In regards to Terry and his US Treasure Atlas:
I am not sure where he gets all those stories, but each one I have checked on has some bases in truth. I have checked out at least 50 of them in Oh and KY and IN. I have found that either they were legends and there was no truth to the caches or someone came back and retrieved them, or they were already found. Remember he authored those back in the 70s and 80s....and with each generation of better Metal Detectors more has been found. I have three that lead me to great possibilities but land owners are not cooperating in letting someone dig. I do not think Terry is ripping anyone off; he put a lot of research into those sites! He gave it his best shot and probably didn't have time to check out the rest of the story on each one. An example: he has one in Indiana (437B) about a place called Hindostan (yes really) cholera epidemic, kills maybe 1,000 people in the area. Before dying the treasurer of the county buries the county money and records. I went there found everything to be true, then after talking to some people found out 2-3 years ago (2006-7) a lady that worked at subway and her husband found the stuff right where I was looking! They didn’t divulge the amount of the coins but donated the records to the county! Terry was spot on in this regards. I could go on and on but suffice to say in my experience 40 per cent are true and still unrecovered. Again the percent is no reflection on Terry he reported them as he found them….we have to sort them out! I have spent many enjoyable hours researching his leads further. I always found some info on every one of them. Treasure found? Several places. Treasure recovered? Zero. But,” today is the day!”