
All y'all better show up at the damn Rendezvous. Since I am moving to Az, I will take no excuses! HAHAHA


I was ready to spend a while camped in the area and work every square inch in a quarter mile radius of Government Well with a two box and magnetometer. One thing I really want to look for is a little gopher hole a Search and Rescue Person told me about two years ago. They met a guy out near a certain trailhead. Said the guy was nice, but very cagey. They saw the guy literally disappear right near the trail. They saw the same guy every year about the same time, in the same area, for many years. They figured the guy had found an old shaft, and worked it every year. They never even looked for the mine, because they were scared the guy might not be so nice if they saw him underground.


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Been here since the beginning of June. For a lot of years, Jim Hatt kept trying to get me to move here. He always said "You can't really hunt the Superstitions and live in Los Angeles." For now, I am up in Dewey. Twenty degrees cooler, and only half a tank of gas from AJ. HAHAHA Nicer....except for the damn fire.


It's a DRY HEAT. You get used to it.



Been here since the beginning of June. For a lot of years, Jim Hatt kept trying to get me to move here. He always said "You can't really hunt the Superstitions and live in Los Angeles." For now, I am up in Dewey. Twenty degrees cooler, and only half a tank of gas from AJ. HAHAHA Nicer....except for the damn fire.


you doing any prospecting up there?....that fire burned all of the brush out of your bar-b-qued all the rattlesnakes...send me a pm and i'll give you a location where a 1/3 oz nugget was found...plenty more where it came from....gotta work for them though...this little guy right here


On a side note, if anyone is considering going into the desert areas in the summer,
the worst time to go is within at least 24 hours "AFTER" it rains.

Give it a day or two. It'll dry up.

Drove concrete mixers in the valley for over 15 years.

You do get used to it.
And it's about to rain outside.
Heavy sigh.


January l, 1915
Great Western Smelting and Refining Company
The Metals Corporation awards no better administration than that offered by the splendid growth here like in 1904 of the office created in the city by the then Great Western Smelting & Refining-Company, now operating under guidance of the Federated Metal Corporation. The history of the splendid Los Angeles office is an exact duplicate of the beginning of the Great Western Smelting & Refining Company in a small storeroom in Chicago, thirty-five years ago. It was in 1904 that the corporation sent" the present Los Angeles office manager, Mr. Seymour Swarts, here as its representative. At first the corporation maintained simply office space. Mr. Swarts was instructed to "feel the field out." How well he succeeded is best shown when it is noted that from a very small start, where the monthly sales averaged between 25.000 and 30,000 pounds, today the Los Angeles offices are housed in buildings at 1217 to 1221, inclusive. East Sixth Street, where, besides, large and adequate warehouse room is provided for, a monthly business averaging approximately 1,500,000 pounds. The fact that Mr. Swarts has succeeded in building up the splendid business that ha has for the corporation is perhaps secondary when considered in connection with the general operations of the institution. Not alone has the business expanded as it has, but in reality the Great Western Smelting & Refining Company office of the Federated Metals Corporation pioneered the local field and in very many cases financed present-day organizations that are leaders in the building and manufacturing industries of California's southland. In one sense of the word, the Los Angeles office of the Federated Metals Corporation but typifies the splendid general growth of industrialism in Southern California. It can be pointed out by Mr. Swarts that since 1904 the books of the Los Angeles office can show institutions financed at the start with credit rating not to exceed $600, carried today in excess of $150,000. The territory covered by the Los Angeles office includes all of Southern California, Arizona, part of New Mexico, all of the west coast of Mexico, and the state of Sonora. The Los Angeles office of the corporation is the largest shipper of Four X Nickel Babbitt material, due perhaps to the close proximity of this city to the mining fields of Arizona. The corporation smelts and refines brass and bronze ingots. Babbitts, solders and all other non-ferrous metals. It is an international institution and has grown year by year until today it has offices and plants in seventeen different world cities. Plants are located in San Francisco, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago and Whiting, Indiana. Offices are maintained in New York City. Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Oregon; Denver, Kansas City, Whiting. Indiana, and Los Angeles. Recently when the present corporation was formed and the Great Western Smelting & Refining Company was included, also was taken over the Union Smelting & Refining Company, the Trenton Smelting & Refining Company, the Duquesne Reduction Company and B. Lissberger & Co., and today the Federated Metals Corporation stands preeminently the largest and best equipped institution of its character in the world. Modest in the extreme. Manager Swarts of the Los Angeles office of the corporation contends that a large part of the success of the company in the California and adjacent fields has been due to the efforts of salesmen to get into close personal touch with master mechanics, who have authority to specify what particular brand of material shall be used. "Nothing is more eloquent than the power of suggestion," holds Mr. Swarts. "It was by the employment of just such methods as this that the corporation has been able to build up its business in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Old Mexico."
(Source code transcribed by OCR and my contain typographical errors)

Max Levy GW.webp

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That suxs Dave. This is supposed to be a brotherhood and we should be beyond the mentality of might makes right. You are entitled to your opinion, and others should respect your opinion and not be gossiping to create tension. What is said in confidence should remain just that and never go beyond the ears of those involved in the direct conversation, not spread on the coconut telegraph.

That suxs Dave. This is supposed to be a brotherhood and we should be beyond the mentality of might makes right. You are entitled to your opinion, and others should respect your opinion and not be gossiping to create tension. What is said in confidence should remain just that and never go beyond the ears of those involved in the direct conversation, not spread on the coconut telegraph.

calm down was a joke....i have no ill will toward anyone here....matter of fact everything had calmed down about the silver bar until you brought it back up....i've already said i dont know or care what that bar is made of....i took offense to a couple guys beating up on a dead man that wasn't here to defend himself...they apologized and all is good.....some of you guys on here need a sense of humor...even if you have to go buy one:BangHead:

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I haven't been following this thread, I didn't know that there was some tension here. I saw that the rendezvous was mentioned a couple of times. I was curious if anyone went armed, like they would when they went into the mountains. Not to cause more tension. I'll ask again some other time.

I haven't been following this thread, I didn't know that there was some tension here. I saw that the rendezvous was mentioned a couple of times. I was curious if anyone went armed, like they would when they went into the mountains. Not to cause more tension. I'll ask again some other time.

you aren't causing any tension..i never paid much attention but i don't recall seeing anyone packing heat at the is an entirely different atmosphere at the rendezvous....everyone gets along with each other and has a good would definitely be welcome...

I know that I would be welcomed, and I appreciate the invite. But like I have said before, I am very paranoid and prefer to stay to myself.

I know that I would be welcomed, and I appreciate the invite. But like I have said before, I am very paranoid and prefer to stay to myself.

no need to for anxiety ..nobody will give you any trouble....believe it or not we all get along in person:dontknow:

Dave is correct. I'm a big mean guy, and always well armed. Nobody with mess with Nobodie. If you show up drunk ad talking smack to people, you're on your own. HAHAHA

I think all you who listen to told Stories or written are being misguided but one poster here is exactly spot on and that would be
Carrol there's a lot of true to his dads story. There's smelters and crusher in the area and not the one Dave pointed out for sure but he probably walked by them without a second glance, It's the same with the dudes that decifer the maps there all wrong, The circle in a circle is not a mine it's a message to the viewer for a specific meaning as is the box with the cross, The Saint Gardians of the site are still standing, The Saints direct you, Set the direction of travel and the biggest flaw everyone sucked in is the river lines, There is no Rio depicted. The Feldmans, Schooses, Rienharts and all of the others are all wrong, or they are misguiding for a reason. But I don't think that is the case cause I have watched one Feldman ride his horse by me real close. So he must be on to something or another.


Yup, my dad stayed away from most people out does that saying go?.........
Him not sharing his thoughts/ideas is probably why some did him wrong.............

What treasure/cache was Carroll looking for? Was it related to the cacti thing he was obsessed with?

cacti obsessed, that's funny!

Hey honey i'm going to the Arizona supers..........oh wait, get my dremel I've got to carve these maps into stones so I can carry them with me.

i'd say there's more obsessed carved stoners around here.....
...aaah it keeps everyone out of trouble. Anyone that finds anything of value seems to die, disappear & become a story.

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cacti obsessed, that's funny!

Hey honey i'm going to the Arizona supers..........oh wait I've got to carve these maps into stones with my dremel so I can carry them with me.

i'd say there more obsessed carved stoners around here.....
...aaah it keeps everyone out of trouble. Anyone that finds anything of value seems to die or disappear.


cacti obsessed, that's funny!

Hey honey i'm going to the Arizona supers..........oh wait I've got to carve these maps into stones with my dremel so I can carry them with me.

i'd say there more obsessed carved stoners around here.....
...aaah it keeps everyone out of trouble. Anyone that finds anything of value seems to die or disappear.

I'm sure dremeled stones from the 50's by somebody in Texas is way more credible
than carvings in saguaros hundreds of years ago....

cacti obsessed, that's funny!

Hey honey i'm going to the Arizona supers..........oh wait, get my dremel I've got to carve these maps into stones so I can carry them with me.

i'd say there's more obsessed carved stoners around here.....
...aaah it keeps everyone out of trouble. Anyone that finds anything of value seems to die, disappear & become a story.

Was it wrong of me to term it like that? If so, please accept my apologies.

As far as the Stone Maps being the product of a man with a dremel and some imagination- those advocating this school of thought tend to ignore ancillary evidence such as the Stone Crosses and the Cursum Perficio both of which are relevant, clues-wise.

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