Status On TAYOPA

Good morning Lil Orphan annie: I agree with you 100 %. and will add that if you dig up a treasure without the land owners permission, or have an agreement, then he / she owns the treasure 100%.

In the case of Tayopa, there are other major factors involved, which necessitates more protection, permits, etc., from different depts in Mexico City.

Good to hear from you my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

RT you have been very busy in my absence!! I am so glad things are finally working out for ya. I have missed talking to you my ole friend. send me a PM when you get time.
God Bless

Howdy RT,

Been gone for quite awhile, just getting back on here looking specifically for you. Good memories of many exchanges with you, and I've always believed in you from the start. This thread is all good news to me as far as you are concerned, it's about time. I hope it all works out for you and yours. It is comforting to me tonight somehow to know that you are still with us.


WELCOME TO TREASURENET Barto!!! :hello2: :hello: :thumbsup:

Any friend of Don Jose' is a friend of mine, so you are among friends here!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Thank you Oro for your kind welcome, it is most appreciated. Are you also waiting for an autographed copy of Don Jose's book? lol I fear I will die before that tome is ever published.

Gentlemen You want the autograph? that can be arranged, but unless oro gets to cracking, the book may be a bit delayed. snicker

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. there will be some stories posted in the adventures though.

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
but unless oro gets to cracking, the book may be a bit delayed.

Oh, I am not concerned, for the man who actually found Tayopa has given me his word that he will write that book and I presume it has to be well past half done by now. I will be happy to proof-read the first draft for you, and am waiting for those first three chapters.

:read2: :thumbsup: :tongue3:

K oro ---- He weakly staggered to the summit, scratching at the uncontrollable itching from the multitude of animal life living under his leather armour, sweating from the humid heat, which only added to the fetid odor from the armor, which he hadn't been able to clean for days--------> to ORO's red pencil..

Don Jose de La Mancha

( el pro at scratching and being unwashed and wondering why the gals at the lonely ranches seemed to lose interest quickly ?? BETH ?)

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
K oro ---- He weakly staggered to the summit, scratching at the uncontrollable itching from the multitude of animal life living under his leather armour, sweating from the humid heat, which only added to the fetid odor from the armor, which he hadn't been able to clean for days--------> to ORO's red pencil..

Don Jose de La Mancha

( el pro at scratching and being unwashed and wondering why the gals at the lonely ranches seemed to lose interest quickly ?? BETH ?)

Well it is now apparent that you don't even require the assistance of a proof reader, as I failed to see any mis-spellings in your opening line. I am not hurt by being so clearly un-needed, in fact it means even less effort will be needed by me so now I really look forward to that book!
:read2: :thumbsup: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :tongue3:

I do have a tip on the whole un-washed thing too, always mark the wind direction, and make approach to the quarry from down wind if possible, cross wind if it is not possible to do from down wind, and never from upwind. :icon_thumright:


:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

More please, and thank you in advance!

Don Jose, Glad to hear things are going well for you my Friend!!! :notworthy: :notworthy:

Thick as Tar, Just for you. :tongue3: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


A man is drinking with his wife when out of the blue he announces, "I love you." The wife asks "IS that you or the beer talking?'' After a pause he says, "It's me, talking to the beer."

K ladies and gentlemen: Up date on the Tayopa project. Another critcal set back.

My major partner, the financial driver of the project was murdered this morning in a failed kidnapping attempt on either him or his two little kiddies that he was taking to school. It is still not clear, but when he resisted, they simply shot him. Sigh

Life can be interesting. He was completely fascinated with Tayopa and was scouting around for a Helicopter.

He was a very nice gentleman and I liked him very much. Unfortunately, he was the financial driver of the project.

I am getting used to square one.

And many wonder why I sleep with a pistol. hehehehh.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Don Jose,

Sorry to hear about your friend.

I can see why you are so fond of dogs. Have you explained the blue-eyed dogs to Oro? :laughing7:

I hope to see you out of square one soon, stay safe amigo.


Im really sad to have heard the sad news.I know that it will get careful my lucky that I live so far from the treasure but I still wear my sidearm.I wish I could go and help you.adios mi amigo.

Don Jose',
We are both shocked and saddened at the tragic death of your partner; our prayers go out for his family and friends. Keep yourself safe and your loved ones amigo, give yourself some time and things will be clear to you before long.
Roy & Beth

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Good evening, sniffle, hawk, koff. I hope that you don't catch it through the internet. Washed my hands, honest.

Lets see, first there was Cummings on the lauranos treasure. RIP

Then Doc Fellers, on La Chiva near el Limon, Sinaloa, Mittendorf also later.. RIP

Then Sam Hayes on Le Gloria Pan hunt. RIP

Next Don Borst on the lost entrance of the cave near Los camotes, and the giants. RIP

Then Van Buskirk on the La Tarasca - Las Pimas. Rip

Next Rojelio on Tayopa, now Fernando also. Fernando is the only one killed by bandits (Narcos??) RIP

Let's have a vote, shall ORO be next to finish up Tayopa and the Gloria Pan, we have to break this pattern. Can ORO do it ??.

Seriously, all were good friends and I miss them, but life goes on fortunately. As for Tayopa I have no idea how many times it has slipped from my grasp only to have it return.

It is almost as if it were preordained that I would open it up?? In the hunt I would become completely stopped, then a clue would appear from nowhere and off I would go to the next step. The same applied to money, when I needed it, and was out of options, it would appear, but only enough for the next step. The Indians up there kiddingly refer to me as a reincarnated Jesuit.

Tayopa has been located, but as I once mentioned, I am not in a hurry to open it. That would be sort of an anti climax, and most importantly, do I want to see that beautiful country open to mining?

In any event I sincerely thank all of you for Fernandez, He really was a nice guy.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Am on my second day with the flue (?) so if I sound a bit incoherent ------- sniffle sniffle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
And many wonder why I sleep with a pistol. hehehehh.

Don Jose de La Mancha
My friend, Please Be careful!!! :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
Let's have a vote, shall ORO be next to finish up Tayopa and the Gloria Pan, we have to break this pattern. Can ORO do it ??.

No, Oro can not do it. The only one that can, is the one who found it. You know it. So let us quit fooling, and I am still waiting on that book amigo!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Good Morning my friends. Well Tayopa is about to get running again. we are having our first meeting since our partner, Fernando, was murdered. Tayopa will not be stopped ! They are enthusiastic enough to drive an average of 4 hrs 'one way' to attend our junta, some 6 hrs.

Oro is hereby requested to suppy gallons of his famous sock coffee.

Who knows, I may even be persuaded to post the first pictures of Tayopa's entrance here, and confirmation to other historical ties.

You knew of course that Napoleon and Maximillan were both after Tayopa? They even had plans drawn up for a railroad from the mesa Campanero - Tayopa - to Guaymas. The ending of the American civil war ended that dream. ?

Where are their documents?? I would have loved to have had them, yes, even today, even though we now have the location of Tayopa confirmed.

Shall we finish that for them?

Don Jose de La Mancha

That's good news my friend. Let us hope that this time you are sucessful. I won't take coffee with you, but a nice hot mug of tea will do very nicely thank you:coffee2:. hmmm no cup of tea available in the icons, so the mug means TEA to me

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