of the "New Temple" in the US. The Masons were generous and crafted this temple not so much from the form of the Egyptian, but also from the Chickasaw Meeting House designs that are prevalent in our Tribal areas in the south, in Tennessee.

This Masonic Temple is now sold out to businesses and other forms of objectives for political and financial gains.

Bernie Sanders even has his office there. Think he wants to 'help' the cause?

we dont know if this rock was taken from the original Champlain mission, or from the Masons carving it to lead the Sublime Prince to his Temple.......

But I do know this is going to be one hell of a circus soon.

Hmm, perhaps I can put my two cents into the discussion. IMHO, the Templars sailed to and landed in Vinland, oops, I mean Nova Scotia in 1308 and not 1398. They had 18 ships that left France in 1307, some went south and some went north, and some ended up in New Scotland. A wooden ship of the 13th/14th century couldn't have lasted over 30 years and it is documented (big word) that the last ships bought by the Templars was before the turn of the century (14th). I can produce documentation for both of these statements (the ages and dates of the Venetian ships being bought), something severely lacking in most of these discussions.
Cheers, Loki

There is nothing that say's the "Templars" were not in Nova Scotia earlier than 1308. Who is to say that Sir Henry Sinclair didn't utilize the legends of his ancestors the "Vikings" to cover his tracks as it were being here? Look to the "Vinland Map", supposedly created in the 14th to 15th century, three to four hundred years after the last voyage of the Vikings. The Vinland map was apart of the Tartar Relations and I bet there was one more piece of that book that was discovered in the 20th century but was not associated with it.

Do you mean the "secret" being passed is the teaching of mason craft or the locations of Templar treasure ?

People have a hard enough time keeping secrets hidden but to keep treasure hidden for 15 or so generations is most unlikely given it wasn't long after public internet arrived that people uploaded Scottish Rite, Masonic manuscripts for all to see.

Just my thought..

The Triangle can also be interpreted as being a derived location using the Nolan Cross in Nova Scotia.

Proving the existence of part of this mystery is located in the New Ross area as well.

Petter Amundsen has created a series of reviews and codebreaks of the Bacon/Shakespeare work and proven there is a "TT MAP"...or a Treasure Trove Map......

but it also shows that the puzzle is only completed when you have "Bowth" puzzles, maps, and paintings deciphered.

The marks left in the area show that the codes tell one to "Research PAX" and "Ar" or Arthur's Seat. There you will find the ability to track the vault that was opened there, and was made into a trove in Vermont.

The finder?......the finder is to be the next King of Kings, the direct descendant of the house of Medici and the rightful heir to the throne of the Kingdom.....

"Research PAX"

The finder?......the finder is to be the next King of Kings, the direct descendant of the house of Medici and the rightful heir to the throne of the Kingdom.....

The "PAX" part of the equation comes from the only Latin word in the famed "Shepherdess Parchment" and from the Latin is translated as "PEACE", but it has a deeper meaning which I will show in a separate thread "Decoding the Shepherdess Parchment".

How and why would a future King of Kings be a descendant of the House of Medici?

Cheers, Loki

Because of the wonderful things he does.....were off to see the wizard......... image.webp

The town here is lost in its own delusion of grandeur thinking they have made their commonplace from the mysteries of the Freemasons, but they 'decorate' the city based on the tall tales of the entertainment version of these legends.

Be careful when looking for these mysteries in the architecture of the cities, as yes the older masons left clues in their design, but the legends have been twisted to fit with their agenda that shows a reality crafted from the Entertainment Industry influences.

Along with the origins of these mysteries being crafted to entertain, we also see they were participating with black magic ceremonies and creating numerous lies to deceive individuals who research these tales to find the truth.

What I will tell you is that the Masonic Temple in Vermont, and the Liberty Bell all show these treasures in their grandeur and glory, but the numerous reports in the MSM have taken this liberty and turned it into a staged performance that is a front for their totalitarian control over the masses in the US.

Albert Pike was one of these deceptive types, and he ran numerous objectives that were used to scare our nation into submission of these orders and their men who are still using these legends as their cover.

The recent discoveries in Nova Scotia are no different. We now have another round of idiots following the trending television shows that talk about the 'Mystery' as if there is no historical verification of these facts to use as a hint at the possibility of what lies there in the hills of NS. Their ability to erase the French foundation of the settlements and missions there were obviously inept as we have shredded their lies in front of them.

Here's a few:

1) Tales of Golden Tablets
2) Tales of a "New Temple"
3) Tales of a Chapel Vault on Oak Island
4) "The Spear Of Destiny has been found on Oak Island"
5) Tales of the Ark of the Covenant buried in the Money Pit
6) Tales of the Tomb of Jesus and Mary are now being introduced in books and publications
7) Tales of the books of Shakespeare buried there
8) Tales of Aliens who built the Money Pit

The list goes on and on and on:

The facts show nothing is certain about a site from its raw layout until you find that the design is completely arranged to show the exact likeness of another chapel that they designed the New Ross layout upon.

This layout shown by Dennis, is the exact carbon copy of the Rennes Le Chateau design.

The Bayer's Lake Mystery Walls? They also show the layout as the same, and there is a carved area in the bedrock there exposed to represent this valley and its terrain.

The entire areas' markings and other events surrounding the collection of the wealth there were easily taken into the history of the area when the American Freemasons traveled to France to collect information from their Rosicrucian brothers to find these stores for their needs.

Their objectives were to rally enough support from the separation from England and were basically made into missions to collect this wealth. They left dozens of facts behind to show there was a need for these affairs.

The Artifacts are said to remain there for the finder who has figured out all of these mysteries and decided upon the right course of action, as the mystery is layered to show that whoever presents a partial find, or a find made for monetary purposes, will be shunned eternally.

So far the reality of these types of sham productions have been seen as fraud, so far so good.......but there are a few left in the bunch who need to stop clinging onto lies about the origins of this masterpiece of work.

This is the last time there will be any confusion...

I guarantee that.

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Albert 'Pike'ville?........got some history down there for sure

Here's the photographic evidence of the troves being located here in the US.

As far as the sites in Nova Scotia, nobody knows if there are any troves left. Will have to actually inspect them personally

Besides the troves in Vermont have been taken.

Here is the proof the Masons have crafted a formal order surrounding the Great Seal they made for the Dollar Bill.

View attachment 1211495

Notice the cross pointing at the unfinished pyramid?

Notice the triangle carved on the left side of the cross.

It leads from the triangle on the top of Mt. Mansfield and makes its linear path to the vault on the opposite side.

the rough carved features are actually a topographical map of the area. Same as the Liberty Bell has its roughed and raised features that are exact replications of the range here.

Something was buried there that is extremely important to the creation of the "New Temple" in the US. The Masons were generous and crafted this temple not so much from the form of the Egyptian, but also from the Chickasaw Meeting House designs that are prevalent in our Tribal areas in the south, in Tennessee.

This Masonic Temple is now sold out to businesses and other forms of objectives for political and financial gains.

Bernie Sanders even has his office there. Think he wants to 'help' the cause?

we dont know if this rock was taken from the original Champlain mission, or from the Masons carving it to lead the Sublime Prince to his Temple.......

But I do know this is going to be one hell of a circus soon.

Got Pop-corn...?:hello2:

Do you mean the "secret" being passed is the teaching of mason craft or the locations of Templar treasure ? People have a hard enough time keeping secrets hidden but to keep treasure hidden for 15 or so generations is most unlikely given it wasn't long after public internet arrived that people uploaded Scottish Rite, Masonic manuscripts for all to see. Just my thought..
Yes, secrets of freemasonry are passed down as they have been for generations. However, one has to think that if the masons have, or know the location of a treasure brought here many years ago, that only those at the top would know its secret? and with all the lodges across the world, wouldn't it be safer split across the globe?

Albert 'Pike'ville?........got some history down there for sure
Sorry, but Pikeville was named after Zebulon M. Pike, Not Albert. But, it's a funny coincidence in this case.LOL

Point is that no matter how many crafted tales of diversive tactics and assertions of other solves 'possibly' being discovered, that the verifiable facts are found in the leg work and not so much in the historical research.

There are steps to take to find the answers originating in France within texts, parchments, architecture, and paintings, and from there you must make a voyage to another location in Scotland to find a marking at a tomb that was opened at Arthur's Seat.

You have to then continue the voyage from the same calculations found in the maps, and make your way to a Cerro Punto, or area of converging navigational points, where you have a second layer and scale to derive.

Once there you find steps 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 carved into stone, before you get to the 'Masters Knot' or the infinite symbol of the Figure '8' knot. There you must have the code broken on the 90' stone and lead you to the troves.

There lies the tomb and the relics........but its not finished.

The trail is then transferred over to locate the areas from the Nolan Cross, as a higher point of reference to the whole area in New France, and it will guide you to find the area at Yarmouth where a second entire set of paintings, carvings and a much harder trail is found to the vault in the Notch here.

I have the locations charted to the whole affair.

What was carved into stone in Bayers Lake correlates to the New Ross chapel that was made exactly in the same proportions and design as the Rennes Le Chateau Blueprint.

When there is some confusion as to why this is included in the area?

It is easy to see whoever came to the area to make these charts and maps......Samuel Champlain......was creating a cipher that could not be solved by OWNING THE MONEY PIT.

Eldo, the problem (in my eyes) with the majority of what you come up with is that you always seem to make (admittedly) creative connections where, in my opinion, there are none.

If you were entrusted with a great treasure, part of which is widely believed to be the Temple Treasure i.e. the Ark, why would you make a trail to it? If you are in possession of a powerful (culturally as well as perhaps physically) artifact, you bear the responsibility of that power. If the Templars believed the Ark should be hidden, I find it hard to believe that they would tell ANYONE the location, vocally or with "clues". It is in human nature to betray, and to give in to selfish desires, i.e. adultery i.e. sin, something the greatly spiritual Templars would have been aware of. If there was a real map to the treasure, it would have been found by now. I'm confident it has NOT been found; we will know it has been found when the construction of the Third Temple begins.

If the Ark was really hidden by the Templars, it was not meant to be found. Kind of like what we do with nuclear waste in this day and age. We bury it in a deep deep hole where nobody lives.

I've been to the site in New Ross and there's no question in my mind that there existed a large structure there. The laws of thermodynamics tell me it would be very strange for a giant pile of boulders to randomly all find rest at the highest point of a geographical site. Also, Lokiblossom's research has built a case for a possible connection between medieval London's Charing Cross, erected a stone's throw from the Temple Church right before the Templar's were exiled, and the historical New Ross.

I believe Finders Keepers in on to something, just as Joan Hope was. I believe the New Ross site belonged to a Templar structure, perhaps built upon an existing Viking settlement, and that there are likely numerous priceless treasures and stories to be discovered there. However, I find it hard to imagine the Ark being buried there.

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5 pages and still no actual evidence of a Templar Vault.........

5 pages and still no actual evidence of a Templar Vault.........

Actually, it's been 5 pages and there's no evidence presented that satisfies you. Whether or not there has been evidence found, and whether it has been presented on an internet forum are rather different questions, no?

I don't know what FK and his guys have found, but I think that if it were my group that was on-site, I would be keeping any hard evidence I had found pretty close to my vest. I appreciate that FK shares with the treasurenet group, he certainly doesn't have to; and even if you think they have found nothing, look at all of the interesting conversation it has sparked.

Thank you Nostra Danis, We have posted 1/2 of the info we know just to show the New Ross site has more than Oak Island. We have proof of room's and tunnels and that is enough for us to get things ready for our next trip. ITs going to cost me over $30.000 just to 3D scan the site and drill down 90' into the room. Then again we may not have anything of value in either room but this would not be a total loss. If we prove there are tunnels and rooms under this site then maybe we can find out who built this site. The info alone would be worth the work we done .

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