Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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On the other hand, using "research" from some woman who claimed she saw leprechauns steal her car, and assigning credibility to ley lines and map vortexes is either additional red herrings to convince the authorities you are harmless, or . . . say, they don't let you use anything sharp do they?

I don't know what FK has or hasn't found, but I don't think you know the real Joan Hope. I do, and what happened as she got older is what may happen to any of us. I have spent a lot of time discussing this with a good friend of hers named Lisa Stone and I believe you all have a distorted view of Joan. In my own opinion you should give her some respect unless you know for a fact you yourself will never see leprechauns. Just my own opinion for what ever its worth!
Cheers, Loki

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I can appreciate that. I'm old enough that not only one of my parents and one of my in-laws went through a "confused" state before passing away, but also a few of my friends.

Still - just because loopie lead to dementia does not justify loopie. I've know people who lived to 85 who's minds were "gone" at age 35.

We post on this site to show that we have discovered things at the New Ross site before anyone else . We were the first to say there is a room under the Holy Well, we located 100's of feet of tunnels , drains and water lines. We were the first to locate a Vault Chamber at the site . The first to locate a trench full of dead bodies . The first to locate a Vortex and Ley Lines at the site. The first to claim to locate a Templar Church site . A cave dug by the Templars and more. So if anyone tries to take over my work I have the post to prove my work.

We are also a small mining company doing a lot of research for minerals and this is how we plan to make our money. There is no way to make money from treasures or castle finds or dead bodies so we plan to do some digging in the spring for minerals before we dig up some of the historical finds we located. We have the proof to back up everything we posted on Treasure Net. Soon we will be back in New Ross doing our thing. All of our sites at the castle will be dug up this year.

On our last trip we located a escape tunnel and I can't wait until I can show it. This is good, we been to the spot many times and didn't know what was there, but we could see a lot of work was done at the site. It took us 3 years to figure it out. The Templars were smart, a lot smarter than we all think. The info we have will prove many good things for them.
Thank You All

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Vortex and ley lines again. Maybe one of the people posting under FK's handle can explain these alleged phenomena to me. I mean it seems that your entire claim of a Templar settlement at New Ross is based on the presence of these "things", you should have a firm grasp of the science behind them. What are they? How are they located?

"We were the first to say there is a room under the Holy Well, we located 100's of feet of tunnels , drains and water lines. We were the first to locate a Vault Chamber at the site . The first to locate a trench full of dead bodies . The first to locate a Vortex and Ley Lines at the site. The first to claim to locate a Templar Church site . A cave dug by the Templars and more. So if anyone tries to take over my work I have the post to prove my work." fk

Here he goes again...restating lies. Imaginary ley lines and other bs prove nothing. If you found a trench of bodies, etc, prove it. Dont keep posting bs here in an attempt to remain relevant. The oak island brothers have more credibility at this point.

But he already beautifully covered the impossibility of providing any proof because this evidence would stop his work.

Which must, therefore, be illegal.

Shame, shame. I think there might even be forum rules against this thread.

You may not.... Use TreasureNet services for any illegal purpose.

If we prove there is a Vault to the public we would be shut down as a historical site and our research would stop. If we prove a man made tunnel , we are shut down. If we prove graves , we are shut down. If we prove anything of major historical find we are shut down.

Then shut it down or shut up. It is not Oak island related.

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But he already beautifully covered the impossibility of providing any proof because this evidence would stop his work.

Which must, therefore, be illegal. Then shut it down or shut up. It is not Oak island related.

Nice Try , But we been trying for many years to get Heritage to mark this site as historical and get it protected to stop all digging . I report what we locate to Heritage and that's it. No need to dig when we have core drilling done first.. We are not just doing research drilling on the castle site, we are working on other sites in the area. You said this site is not Oak Island related , then why did Rick and Marty have the film crew on site in the first two shows. Your a little bit slow but I like your way of thinking.

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Finderkeeper, You make a lot of claims that is going to get you and your team in trouble down the road if anything you posted is fact. Myself, I believe it was just like your tv show from New Ross. You had a dowsing rod claiming there was a room and you claimed there was gold when the backhoe dug you had egg on your face. All your claims are circumstantial guessing and you know it. You have not found a trench of dead bodies or remains if you had you would be shut down and if you continue by your own admission you are breaking the law. You headed for trouble if you are right but I tend to believe you have nothing but bait out there for investors and television.

I can appreciate that. I'm old enough that not only one of my parents and one of my in-laws went through a "confused" state before passing away, but also a few of my friends.

Still - just because loopie lead to dementia does not justify loopie. I've know people who lived to 85 who's minds were "gone" at age 35.

Don't quite understand your reasoning here, but if in your opinion Joan was being deceitful or sly, that simply is not true. You can argue that she didn't truly understand what she was finding and I do agree with that, but she did find somethings. The few who wrote degrading articles about her though, were in many cases being deceitful. Its like any other such mystery, a discerning researcher has to sift carefully through the evidence. John Bear Macneil also wrote about some interesting stories and facts from Nova Scotia in his "Basket Stories", some of which he didn't have a full grasp of either. I have a friend also in Nova Scotia, whom I visited a few years ago that mentioned quite a few facts about her experiences in the Province. Unfortunately, I cannot mention her by name.

As for FK's ley lines, I have another friend, whom I also am not supposed to name, that lives in Nova Scotia who was sort of in on the New Ross ley line thing, being with the person who evidently could detect them. According to him they detected something, but I should mention I am quite skeptical about these things. Ley lines do exist but in my opinion they are generally man made, such as in a certain line of medieval churches.

If anyone thinks I am being deceitful, that also is not true, I do not claim proof of any thing, except to myself and my own personal friends here in Traverse City. I am only following up on my premises and by posting here continue to be somewhat connected to any other research ongoing in Nova Scotia besides Rick and Marty's. We had an earlier very productive Oak Island forum run by a UK resident but as less and less materialized on Oak Island it died out, with many of those same posters now on this site.
Cheers, Loki

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Frederick Blair, Gilbert Hedden, Mel Chappell were all members of a Masonic Lodge.

Is the Nolan cross is connected with the Masons ?

A Masonic Lodge is just across the street of the New Ross site.

In my opinion sasquash (interesting name it is) the Masons have nothing to do with this except for a feeble attempt by a few members to take some credit. The real link is through an inner circle of "The Order of the Rosy Cross".
If any interest, Jean Cocteau's mural "Crucifixion" deserves a look. His depiction of a rose at the bottom of the cross is of course a reference to the "Order".

Cheers, Loki

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Rosicrucians and Freemasons...Go together like "Bread and Butter"!

In my opinion sasquash (interesting name it is) the Masons have nothing to do with this except for a feeble attempt by a few members to take some credit. The real link is through an inner circle of "The Order of the Rosy Cross".
If any interest, Jean Cocteau's mural "Crucifixion" deserves a look. His depiction of a rose at the bottom of the cross is of course a reference to the "Order".

Cheers, Loki

Rose Cross and Freemasons.webp

"If you go looking for the "Truth"...Get the "Whole Truth"!

It is like a "Good Joke"...Getting Half is "Worse" then getting nothing at "All"!

According to Jean Pierre Bayard,[SUP][17][/SUP] two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged toward the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the "Golden and Rosy Cross", and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practised in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.
The change from "operative" to "speculative" Masonry occurred between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 18th century. Two of the earliest speculative Masons for whom a record of initiation exists were Sir Robert Moray and Elias Ashmole. Robert Vanloo states that earlier 17th century Rosicrucianism had a considerable influence on Anglo-Saxon Masonry. Hans Schick sees in the works of Comenius (1592—1670) the ideal of the newly born English Masonry before the foundation of the Grand Lodge in 1717.

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"If you go looking for the "Truth"...Get the "Whole Truth"!

It is like a "Good Joke"...Getting Half is "Worst" then getting nothing at "All"!

According to Jean Pierre Bayard,[SUP][17][/SUP] two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged toward the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the "Golden and Rosy Cross", and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practised in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.
The change from "operative" to "speculative" Masonry occurred between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 18th century. Two of the earliest speculative Masons for whom a record of initiation exists were Sir Robert Moray and Elias Ashmole. Robert Vanloo states that earlier 17th century Rosicrucianism had a considerable influence on Anglo-Saxon Masonry. Hans Schick sees in the works of Comenius (1592–1670) the ideal of the newly born English Masonry before the foundation of the Grand Lodge in 1717.

Don't get your point Robot, but you do understand the difference between Operative and Speculative don't you?

Cheers, loki

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Correct Me...Is it Old Is New!

Don't get your point Robot, but you do understand the difference between Operative and Speculative don't you?

Cheers, loki

Old is New.webp

The Freemasonry of today is not that of 1717; neither was the Freemasonry of 1717 that of the traditional past; but through it all there runs a life that has pushed itself upward and forward from an undifferentiated mass into a differentiated, definite unity, unto a reality possessed of a personality, with unlimited potentialities. Whatever may have been its origin, wherever it may have arisen, is secondary to the great fact, that Freemasonry is here, and is a living thing, throbbing and pulsating with inestimable efficacy. In its successive growth, it was never a revival, but always an evolution.

Don't quite understand your reasoning here, but if in your opinion Joan was being deceitful or sly, that simply is not true. You can argue that she didn't truly understand what she was finding and I do agree with that, but she did find somethings.

No. I didn't imply deceit or slyness. I think she honestly believed the fantasies her demented mind presented her. We are all limited in our version of reality to what our mind processes from the world.

I do not doubt that she thought the scattered rocks were actually something.

I freely admit I have not been to either Oak Island nor New Ross. But so far I have seen nothing worth the trip. Both being pre-Columbian treasure sites are improbable. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof. If it is an early (pre-Columbian) site that has historic interest and I hope it's not being disfigured beyond the reach of a proper archaeological dig. Knowledge is worth more than gold.

The Freemasonry of today is not that of 1717; neither was the Freemasonry of 1717 that of the traditional past; but through it all there runs a life that has pushed itself upward and forward from an undifferentiated mass into a differentiated, definite unity, unto a reality possessed of a personality, with unlimited potentialities. Whatever may have been its origin, wherever it may have arisen, is secondary to the great fact, that Freemasonry is here, and is a living thing, throbbing and pulsating with inestimable efficacy. In its successive growth, it was never a revival, but always an evolution.

The question was,"do you know the difference between operative and speculative" meaning in Masonry. I was an Operative Mason, I have a very good friend who is a 32nd degree Speculative Mason.
Cheers, Loki

No. I didn't imply deceit or slyness. I think she honestly believed the fantasies her demented mind presented her. We are all limited in our version of reality to what our mind processes from the world.

I do not doubt that she thought the scattered rocks were actually something.

I freely admit I have not been to either Oak Island nor New Ross. But so far I have seen nothing worth the trip. Both being pre-Columbian treasure sites are improbable. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof. If it is an early (pre-Columbian) site that has historic interest and I hope it's not being disfigured beyond the reach of a proper archaeological dig. Knowledge is worth more than gold.

My demented mind also thinks the scattered rocks were actually something.
But, that is one of the better post from a detractor I have seen, and I do have to agree "Knowledge is worth more than gold".
Cheers, Loki

Answer: Yes!...But Maybe a Different Movie would help Explain my Interpretation!

The question was,"do you know the difference between operative and speculative" meaning in Masonry. I was an Operative Mason, I have a very good friend who is a 32nd degree Speculative Mason.
Cheers, Loki

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.webp

Today’s secret society of Freemasons is very much different from the 18[SUP]th[/SUP] Century Freemasons, who I believe were the Original Builders of Oak Island.

The vast majority of today’s members go about their Mason business much like Dr. Jekyll, the Boy Scouts, Rotary Club, Lions,or Shriner's.

It a very small upper echelon that I write about and refer to as Mr. Hyde.

Thread: “Oak Island” the “Strange”, the “Bizarre”, and “Maybe” the "Truth”!
Page #19
Post # 279

May be the New Ross discovery deserves its own thread and has nothing to do with the Oak Island show.
Why not to start a new one on Treasure Legends ?

May be the New Ross discovery deserves its own thread and has nothing to do with the Oak Island show.
Why not to start a new one on Treasure Legends ?


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