Tayopa in Durango?

True Ed, and prob a million or more to come, if I dont open Tayopa up soon. Incrementally o that should be incidentally, see what I mean about my eye ?? --- Tayopa was / is a Silver mine, although there are excellent Gold Mines in the Zona.

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Don Jose

The French explorer Louis Lejeune who died in 1848.


in his book pamplet Louis Lejeune, La guerra apache en Sonora,"Mexican Lands"1835? mentions that the Society of Jesus was devoted to the search for mineral treasures in Sierra Madre, on the borders of Sonora to Chihuahua, with the help in documents from Salamanca,


and wanted to restore Tayopa and other abandoned mines in 1767, when the order was expelled from the king's dominions.

There is the possibility of documentation on Taypoa in the university of Salamanca in Spain as the prime Jesuit College was there.


In fact the Jesuit college was the center of explosive ideas for the time...That questions the king of Spain divine right to Rule the Americas? the Jesuit priest José Ortega and Reverend Father Guardian Fray Francisco Villegas Garsina and Orozco would have done their training there.


So the place to search for documents are not in the Vatican but in Spain.


Ed T……..our senior statesman, Senor Don Jose, seems to have located it…..for obvious reasons, all he knows, has found, cannot be shared on this forum…….

Still, there is much to learn here, much to share…….vaya con Dios mi amigo Ed T

No one has seen tomorrow's sun.

Ed since you are highly skeptical, are you trying to convince us that it is all "not true"? Thanks in advance;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Hello JudyH

Good perhaps he will listen to ya. Maybe ya can get him to write a few more pages of his almost mythical book?:laughing7:

What page are ya now up to Don ??? Gee I am going have to set Kanacki onto ya.


Sorry Crow but I have tooo many distractions and effectively no sleep for weak.

No, it isn't conscious, Getting ready to 'go for broke' on Tayopa and it's deposits.

After all no book would have a happy ending without success.

Sorry Crow but I have tooo many distractions and effectively no sleep for weak.

No, it isn't conscious, Getting ready to 'go for broke' on Tayopa and it's deposits.

After all no book would have a happy ending without success.


I can't blame you for going for broke, and pray that you recover from your health problems. I wouldn't want to leave this world either, without seeing what I knew was there just to vindicate the years of working on it. Life is not fair sometimes, sure wish you could have been allowed to open it years ago. :occasion14:


Well done my dear friend, I have waited a long time to hear you say those words 'Going for broke'. I am so sorry to hear about your bad cough, and also lack of sleep.
Why not take a sleeping tablet for a night or two, that will give you a chance to catch up, going without sleep for that long will hinder your recovery. An old fashioned remedy that you may not have even heard of in the US. Goose fat is excellent to rub on the chest, you may not smell very good but it sure works. I had whooping cough when I was only 6 weeks old and my Mother told me she was convinced it was that..that got me through it.
By the way, you don't have to kill a goose, it's sold in tins now. lol

Take care Luv 'S'

Your wish is my command - sorryCrow, she has different bargining equipmemt and a built in male dictionary - here is the frst pag= the crude frist run,


A) The start of the Tayopa legend

b) Political element

C) First period

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Don Jose ya been around those damned mules way too too long, and have become just as stubborn and obstinate as them. One page a day ya could have had an encyclopedia by now. Well will just a get out the cutlass and get Mastiff4me to wax up plank, as ya have a mutiny brewing Don Amigo el terrifo mule.:laughing7:


Senor Don Jose, I am very happy to hear you are going for broke on Tayopa………yet, what about the book?
Truly I hope that Señorita Mastiff along with her trusty feathered creature, El Crow, are seriously considering having you walk the plank……not sure how that will work out with your vision problems though???? Maybe some supplemented coffee for all (except our Crow in training) will help.

May God bless you in this endeavor mi amigo.

Judy you don't know what is in the future for you. it wiil consist in doing a geological study of the Tayopa. for your Phd, keeping the cave free of spiders, bringing me coffee in the morning while cooking my breakfast, fighting off amorous narcos, keeping me entertained al la 'Scherazase', singing lovely love songs, and washing my clothes. Otherwise you wil have plenty of free time. planks indeed.

Don Jose

You should feel safe and lucky with Xena beside you . I am jealous a bit . :crybaby2:

Fight Tramp. Fight to live yet. Tayopa is a name. Like Melissa, but till well met you have a mission, pun intended.


Hey Jude, ahh sing it! :laughing7: Paint even more intimidating with vertical stripes.More heart in it.
I blame my mother for a lack of chest hair. Dang mustard plaster left a skin graft looking welt..Did break up congestion though.

Sorry Crow but I have tooo many distractions and effectively no sleep for weak.

No, it isn't conscious, Getting ready to 'go for broke' on Tayopa and it's deposits.

After all no book would have a happy ending without success.

You need me to load up a few of us Arkansawyers and head that way and
set you a up a safe working perimeter? Most of us grew up going squirrel hunting with 2 shells
apiece and expected to come back with at least 4 squirrels, each time! Hard part was lining em' up. LoL
Good Luck and Godspeed

Gracuious Mike, they are like the 'Clarks' over there. ya kill one , no matter why, and they are duty bound to kill one of your family. The actual gun men are kids fron to their early teens, they think that they are showing their statement manliness or lo loyalty to the group.

As far as the ones to the south, our present 'unaccompanied minors, many are from the gangs, and they are required to kill for entrance to the gang, the are identified by their tattoos.

When I first went to Mexico to explore the then unknown barrancas and the Yucatan to look for Mayan ruins, you only had to worry about a few scattered bandits

Just today they found the charred bodies of the kidnapped Mexican Congressman and the prosecutor of the of state of Jalisco .murdered.

Authorities in the western Mexican states of Jalisco and Zacatecas said forensic tests show that two completely charred bodies found this week in an SUV are those of a kidnapped congressman and one of his assistants

Your squirrel hunting ability don't apply here, these kids just haven't learned that they too are mortal.

Mike you sound as if you are a guy to ride the trails with. Gracias

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