gold tramp
Bronze Member
- #21
Thread Owner
Very tiny values, I try to use my miners lens as much as I can saves having to crush n pan my samples if I see it no need to crush, just saves time and is good habit for prospector to get into.Hello
This one is guessing that most of the rock values are to small be picked up by a metal detector except maybe a falcon type pin pointer metal detector. Do you just break open the rocks looking with your eyes for the fine values as you dig? How big are your batch samples that you crush?
Thank you.
Anyways it takes approx six or so hours to grind a 300lb charge.
Most times it only requires a couple pieces of vein material to make a determination of values, these I always crush n pan, unless I see values with my lens then I just dig.
Good plan to bring home just the values to crush. Not many people out there can say they use mill stones to fine crush there ore today. Back a number of years ago used to be common practice.
Is a normal grind section say one day or does it take longer to grind into fines?
This one remembers tumbling rocks to polish lasted weeks to get to a good shine with different grits sizes.
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