Hi Dave, I see we need to get this leprechaun thing solved. I went back to Joan's web site to copy the section and post it. Joan did not see the little green men at first , it was John Mc Neal and his friend. But Ron Harris and John and his friend and Joan all saw them. I talked to John and Ron about this and they both stick to what they saw.

There are things about this site we just can't answer yet, this is one.
The info below is from Joan's web site.
"I don't mean ghosts, I mean leprechauns," he then told me, "Look, there go a couple now," and he waved his hand towards the window. Down in the driveway of the Christmas-tree yard below the neighbours, he said, were getting into their car. "Watch," he said, "The leprechauns will follow."There was only one problem: the neighbours were away and had left the car locked in their driveway. Yet, as we watched, we could see that the off-side door was swinging open.
Neither Ron nor I could see the leprechauns, but our lodger said he could; and he brought a friend in to watch.
"I've seen them before," our student confided, "Little men in green, they often like to sit on a round, flat rock. They come because this is a good place. They draw strength from it. Wait till it gets dark, then I'll show you."
We looked out of the window again: the neighbours' car had vanished. Not to worry, our student said, they'd gone for a joy-ride. They'd be back.
We waited, doing the washing-up the while. Then he motioned us to look out of the window again. The car was back as he'd said it would be, and soon the door opened to reveal three small figures inside, two on the front seat and one on the floor, apparently having got down there to work the pedals. Even I saw them this time, though they looked grey to me rather than green. Others of their kind greeted them and then they all dispersed into the bushes. Little lights now appeared among the bushes next door. We tried another window, one that looked out on to our backyard. Same thing, little lights in all the trees, some dim and yellowish, others almost blue. We all saw them. And we were all wondering how they'd managed to unlock our neighbours' car without a key.
They all seemed to be holding flashlights directed at our windows. After a time this began to have a strange effect on us: we all began to feel weak. The "flashlights" were in fact the energy they were taking from us, by what means we couldn't tell.
We withdrew from the windows as soon as we realised what was going on and soon regained our strength and felt none the worse for it.
It was then that I decided I must do something about the hauntings. We'd had visitors who said they couldn't sleep in our house. Even our South Shore friends with whom we used to sing were keeping away. And then there were all those stories about bad luck.
But not all ghosts bring bad luck. Some do exactly the opposite. Good people had lived on this spot