SWR, Thanks for posting. I will NOT turn away any clue. But I tell you, I found something. I even know where the Gold, with a troop detachment was coming from. Ft. Meade was a stopover destination before being taken to the coast to be loaded and shipped to Cuba. Probably via the same cattle loading port that was able to break through the Union blockade bringing beef to the Confederate soldiers on the West coast of Florida.
Confederate relics were found in the swamp by modern hunters. This might be their last campsite before being captured .(without the Gold.) I hope they didn't find it.

I like sharing information, and I have given our readers a little, and everyone has helped me, but I'm sorry I will have to be like our beloved Captbil, and I cannot say everything I know at this time. (I know very little.

Rebel said:
Yo! Rebel here:

I think u r very close here... the Rebs May have been trying to get the GOLD, etc to Fla. Coast to "off-load"/"on-load" to a ship... taking "it" (part of CSA Treasury...) to Cuba, a part of the KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE "thingy"... Is "it" SWAMP GOLD or SWAMP GAS?
) Yes. They were successful in breaking through the blockade on some Fl.west coast makeshift ports. Swamp gas is an old myth that does not cause yellow fever.
diggemmup, do you know what month and year the fort was burnt down by Union troops?
grizz, you are right. Captbil's treasure would be bigger and must be something diff. If you ask for it, the Park Service will send you a nice color map of the Everglades with marked designated campsites, like the map I posted. You need to reserve a campsite so they will know where to find you if you don't return as scheduled. Some of these designated campsites are nothing more than an elevated wood platform, with a chickee hut, that will only fit one tent. But you can anchor your boat to it. 8) They will use any excuse to close the Park; such as high water, low water level, or storm damage.