Still here

Give'm Hell Tramp .


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Any up dates yet? Thank you.

Thanks to all that served.

Murphy showed up last week transmission problems, im all ready to prospect them hills, just waiting for parts.

IT looks like this will be My last season full time prospecting, time to finish the last chapter in my ramblings of a desert gold tramp story.

Soon as my truck is fixed again, i head out to round up the 3oz I need to publish my book, I'm hoping by fall next year it will done.

This should prove to be an interesting end to my journey in the gold fields of south california.

It's getting pretty hard to find gold on the surface here, so I have to do some serious diggin, going to work hard rock n placer till I get to hot or reach my goal, just hope I don't get snake bit, killed by bees or fall n break my neck

So we see what the next month's workins brings in.
Hope Murphy stays away.


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Tried to get a gold shot on here it's not working so I see if I can explain the shot.
A big fat butter yellow oblong 1/8 thick 15 gram slug of hard rock gold.

Thanks to all that served.

Murphy showed up last week transmission problems, im all ready to prospect them hills, just waiting for parts.

IT looks like this will be My last season full time prospecting, time to finish the last chapter in my ramblings of a desert gold tramp story.

Soon as my truck is fixed again, i head out to round up the 3oz I need to publish my book, I'm hoping by fall next year it will done.

This should prove to be an interesting end to my journey in the gold fields of south california.

It's getting pretty hard to find gold on the surface here, so I have to do some serious diggin, going to work hard rock n placer till I get to hot or reach my goal, just hope I don't get snake bit, killed by bees or fall n break my neck

So we see what the next month's workins brings in.
Hope Murphy stays away.


I hear ya on the Murphy thing. He bit me too to the tune of a $2000 transmission

You'll just have to find another place to go that's all. Still lots of gold out there.

Got my parts,
Transmision fixed.

Will add pics to thread when i get my computer back onliie, till then just use imaginatiion.


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Truck should be done today, just the transmission left, its a beast to install no fancy equipment.

As for there being plenty of gold, its differant trying to put together ounces.
Guys doing it full time will tell ya just how hard it really is. main thing is having the guts to stick with the work day in day out,
Even when its days of no gold or to cold wet or hot.

Anyways can hardley type on this device and no pics will install.
I will keep an update on my last journey into the gold fields of south california.

So lets see just how easy it is to get the gold, im tryin to put 3 ounces toghether remember im in the desert not the mother load, so it will be a little harder to do.

Will keep you posted on my progress.


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Got my dadgum turtle truck fixed, hadnt done a tranny job in years forgot how much of a pain it is, yes it was done in the dirt, the weather was nice so that made it easier.

Holiday coming so i probably wait till its over before i head out.
Going over my tool kit one more time make sure i got everything i need to prospect placer n load.

I try to do both as it will get me to my goal quicker, unless i can hit a pocket, those critters are very rare these days.

My tool kit is pretty simple, puffer drwasher, clam rake, pickmattox, dhandle shovel, my trusty old bug original, panning staion.

Hardrock, mortar pestle, #45 screen, chisel, 2lb hammer, d handle shovel, panning station.
Thats pretty simple kit
I do have genarator, drillnhammer for heavy work but most stuff here is surface deposit so i can handle with simple hand tools.
This gives an idea of what i use to gets some yellow.

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Before i even got started, murphy is here again my starter is shot
.grubstake is gone.

No gold in the poke, mill down for repairs, guess i clean out my panning station round up some of my juicy pieces of ore from the pile , get together the 4grm or so i need to get a starter.

Will keep ya posted, till then the big money guys can keep ya entertained.

Today i have to get the starter grubstake together, first thing i have 2in thick dried slime in my pond, gotta get it out. The rest of my finishing equip is clean from shut down so its ready to go .

When i do my sampling here at the mill , i have a habit of huckin my pans back into the panning station when im done spying it.
In the past ive gotten up to a 1/4 oz , it holds 2five gallon buckets of pannin tails.
Its been a year now since i last cleaned. Its over flowing with tails so time is right.

Whenever i run my table i have many buckets that get slimed up, i have a special bucket for the rinse, its my seed bucket for my next startup, so i got the tails and this bucket of puddin to run off soon as it warms.

Maybe i get a good size bead off this run, get my starter done.
But first i have to table this stuff, throw the con in the amalgamator, hopefull to have at least 2 runs in it, looks like i got enough ore.

After amalgam off to the wheel to clean the hg, next off to the press this is where i get an idea of what my take gonna be. Next retort, all we got left is the smelt.


Ended up with about 350lbs of material from a combo of my pannin station and puddin rinse bucket. Didnt get into any hand crushin of high grade i dont really have much of this left.
Took about 5hours to table the ore today, tommorrow i table the midlins from todays run ended up with a full bucket, take about hour tomorrow to run off.

Got a full load of cons for the amalgamator, mine is an older unit three ball shaped device, sets into a steelmortar about 10in round 8in deep the ball device turn very slow, your hg charge sets in the bottom ore is agatated and ground into the hg.

I do this one hour per charge, shut down spoon out the cons carefully without getting into the hg pool. Recharge with fresh cons and run again.

So in the mornin im ready to amalgamate my first charge finish tablin midds, looks like we might just smelt tomorow night.


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Well youall can start the funnins only managed 2.6grm not enough to get what i need
Guess i go dig through my pile see if i can find another grm.

Thats the breaks being a gold tramp, ive learned to take the bad more than the good
Anyways days end i got some gold a little 2.6 butter yellow bead just born from fire

Was gonna talk a little more of millin, just aint feelin it now.


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Today, again im going to try to get the starter grubstake together, i got a couple small jars with trophy gold, its the pieces of high grade with visible gold i save while diggin.
I like to keep a little for my grubstakers and folks that visit my mill, its going into the mortar here today.
I should have more than enough to get my part, sad i have to crush but no grubstake this time out.

With that said i will be back in the spring with an update, hope all have a good hollidays.

Cant just leave youall with the tooth grinding thought of crushing my trophy gold to get that dadgum starter.

Was gonna do a lb gold story, but i have to say success in mining for some might be to get wealthy.
I just like findin gold, and diggin holes have been writtin about this trip for awhile my wealth truly came from what i learned chasin the 1800s jackass prospector and diggin the rocks, and the good times i had with my boys as they were growing up. Its meaningless to anyone else, to me its worth more than any pile of gold.

Found two lost gold mines, L O Longs lost mine, and mitchels lost shovel mine.

Dug a few shafts never got rich, but to have been there when we hit yellow 6oz, or just a pan of fire, that my friends is how i measure success, that moment when we found it. that feelin that ya get when ya see the yellow, very short lived because the real reason we prospect is the thrill of whats over the next hill.

It dont always gotta be bout gettin rich while it would be nice, i just settle for my good time bad time story at least there i get gold

My dadgum phone goes off here in a couple days stayin off till spring, have my mind off internet totaly on prospectin, gotta get that 3 ozs.

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Last days of the holiday hullaballoo,
My dog is staring at the truck waitin for the camp gear to load up, not sure whos more exited to get back out me or the pooch.

Found out if i let my phone go out i have to buy another one, this would be #3, last 2 fell into the pudding bucket while i was millin, first one i had no idea where it went was months later when cleanin a dryied out tub of puddin that i found it..

Also told the wife wasnt going to have a phone out there she threw the biggist fitt so i just do what she says its easier.

Going to really try to swing my bleeper more, i still got the oringinal gold bug its a little out dated but all i have, anyways i gotta get into that bleepin mind set and just pound as much ground as i can.
Once i find a few pieces with my bug it should give me a little confidence in my bleepin habits, as its been awhile since ive been just detecting It will also give me the needed push to put in that extra effort its gonna take to hit my goal.

Most of all i got to be honest to myself and not get side tracked, its easy to turn the machine on swing a little here n there, and say i bleeped today, the thing is really swingin it, cover ground not getting discoridged by the thought of the minelabs have allready been here more than once.
So basicaly iits gotta be at least 6 hours of bleepin a day this is where one has to be honest about swingin, kinda glad i just have my bug dont know if my shoulder could handle a minelab!!!

So i will be bleepin, drywashin, hardrockin, will keep youall posted of my bleepin efforts first part of my journey.


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gold tramp,

what starter do you need? I'm cleaning out here and might have one.

Thanks buddy i got it.
I just let the gold pay the way here, takes a little bit longer but its what my story is about.
Trials n tribulations of a modern day desert gold prospector, so i have to show the bad with the good, its what its really like for me as my only income is the gold i find.

This is my last season, theres no money in mining for me, besides i miss the trade and havin money in my pocket, and my house is falling apart and i need to finally fix.

The trip was great adventure, found a fair bit of gold, have nothing left but a few storys.
Still have this last run, never know i might hit something big, more like i work my fingers bloody just to scrape up 3oz.

Will stop back in a week or so with update, hope to get the picture issue figured out kinda sucks without.


Gosh i feel like i kinda dont fit here, all this talk of big $$$$$.
I dont even feel like givin an update , its just a poor mans gold tale.

Is there an electonic mining camp out there that would take in an old gold tramp mind ya im not middle class, i dont like hangin here with the big dogs.

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Gosh i feel like i kinda dont fit here, all this talk of big $$$$$.
I dont even feel like givin an update , its just a poor mans gold tale.

It's not a competition gold tramp. Some people seem to naturally assume that success belongs to the man with the most gold. You and I know better.

I'd rather read about your real life adventures here than hear another success/failure tale from a "miner" spending their retirement money trying to make gold appear by applying boatloads of equipment and money.

My real life job involves providing information and analysis for junior exploration companies, major mining companies, Wall Street mining analysts and oil and gas companies. I can't reveal anything I do with those folks because in the mining industry everything is a secret. Part of my job is keeping peoples secrets safe. If I could write about what I do for money you would be bored to tears.

There is a middle ground. I have several friends making a good living with small low cost mining operations. 2-5 people can make a go of it with minimal investment IF they have found a good deposit. That good deposit is the key to success. Most of the people coming here wanting to start a bigger mining project ask about the money needed. A good deposit doesn't need a money investment. A good rich deposit will pay it's own way.

To find that good rich deposit you don't need money you need experience. Often people ask me about how they can become a successful full time miner and my response always starts with "find a valuable mineral deposit". They usually ignore that crucial first step and want to know about the equipment they will need and how much it will cost. Experience is harder to come by and not nearly as much fun as spending money and getting new mining equipment so most folks don't want to hear that part.

You have the experience and knowledge to recognize a good deposit. When you find one you won't be asking about how much money you need to mine it. The mine will provide the money. You know that. Most folks just don't get it and want to buy their way into a good deposit. You and I know there is no reason for a real miner to sell a good paying rich deposit. That would be like selling the goose that lays gold eggs for a few pieces of gold - stupid.

Keep on being the small miner for as long as you can. We need experienced men doing the real job or we will turn into a nation of wussy wannabes whiners. Leave the big gambles to the big money boys and keep looking for that rich strike. You will realize when you find it that your wealth is really about the memories and experience of the journey. You are already a wealthy man you just need to find enough gold to pay for the journey. That comes through loud and clear in your posts.

You keep asking for proof that it's out there. People offer you a nugget picture or a shot of a hole in the ground. I understand that, it gets discouraging sometimes wearing out your body and risking your health and your future for what might just be a dream. I can assure you that dream is a real possibility.

I can't share a lot of details but here's the take from 3 days on a rich deposit in Arizona being worked by 4 partners with two tools - a trackhoe and a metal detector. Not every day is this good but every day is a pay day.

Rob Allison's cup o gold - weight a little over 5 pounds. Pay from a 3 day weekend.

Rob's got nearly 30 years of experience and he probably has a few dozen paying locations he works. It's the experience that leads to gold. Most inexperienced prospectors would end up with nothing if he turned them loose on one of his good spots because most would walk right over the gold.

It's still out there ...go get u sum! :thumbsup:

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