Status On TAYOPA

Well gracias Tony,

I took the misspelled version of "corazon" from the Peralta Stones, since there is a rich gold mine in the center of the heart.

Homar P. Olivarez

coazon! We know they were deliberate in all they did, don't we? The missing R,, Hmmmm?
Saludos to All! td Be Safe Big Joe!

coazon de oro said:
Well gracias Tony,

I took the misspelled version of "corazon" from the Peralta Stones, since there is a rich gold mine in the center of the heart.

Homar P. Olivarez

tesoro dog said:
coazon! We know they were deliberate in all they did, don't we? The missing R,, Hmmmm?
Saludos to All! td Be Safe Big Joe!

Hmm? Are you saying that the Peralta stones are maps to Tayopa? :icon_scratch: Pardon my confusion but this is a thread on Tayopa so your references to the stone maps missing 'R' have me confused. :dontknow: :help: Thank you in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Oroblanco! I realize it is a thread on Tayopa, Sorry to All, especially to Don Jose, if I inadvertently took it off Topic. td

Tesoro Dog - no problems at all, just threw me for a loop there, thought I had missed something major.

:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

good afternoon: I finally had that long delayed talk with the new owners of the Tayopa complex. They seem to be very nice gentlemen, all young (30 - 40 ) successful business men. An Indian had told them of a suspicious occurance near the Tayopa holdings, a pair of Macaws were seen flying into a cliff yet no nest was vsible. Upon investigation it was found to be the entrance to a tunnel complex. and when they entered, they found some sacks containing unknown materiel, so they decided to file on the property.

When they went to the mining office, they found that Tayopa had just been declared free while I was negotiating with the office so with out thinking, they simply added it to their new holding.

They had found some new data that I had been looking for for semi final confirmation of my data. Tayopa is double locked in.

They are quite willing to make any kind of a deal that I wish. They drove a total of 12 hours for the meeting.

All in all it couldn't be more perfect for me. The gov't was hitting me for over $10,000 US a year in taxes, now it is recycled to a min. again.

Will keep you advised, frankly I like these men. They are composed of only 4 men, the '16' was just a name thought of when filing, it refers to an agriculturre area where he was born.

Of course nothing changes with my friends here.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Don Jose,

I am real happy for you! Can't wait to see the pictures of the Tayopa Treasures some day.

Maybe now you can get someone else to handle the paper work on your lovely mule.


Hi Jose,

sounds like good news, perhaps before to long you will be able to put on a photo of those damned bells and prove to a certain person that Tayopa ain't in the supers,


Gentlemen, Furness that will never happen, even if I take him on a cooks tour. Incidentally, I didn't see some missing data in that post, so reread it to make sense of it my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
good afternoon: I finally had that long delayed talk with the new owners of the Tayopa complex. They seem to be very nice gentlemen, all young (30 - 40 ) successful business men. An Indian had told them of a suspicious occurance near the Tayopa holdings, a pair of Macaws were seen flying into a cliff yet no nest was vsible. Upon investigation it was found to be the entrance to a tunnel complex. and when they entered, they found some sacks containing unknown materiel, so they decided to file on the property.

When they went to the mining office, they found that Tayopa had just been declared free while I was negotiating with the office so with out thinking, they simply added it to their new holding.

They had found some new data that I had been looking for for semi final confirmation of my data. Tayopa is double locked in.

They are quite willing to make any kind of a deal that I wish. They drove a total of 12 hours for the meeting.

All in all it couldn't be more perfect for me. The gov't was hitting me for over $10,000 US a year in taxes, now it is recycled to a min. again.

Will keep you advised, frankly I like these men. They are composed of only 4 men, the '16' was just a name thought of when filing, it refers to an agriculturre area where he was born.

Of course nothing changes with my friends here.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Muy bueno, tres bien, zehr guht, very good - all good news! Perhaps this is going to work out for the best after all, which is great! With your knowledge and expertise, coupled with their capital and labor, I can't see any roadblocks for you. I do hope that you will be able to find at least one bell left behind, or even a piece of one with enough of the inscription left to show to our mutual friend whom is convinced Tayopa is in Arizona, though both seem very unlikely to happen. The bells were taken to use at other missions and visitas, though there could be one left especially if it were hidden.

We are all in your corner Don Jose, it sounds like things are going to start cranking up now. I just hope that you will be free to be able to make it to the annual rendezvous. In the meantime, full speed ahead, Viva Tayopa! :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Hello Jose,

Am i missing something, i had seen your other post on the other thread about the Macaws and assumed the tunnel network was another in that area as you had put near the Tayopa complex,

so from what the 4 guys have said are you now saying that the tunnel they found with the sacks is the treasure room originally with an iron door, and is now empty apart from the odd remnant?
there are other things spring to mind with something like this with the size of the bells and the shear amount of silver and gold, plus the other items how were they moved at anytime in the past and the local indios not know about it,

That's really rough on you after all the work you have put in searching for it over the years,
my commiserations amigo,


good morning: No, this area is way to the South / East of Tayopa, some 3000 meters. My friend in Alaska had remotely dowsed it out of curiosity, and did show where the tunnel complex was ????? How ???? In any event I gave it no serious thought - then.

This tunnel system has nothing to do with the metal door, which is now hidden by talus, which he also located to within a few hundred feet of where my data placed it ????.

Incidentally, I did 'not' seriously use, or look at any of his dowsing efforts until after locating Tayopa, the door and the main deposit. Then it was a made to order set of tests on dowsing and remote dowsing. He came through with flying colors.

Now, How did he do it? How does it work???

The "cerro del Cura" was named after an unknown Jesuit Priest had set up camp in the area in the 1800's, and was always, searching and looking, according the few Indian families that lived in the vicinity. One day he fell to his death while working on this hill (?) so it has always been called "The Hill of the Priest". He apparently was looking for the tunnel complex that my new associates (?) found, thanks to a bird.

Nothing has ever been removed from the area since the families living in the vicinity have handed down many stories of others that had entered the zone. If he had been successful, they would have remembered it.

Curious how stories of lost mines etc., be changed, continued, or lost on a odd word or action. In this case a couple of parrots that set up house keeping inside of a hidden tunnel complex help fill in the story of Tayopa.

In the first two photos you are looking towards the West from down in the bottom of the arroyo, the next one is looking to the East from the vicinity of Tayopa.

It is easy to see how a lone priest could fall from that stock. We know why he was there .

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Cerro del cura 1.webp
    Cerro del cura 1.webp
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  • Cerro del cura 2.webp
    Cerro del cura 2.webp
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Hello Jose,

Thanks for clearing that up, that's more or less as i had understood it from reading your previous post, although i did misinterpret the second one,
but i didn't realise it was the place the priest had fallen from, which i did remember from your earlier posts written some time ago,

but i am glad for you that the treasure room is still undisturbed,


Hmmm quite interesting Relicdude, unfortunately Tayopa is a 3 day journey from Guaymas, so I doubt that the pirates actually had a crack at it.,
however, they did after it hit the transshipping point below Matamoros.

Interesting picture my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose when Tayopa is mention you are the one that I think of an nobody else in my eyes the dream is yours an yours only we are only here to share the adventure with you my friend , I'm saddened that you don't hold 100% of everything but glad you are having good feelings about how things have turned out on things .I myself will pray for good fortune an safety for you an your family an read everything you post on this wonderful adventure that you've been so generous to share with us .

Tank :icon_thumleft:

What a great story Senior Don Jose. This weekend I shall go to the International Bridge in Brownsville, look across into the bustling town of Matamoros, and wonder what my Amigo Don Jose is doing far South of the border towns!! Good Luck!!

Hello Don Jose, can you update us on how you are.Did you continue on the E?scondido

buenas dias mis amigos First --> :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Now gather around the fire.

As mentioned, we had a very relaxed, informal, meeting in which they agreed, insisted, to have me run the recovery operation. However it will be next year since winter is upon us and that is not the best time to move around in the Sierras of Tayopa, it is just too dangerous.

I had a schedule to meet them last week to formalize an agreement, both to protect their and my sides. I will probably end up with 33% of Tayopa, and the same for what ever I can produce.

Unfortunately when I was returning south, I had unexpected problems and it has been put off. However there are no problems with them.

If we are successful we will form another company to see how many of my other projects we can finish, from a ship with a huge amount of small, chocolate sized bars, untouched Gold Placers, to other closed mines, 'possibly' even Oro's Naranjal - with him of course.

This next year should be interesting, providing the US's new bill allows a US citiz. to leave the US. Sigh, for this I went through the Guadalcanal campaign?

Don Jose de La Mancha

hi , for what its worth, i would like to state that mexico has very defined laws for treasure hunting and treasure extraction. i have copies in english and spanish. and have been involved in and with the extraction of treasure several times now over the years in mexico. we have had the governor ,army ,lawyers involved. i can tell you all ,emphatically ,you do not ,do not, need to hold a mining claim to extract a treasure in mexico ,you do not need to own the land. mexican treasure falls into two categories, those of national interest and those of a private nature. by law the owner of any treasure is the owner of the land. period. mining claims have nothing to do with it at all. if you think you have found a treasure and are not the land owner ,you write up an agreement and present it to the land owner, if he agrees with the terms, you can go ahead and start digging. if its a huge treasure, you can get permission (there is a procedure in place and paperwork to fill out) and we have had the government supply the manpower and equipment to make the extraction an a 50/50 agreement. you only have to be able to show that you have solid lead.

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