No trinkets, no gold/silver no arrowheads etc. Very cool area though. I have come to the conclusion that Thomas Terry and all of these other so called treasure writers are idiots, they write their books without any information where the data comes from, its all vague. Who knows if stuff is here, its such a vast area and the same with the confederate stories of dumping kegs in the river. Its a huge river, why dump kegs of gold coins when you can bury them and fabricate a story to appease your superiors. They probably came up with the union gunboat story so they could steal the money for themselves. As far as this Andrew Jackson story goes I have never seen any documentation stating that this cache existed or was offered for a last attempt at a pardon. Between the author Terry and the guy who promotes, they should have never started their works without providing some reference or source of reference point. I am not sure but treasure atlas should be catalogged under fiction or historical fiction!