Swift Silver??

I have never seen a map of Clay co. so I don't know the topography. Might be that an old buffalo trace passed nearby the rock? All the natural rock shelters (rock houses) make excellent shelter year around. Two good reasons for Dark Age explorers to populate the area or use the buffalo trace as a natural passage through the mountains. Also think about the salt licks, they were important as hunting places as well as salt for them to survive. Compared to most of Europe, KY would have milder winters as well. Were they mining? who knows... but reports from the early 1800s of hunters finding 'ancient' furnaces leads me to believe they were after iron and lead very early on, and if there was silver why not that too?

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Ever hear of the Boyd County rock serpent? I found info on it last night when I was researching the videos you posted. I had never heard of but it's in my area too. It's a 900 ft long serpent like the one in Ohio, except it's made out of rock and not dirt? The refinery owns the land it's on, and it has been kept very quiet. According to Google maps it's not 500 ft from I-64.
Egyptian, Anglo Saxon, native american ,European the possibility of what could be found here is limitless. Really can't rule out anything.

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Ever hear of the Boyd County rock serpent? I found info on it last night when I was researching the videos you posted. I had never heard of but it's in my area too. It's a 900 ft long serpent like the one in Ohio, except it's made out of rock and not dirt? The refinery owns the land it's on, and it has been kept very quiet. According to Google maps it's not 500 ft from I-64.
Egyptian, Anglo Saxon, native american ,European the possibility of what could be found here is limitless. Really can't rule out anything.

That I have not heard of, but reminds me of something. Ever heard the legend behind St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland? He apparently is credited for removing all the snakes from Ireland. A little research shows there never were any snakes in Ireland, but there was a culture that worshiped snakes and built temples/mounds in the shape of them. In seems St. Patrick actually traveled there from England and converted all those pagans to Catholicism and then had the mounds dismantled thus giving him credit for 'removing all the snakes'. Just wondering if some of that culture came here, typical reaction is to credit ancient native cultures to these mounds, that may not be the case at all.

I'm not sold on it being an actual mine, but more than likely a cache site hidden by the Cherokee. They were involved in smelting activities believe it or not, but only used it for trade with the settlers, the rest they would bury. There are silver caches hidden all throughout the river valleys of the Appalachians and Cumberland Plateau. The war paths leading from Cumberland Falls both north and south.

The shapes shown in the smelted silver, look indicative of a rudimentary mold, more than likely by a natural stone surface that was readily available at the smelting site.

From what I've read, nobody ever credits this to anyone, and they haven't been studied like you'd think, not publically anyway. I found some references to an Ashland Henge that is located nearby. Not much on it either, I did find a short passage that credits it to the Giants of Kentucky. It was referred to as a Sun Temple also.

I'm not sold on it being an actual mine, but more than likely a cache site hidden by the Cherokee. They were involved in smelting activities believe it or not, but only used it for trade with the settlers, the rest they would bury. There are silver caches hidden all throughout the river valleys of the Appalachians and Cumberland Plateau. The war paths leading from Cumberland Falls both north and south.

The shapes shown in the smelted silver, look indicative of a rudimentary mold, more than likely by a natural stone surface that was readily available at the smelting site.

Sounds plausible to me, always great to hear a new theory. Im not sold on anything either, yet, but am interested in finding more of what's in this area. The pieces could be from a crude mold, I think that is most likely. Thanks for your response, and your opinions are welcome.

Hi Brushy Bandit,

The hand of a man is telling you to stop and look for the next directional marking. That would be the drawing like an elk or something on it's hind feet. You can either go in the direction it is pointing with it's raised feet or head, which most likely is South. But if you look on the top of the Elk where the antler's are you will find written, "EAST" with the "T" as and antler pointing at a 90 degree from the direction from which the Elk is heading. So I would say go around the rocks to the right then turn 90 degrees to the EAST. There is also writing under the ELK's Feet-------I can not make it out. It most likely is the distance you need to travel. I hope I have helped you.

French, Spanish, Native American? Are these indicative of a group of people?

French, Spanish, Native American? Are these indicative of a group of people?

Yes those signs are made by the longhunters. They very seldom went into these areas and when they did they would mark the trails for others so everyone would not make a wrong turn. This is most likely trail markers. I see nothing to indicate treasure. Over time hunters would make these signs visible as they would weather and wear. That is why the depressions were so deep.

The hand carved fits your left hand and the hand carved is a right hand telling any traveler or hunter to go to the right. The next sign which is a deer or elk has "EAST carved very distinct over the back of it. Plus the deer or elk is on it's hind feet telling the traveler to go East but you may have to climb up or over a hill then look for other signs.

I came across this today Brushy, he doesn't talk about the object in particular but it is on his display table about 7-10 min into the video. It looks much like the slag you have found! Also a lot of interesting finds in the mounds that don't fit the present perception of who the mound builders were. Lots of artifacts are discussed as well as smelting of iron and copper. Egyptian and Hebrew items as well.


I came across this today Brushy, he doesn't talk about the object in particular but it is on his display table about 7-10 min into the video. It looks much like the slag you have found! Also a lot of interesting finds in the mounds that don't fit the present perception of who the mound builders were. Lots of artifacts are discussed as well as smelting of iron and copper. Egyptian and Hebrew items as well.

The out of place items are very interesting. I know that the Shawnee didn't make permanent resident in Cantuckee because the ghosts of a race with a different skin color lived here. The Shawnee Indians ancient ancestors had killed them off. If Native Americans knew about the Old Testament WOW!
Once again thanks Hiker. I can't get enough info on this subject. Seems like it's a subject the mainstream wants to avoid because it goes against what we've been taught, also there is no definite answer yet.

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Found a reference to an island in the U.P. of Michigan that is an ancient copper mine. Seems it has its own signature, unique in the whole world. Shipwrecks have been found with this copper on board off the coast of Turkey. Tin was mined in England and copper from Michigan, the two components to make bronze. That means the Egyptians and Greeks were trading with whoever was mining copper in Michigan during the bronze age (3700BC - 1200BC approx). Pre-colonial North American history has been hosed!

Found a reference to an island in the U.P. of Michigan that is an ancient copper mine. Seems it has its own signature, unique in the whole world. Shipwrecks have been found with this copper on board off the coast of Turkey. Tin was mined in England and copper from Michigan, the two components to make bronze. That means the Egyptians and Greeks were trading with whoever was mining copper in Michigan during the bronze age (3700BC - 1200BC approx). Pre-colonial North American history has been hosed!

Hosed For Sure, more awesome info hiker. The European history was wrote with the narcissistic beliefs that there couldn't have been anybody that was as or more competent at navigation than they were. I believe that even if they did know they weren't the first to the new world they would have claimed it anyway. I've seen maps that are dated pre-Columbian that show both North and South America as well as the outline of the landmass of Antarctica, BELOW THE ICE. Antarctica hasn't been without ice cover in 10,000s of years.
Imy gonna find the info on the Michigan copper. Also I started a group and invited you, check it out please. I'm gonna gather all the waybill pics I can, and put them there together in one place.

The out of place items are very interesting. I know that the Shawnee didn't make permanent resident in Cantuckee because the ghosts of a race with a different skin color lived here. The Shawnee Indians ancient ancestors had killed them off. If Native Americans knew about the Old Testament WOW!
Once again thanks Hiker. I can't get enough info on this subject. Seems like it's a subject the mainstream wants to avoid because it goes against what we've been taught, also there is no definite answer yet.
Prince Madoc!

those small little old books on history that look like they should be in a dumpster instead of on a library shelf. those are the ones that have a lot to offer. in those ragged books I found true stories of captives of the Indians around Kentucky and three of the stories told of how they crossed the ohio river near Louisville at corn island. when crossing the island they found human bones covering the island and when they got on the ohio side the land was covered with acre after acre of bones. I think the book the frontiersman says something about this also somewhere I think Kenton mentions this. I had to check this out and talked to farmers along that stretch of river. they have found bones when plowing the fields. some of the elders new of the story and said they were red headed and blue eyed and were known as the Allegany Indians. this link will give you more on this story. their are several different versions of this battle to end all battles. Alligewi Indians - Home

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