Swamp Gold


You pulled me out of another forum for this? >:(

I thought you were going to show off some great treasure you've found!

Sorry I'm in a BAH HUMBUG Mood today! :-[

I know you just wanted to let me know that with a little research, there are some great things to be found here! or are you somehow tying these post togeather for a reason? :-\

Kat From AZ to FL

He's not saying anything, except that it is in Florida.

To All: :)
Here's a question? ;)
I did all of the research. including a trip to Washington, D.C.! :P
I have found the location! :o
??? NOW! I have a lot of time and sum of money invested! :-\
Here's the Question?
Why and what would it gain me to tell the world!

You are a true professional....and dead men still tell no tales.....arrrrggghhh.

We're spoiled on here with the coinshooters who just can't wait to tell someone about ring they found or something...and we all like a good story. So...no offense...like I said before you can give us a sanitized version and change the names to protect the innocent.

I.e. replace, Florida swap ...with...Alaskan lake
...work with us here



I'm not looking for your secret...
I was just hoping to see one of your great finds... ?I guess I will just have to wait some more. :-[

When you directed me over to this post from the other thread I thought that you were displaying a great find that's all...

And yet you not only didn't satify my hunkering for viewing a found treasure it has only added to my curiosity as to what you are talking about.... but alas, as I stated before I am not looking for you to devulge any info as what and where, but I only hope after investing so much time and effort into your qwest you will at least I hope share the end result as to what you found ?;D

Very Merry to You

Kat "the spoiled one" "I wanna SEEEEEEE"


I guess I don't understand why you haven't moved (back?) to Florida. to finish this quest. Especially when you say you have exclusive & precise info as to it's location. Did I miss something?


Maybe we can figure it out. cptbil, you seem very worried that we might be able to discover your lost treasure, that you are saying nothing, but you told us it exists in Florida. It must not be Spanish. It must be American if you researched in Washington, D.C. It would be the Civil War or the Seminole War. More money was spent on the Seminole War than all the other Indian Wars put together. It might be near a swamp or river; it might involve an Army payroll. You mention that the gov't probably would not try to claim it. Any comments captain?

Bigcypress, if you tried to figure this out, you'd drown in the "fertilizer trail" of b.s. surrounding the whole thing. :o

Some people make finds, discuss them, maybe show a few pictures.

Other people have a "credibility gap"....they always know the precise location of a GIANT, LARGE, MINDBOGGLING treasure....but are too busy to go recover it, because they also know the precise location of several other HUGE, IMPOSSIBLY STUPENDOUS treasures....which they are also too busy to go recover, because they have pinned down the exact location of another EARTHSHAKING, IMPOSSIBLE TO COUNT, MULTIBILLION BAJILLION TRILLION DOLLAR treasure, which they.....well, you get the idea. ;)

My advice to you....keep doing your research, keep looking, and disregard those that have "pinpointed" amazing treasures ranging from out West, over to the Texas coast, and down to Florida, but have nothing to show for it.

I think I know where it is. At the junction of the Shark and Harney rivers there are three islands. One of them is a higher elevation than the others. Looks like a camel hump. There are rumors that there is a huge treasure buried on this island. The problem is that it is in a national park and the rangers will not allow metal detectors, digging equip, etc. They will never issue a permit.

salvor 6,? I am glad to get any tips on this lost gold. Do you know anything else about it. Were they pursued by canoe or on horseback? Where were they captured?

Soon it will be illegal to search anywhere in Florida.

Bigcypresshunter and others:
Tell you what?
If you ( & Others!) are Seriously, REALLY! Interested... 8)
I'll MAKE you a deal !
8) A Straight Honest, in writting, DEAL! :D
In Plain everyday English
With...No! Hidden meanings, words, Etc.
Part ONE!
(Of The Deal!)

I will take you to Washington, DC and show you the Actual Authenic Historical Records/Files !
I don't want you to have to take JUST! My word!
You can see for yourself, that this is an unrecovered, an actual Treasure/site, and just how large a treasure this is!
(We Can split the Fla. to DC expenses , ;D)
Agreed , SO! Far?
ps: You'll see that Cptbil does not speak with "Forked Tongue" !
When I say something, ANYTHING! I can & WILL! back up those/my words with actual proof!

Hello capt, You don't have to prove anything to me.
I never said I didn't believe you.
You didn't say anything!

Actually! & SADLY!
It is Necessary to use these different methods!
I have had my "posts" Misread "Time" after "Time" !
I always try to present my comments/posts in very clear context!
Invariably someone will mistake or ignore or read into it, what he/she wants to see!
Would you believe...?
The USAF... once sent myself and a group of other Officers/Enlisted to a school (7 days) in Indiana, to learn how! to "READ!"
? :-\? Sounds dumb!? ?::)
Huh?? ::)
It wasn't !
People! Even those "people"!, and most of them had Advanced College Degrees, complained, that it was a pure waste of time!
Even! Insulting!
Guess what?? ???
We found out that it wasn't!
Even tho the "Regs", Instructions, etc.,? were in simple English, there they were being mistakingly read!
With VERY! DEADLY Results!
All of that " Junk!"? That I have used...
Got your attention ...& !? That was it's the purpose!? ;)
Check on some of the various "Posts" , you'll see that it is HAPPENING all of the Time!
You wouldn't want me to waste all of that Good Training ? and? TaxPAYER's Money, would you ?

I didn't mean it to be taken that way!
I mean, if you are seriously interested and want to know the location, amount, etc. and want to try for it....
After all, I do have an investment in this!
Believe me!
It's value will shock :o and stun you.. :P and/or anyone else!
There is a proper procedure to gaining the reseach, time, money, etc., that I have invested!
I sure don't want to work for FREE! ::)

Oh CptBill...........

Alas I work two jobs and I'm lucky to get out with my MD or Fish (my other passion)!? I hear so many stories, but to few have that EXCITING ending of TREASURE FOUND!? >:(? I hope one day you share the finds of your well researched quest or you'll let me know where to read of your adventures.? ;)

Captain (pointy head)Z This site is fun with all the gadgets to post with and sometimes it is easier to read.?

cptbil comes on here every now and then with grandiose stories of adventure and treasure that he has full knowledge of where it is and how much he has "invested" in a certain cache or treasure site.I've been on this site for a couple years almost and i've never seen a single clad cent shown from him ,only stories of how he is currently in the field on some great adventure.I understand that if I find a cache of significant value and I didn't want big brother to find out about it,that I wouldn't put it on here for the world to see.However,if all he can do is talk about how he know's where this is at and where that is located and that's all he can say without it costing someone something (because of all he has invested in it) then keep it to yourself(we're not biting).It's all just wasted space!!!Sorry,but that one's been coming for a long time. Now back to the subject at hand "swamp gold".Bigcypresshntr- If you ever need an extra hand or a strong back or just some company on any of your everglades outings then pm me,i'm in Hollywood and love the swamp.BTW-Have you heard the one about the Ashley gang and the supposed $100,000 buried at thier old headquarters at the south tip of lk.okeechobee near canal point?

cptbil, Sorry, I can't possibly say if I want to split expenses of a trip to DC, or even if I'm interested, because I have no idea what you are talking about.

diggemup, Sure I'd love to have some company. I didn't get out much this season due to personal problems.
I need to buy a new detector, and maybe a used one too. ;) I probably won't be able to get out to the swamp for at least a month. I'll send you a PM. I don't know much about the Ashley Gang, except he killed an Indian and was shot on Sebastian bridge. They found the murdered Seminole when they dug the old Mud Canal from the lake. I would like to hear more about the buried money.

Here is a pic of the junction of Shark and Harney Rivers, where gold is rumored to be buried. This is in a protected area of Everglades National Park.


  • Harney&SharkRiverJunction.webp
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I really don't know why you are attacking me !
Why are you ?
If you doubt my "Posts" ....


This IS A SERIOUS Invitation !
Just email me the date and I'll tell you where ( After March) I am !
Here's the perfect chance to prove YOUR "WORDS" !

capbil, Besides posting finds, most people on this forum will help another member when they are looking for help researching a lost treasure.

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