Tayopa in Durango?

Ed T,:director: then we sure hit the mother lode with you.:laughing7: have some hot:coffee2: np:cat:

Ed T, what do you hope to accomplish……your at best, odd posts, make make no sense and what little intelligible there is, try to direct us to your as knowing the true Tayopa, but you are not even sure you could find your Tayopa again?
……your also ramble on about your religious beliefs, which it would seem are unique to you alone, and are a direct attack upon the truth of the one true God, Jesus Christ (as an aside, those who reject Jesus will not obtain eternal life with Him).
So please let us continue in our ignorance and mistaken pursuit………
Perhaps some coffee with considerable crow supplement would help you think better……..

Hello Ed

You might see this site as all of a bit of a joke....

In the real world where most of us live gold did not begin to fall until about 2012- 2013 where approximately the value fell over 30% That was caused by several factors not due to any single factor and certainly not a specimen you claim to be worth 4 grand on Ebay in truth worth 4 cents.... assayers whom performed of said assays do not send Bogus results for two reasons ED. One it is not good for business and two professional Assayers have protocols to follow their profession. You have provided no proof that the ore was from Tayopa? . Since you "the seller" in advertising the item on Ebay in your own words "from Tayopa" As province Origin...Without showing proof In fact you may of legally left your self open for legal accusations of fraud? Since the Item you advertise is a fairly big ticket item 4000 dollars it may not just come under State law but Federal law.

A Provenance Claim is a claim, made through the use of descriptions or symbols, relating to Diamonds, Synthetics, Gold and/or Platinum Group Metals that are offered for sale, whether as stand-alone materials or set in jewellery, and specifically relate to their:
Origin - Geographical origin of material, for example country, region, mine or corporate ownership of the Mining Facility/ies ; and/ or
Source - Type of source, for example recycled, mined, artisanally mined, Synthetic, or date of production; and/or
Practices - Practices applied in the supply chain relevant to the Code of Practices, including but not limited to, conditions of extraction, processing or manufacturing, conflict-free status, or due diligence towards sources.

Since you claimed on a public forum in some of your posts Tayopa does not exist in earlier posts and Tayopa was made up? You have more or less publicly incriminated yourself in the fact your engaging in fraud.

Hmmm Me thinks some one will be getting a visit before long.....



Tell that to the judge at least ya have no trouble pleading insanity...

Burden of proof in the eyes of law is the seller...Proof is in the pudding ED how many bids have ya got? Ya still engaging in fraud and the more ya post the more credibility you lose.... Think about that when ya some ones ***** in the big house.......

I done with you and your immaturity goodbye.


Yer kidding of course on both the specimen and Tayopo ???????????

Don't discount Crow, he travels in international circles because of his businesses, he can put many
Lawyers to shame.

Incidentally having done a bit of assaying myself, Crow is quite correct, if an assayer returns an assay report and signs it, it is a legal binding statement.

Based upon his report, a mine owner may invest a large amount of money, and if a false report was sent and used, he could collect it back through legal action based upon the assayer's report.

Incidentally, there are only a handful of assayers qualified on the Platinum group of metals. they don't work on a $ 20 fee.

You are trying to tell me that any assayer would risk that for a $ 20 dollar fee ??? The amount of work would remain the same.

The assayer is allowed a certain amount of leeway because he' did not collect the sample to be assayed, so he divides the sample and keeps one half for future protection. or reference.

I am qualified to work on Perkin -Elmer AA devices (atomic absorbtion) I know their limitations, and the assayers

I would suggest not acting like Obama on losing his party's seats because of his actions

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OK ed I am going to ask some specific questions on your assay method.
Did you agua regia for the group?
What were your percentages for pt metals?.
How did you separate the PT metals from the PT.
How big was your bead?? what did your initial weight of ore compare with your final bead weight? How didd you prepare you assay sample??

This will do fot a start, later we will get more technical., if you don't bug out with some excuse. You may have valuable data.

Always ready to learn,since I still don't know it all. cept that Judy is the PBSRW #1


ow did you weigh it>

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Senor Don Jose y our esteemed and returned Señor Crow, I think back to some wise words you said before……it is best to ignore Ed T……..you can't argue or discuss with crazy……...

Ed- You didn't answer Don Jose's questions regarding your personal assay report. I'm interested in that answer as well. Saying "a gentlemen doesn't kiss and tell" is a bit of an odd response. The only information that would be considered private/personal and understandable to not share would be the locale of where the ore came from, and our esteemed Tropical Tramp hasn't asked for that.

Ed, I think you should reevaluate what the purpose is for you to come here. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy this site the way I do. For the record, I have absolutely no authority here and I'm not attempting to insinuate otherwise. I just feel that, at least to me, this site is for anyone, no matter who you are, to come and share their thoughts, to share their opinions & ideas, and to share their information relating to history during any time frame. A place for everyone to debate and, yes, sometimes argue (as adults) topics of interest. No matter what the discussion may be, every bit involves a mutual respect and admiration for one another, regardless of the personal differences in ideals.

But Ed, in my own opinion, you don't seem to care about any of that. To save my life I can't quite figure out why you log into this website but, again, I'm not saying you shouldn't or can't. If you ever decide to tell an interesting story with information that has some semblance of truthfulness behind it, is love to hear about it. Otherwise, what is your point with all of your posts?

I promise you, I'm not trying to be intentionally rude, I am very much asking this seriously. What is the purpose or, better yet, why would you even want to log into this site, make absolutely no sense whatsoever with your remarks, type in sentences where one would think a child is at the keyboard, completely disregard and/or blatantly dispel the facts/info/proof that other members contribute as if you've already personally verified the facts and yet not even ATTEMPT to say how you did it or how it would be possible, and then, in general, come up with some of the most outlandish statements only to end up doing one of two things: either 1) immediately backtrack after someone requests you tell more of the story for sake of verification or, 2) just flat out skirt around the question in such a way as to make others think you may not have even understood the question???

Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about: Don Jose asked you a simple and straightforward question about the assay method you utilized. He didn't ask you for the location of where you found the ore. He didn't downplay your words or question your truthfulness in a way that would come across as insulting. He simply wants to know what your report said or how you went about figuring out how, once again, you and your figured were right and someone else's (a trained professional no less) was wrong. As far as I've seen, any other person on this site who has discussed a report that they had recently received or completed themselves has typically gone into detail about it if not gone as far as scanning the report and showing everyone here (just as our esteemed Tropical Tramp has done a few times).

You say you have nothing to prove to anyone, but then why are you coming on this site and telling us outlandish things, and then turning around and pretty much verbatim saying to us "oh well I don't care about what anyone thinks!"? You say you've found the TRUE Tayopa and yet have given us not ONE single shred of proof/evidence to back up you claims. But then, in your very next post, you'll go as far as saying Tayopa doesn't even exist??!! Doesn't this seem unbelievable to even you??

Finally, Let me be the one to say it: THERE IS NO SECRET ORGANIZATION LOOKING FOR YOU AND YOU HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHANGE IN PRICES FOR ORE ON THE WORLD MARKET. That last part is where you need to realize that maybe you should look into seeking help. Again, I'm being very serious with this. It is mind boggling that you actually think that one person caused the prices of gold, silver, & platinum to crash on a worldwide level.

And by the way, PLEASE listen very carefully to this one, I'm only trying to help you: JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY YOU'RE NOT COMMITTING FRAUD, DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE NOT!!!! Please tell me you don't actually think it's that simple! You are absolutely committing a fraud and I would delve much deeper into what you're doing before going any further and for sure have an attorney lead you in the right direction because, as Crow pointed out, you are breaking the law at a FEDERAL level. You wouldn't go to a country club county jail...this would be federal prison, my friend.

All the best

P.S. I bet I can guess what your response to this will be: you don't care about anyone's opinion, you have nothing to prove to anybody, only you and your "father" will ever know the truth, or some other BS that would make one think you're simply toying with all of us out of nothing more than shear boredom and joy.

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Yes please! I'd love one right about now.
All well with you and yours?


It looks to me that this is all just a game for Ed, to see if he can get a "rise" for his own entertainment. Trying to sell ore specimens as coming from Tayopa while also making public statements that he doesn't believe Tayopa ever existed is sure playing with fire, wide open for legal charges of fraud. If I were you Ed I would either change your Ebay description or those statements about Tayopa never existing, you have posted de facto proof (evidence) of fraud that could land you in legal troubles. But you won't listen to me as this is all just a game for you. :BangHead:

Good luck to you all for any kind of actual discussion of Tayopa.

Better not defend ya self ED just Plead insanity as there is no contest..... Your link in regards to definition in fact incriminates you even more...

But There ya go off again hiding behind your "father" and the Bible...Prayer The last refuge of tyrant Ed...I have good idea where your sample has come from anyway.....So come clean Ed.

The irony of it all is Durango provence has in its own right highly mineralised region . My guess ya have been scratching around the old historic mined sites of Topira in Northern Duranago and have associated that name for "Tayopa". no doubt scrounged through the old mineral waste heaps. Of course that site is under legal ownership of somebody else.... So for you it has become convenient to say Ya lost the exact location but your "father" told ya its Tayopa. In fact Not are you only engaging in fraud in claiming your sample is from Tayopa and trying to sell it for a massively over inflated price and by not providing provenance your also perpetrating theft of mineral ore from a site a legal mining claim.

But what is most offensive of all ya used Father, the Lord, God as a excuse for ya own crime...of dishonesty. The Day of higher reckoning will come ED especially for those who uses the Lords name to commit crime.

Even a raggedly old beach bum deadbeat pirate such as myself would not do that.....


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Better not defend ya self ED ust Plead insanity as there is no contest..... Your link in regards to definition in fact incriminates you even more...

But There ya go off again hiding behind your "father" and the Bible...Prayer The last refuge of tyrant Ed...I have good idea where your sample has come from anyway.....So come clean Ed.

The irony of it all is Durango provence has in its own right highly mineralised region . My guess ya have been scratching around the old historic mined sites of Topira in Northern Duranago and have associated that name for "Tayopa". no doubt scrounged through the old mineral waste heaps. Of course that site is under legal ownership of somebody else.... So for you it has become convenient to say Ya lost the exact location but your "father" told ya its Tayopa. In fact Not are you only engaging in fraud in claiming your sample is from Tayopa and trying to sell it for a massively over inflated price and by not providing provenance your also perpetrating theft of mineral ore from a site a legal mining claim.

But what is most offensive of all ya used Father, the Lord, God as a excuse for ya own crime...of dishonesty. The Day of higher reckoning will come ED especially for those who uses the Lords name to commit crime.

Even a raggedly old beach bum deadbeat pirate such as myself would not do that.....


Yikes Crow - don't soft-peddle it tell us what you really think! :laughing7: :notworthy: :notworthy: I believe you have hit the nail on the proverbial head as to Ed's mine and the location, among other points. Some of that other stuff Ed posts is flirting with a whole different kind of fire, that kind with brimstone. :angry4:

You are 100% correct about Durango having its own rich history of silver and gold mines, even a few lost ones, but for some reason Ed wants to transpose Tayopa from Sonora/Chihuahua border area to Durango. ??? He might have a better case to say his specimens came from Topira.

Hmm you have given me an idea.

Mine ore? what mine ore, assay ect.?
Or. More characters/avatars.

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