Something Curious with the New Update

Does the NOX keep all the saved profiles after an update? I suspect maybe iron bias or recovery speeds may be getting altered with updates? I would make sure to always do a factory reset with your coil attached after an update as well, just to make sure the coil and control box are re-acquainted. I have no idea if that helps but I'd do it anyway lol. Make sure you ground balance, even if you never did before. Run your noise reduction program, even if you never did before.

In my experience, using Makro machines which are very high gain.......VDI can really bounce a lot depending on ground conditions, target position and sensitivity. Maybe the machines are just running hotter now as some have reducing sensitivity may calm things down a bit.

You could also, if you have time revert back to an old version, do some air testing and write the results down. Then update again and try the same test over again to see what happens. Sometimes during real time updates things get glitched. If you have a baseline to compare it may be helpful.

Does the NOX keep all the saved profiles after an update? I suspect maybe iron bias or recovery speeds may be getting altered with updates? I would make sure to always do a factory reset with your coil attached after an update as well, just to make sure the coil and control box are re-acquainted. I have no idea if that helps but I'd do it anyway lol. Make sure you ground balance, even if you never did before. Run your noise reduction program, even if you never did before.

In my experience, using Makro machines which are very high gain.......VDI can really bounce a lot depending on ground conditions, target position and sensitivity. Maybe the machines are just running hotter now as some have reducing sensitivity may calm things down a bit.

You could also, if you have time revert back to an old version, do some air testing and write the results down. Then update again and try the same test over again to see what happens. Sometimes during real time updates things get glitched. If you have a baseline to compare it may be helpful.

Nox retains any modifications to the default settings upon power down (in other words, user initiated changes from the default settings are saved in non-volatile memory and are recalled even after power down). Even a firmware update preserves the user settings after the update unless the update suffers a glitch (in which case a factory reset solves the issue). The user settings revert to the defaults when a user does a mode specific or factory reset (resetting all mode profiles to factory defaults).

V I have been looking for you in the Deus forum and you are over here screwing around :) I wanted you advice on pulling the trigger on a Nox 800 but didn't hear from you so got one anyway :)
Totally different then the Deus holly Sh*t I, might have some issues with the learning curve, but I like it so far after 32 minutes of use. I do like some of the features it has over the Deus but I see the Deus winning in other area's so I may have to carry 2 machines and hit sites twice! ;)

V I have been looking for you in the Deus forum and you are over here screwing around :) I wanted you advice on pulling the trigger on a Nox 800 but didn't hear from you so got one anyway :)
Totally different then the Deus holly Sh*t I, might have some issues with the learning curve, but I like it so far after 32 minutes of use. I do like some of the features it has over the Deus but I see the Deus winning in other area's so I may have to carry 2 machines and hit sites twice! ;)

If you want to shorten the learning curve, dont switch back and forth between machines. Make sure you download and read the owners manual (at least a couple times), and dont cherry-pick targets. You'll have the Nox mastered in no time.

Think i will do that, the updates have done nothing for me, except change the numbers that i thought i knew, and i dig as many nails as before, so...
How do you go about reverting to an older version ??

First download the updating app from the Minelab Update Utility from their site, if you haven't done it already. I do a Factory Preset before I ever hook the detector up, I've even done 2-back-to-back FPsets just to be sure I purge all of the old written code(I had some messy updates with the new versions.) Kudos to ML script writers but they surely didn't iron out all of the kinks between the the new updates. I imagine that the software engineers spent a h@ll of a lot more time on the first code before selling the Nox to us. After that, there was a time constraint for what we all want...a new update. Corners cut.

So you now have the update utility running, and connect the Nox when asked, and it reports that you have Ver 3.1. Look at the lower right corner of of your PC screen and click on the 3 dots(...) and select Ver 1.5. Let the loading finish. I firmly suggest that once you disconnect the Equinox, that you do one more redundant Factory Preset. Then set up the machine again like you had it before. Hope this helps.

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If you want to shorten the learning curve, dont switch back and forth between machines. Make sure you download and read the owners manual (at least a couple times), and dont cherry-pick targets. You'll have the Nox mastered in no time.

Great advice Jason. When I first got the Equinox, I had to force myself to stick with it and not just default back to my confortable go to machine (which was Deus in my case). Finally, it clicked and I was on my way. Now I can switch back and forth at will without thinking about it because the muscle memory between my ears is trained to use either machine without thinking about how different they are.

First download the updating app from the Minelab Update Utility from their site, if you haven't done it already. I do a Factory Preset before I ever hook the detector up, I've even done 2-back-to-back FPsets just to be sure I purge all of the old written code(I had some messy updates with the new versions.) Kudos to ML script writers but they surely didn't iron out all of the kinks between the the new updates. I imagine that the software engineers spent a h@ll of a lot more time on the first code before selling the Nox to us. After that, there was a time constraint for what we all want...a new update. Corners cut.

So you now have the update utility running, and connect the Nox when asked, and it reports that you have Ver 3.1. Look at the lower right corner of of your PC screen and click on the 3 dots(...) and select Ver 1.5. Let the loading finish. I firmly suggest that once you disconnect the Equinox, that you do one more redundant Factory Preset. Then set up the machine again like you had it before. Hope this helps.


This makes sense to me, as i imagine that you are correct in your view that the original set-up was thoroughly tested .

...Kudos to ML script writers but they surely didn't iron out all of the kinks between the the new updates. I imagine that the software engineers spent a h@ll of a lot more time on the first code before selling the Nox to us. After that, there was a time constraint for what we all want...a new update. Corners cut....

Interesting theory, and perhaps true for the 1.7.5 release that showed up only months after the initial release and basically only tweaked existing features. But with another year before we saw 2.0 and a further year before we then saw 3.0, not sure that is necessarily true, especially since they already had the existing code. They just bolted on some minor features that not many anticipated (new iron bias filter and 4 khz SF) other than some mysterious Asian horde hunters ??? and left the rest of it alone other than minor bug fixes apparently not worth mentioning. Not a lot of complaining since 2.0 came out whereas I recall a lot of people dialing back to 1.5 from 1.7.5.

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Interesting theory, and perhaps true for the 1.7.5 release that showed up only months after the initial release and basically only tweaked existing features. But with another year before we saw 2.0 and a further year before we then saw 3.0, not sure that is necessarily true, especially since they already had the existing code. They just bolted on some minor features that not many anticipated (new iron bias filter and 4 khz SF) other than some mysterious Asian horde hunters ??? and left the rest of it alone other than minor bug fixes apparently not worth mentioning. Not a lot of complaining since 2.0 came out whereas I recall a lot of people dialing back to 1.5 from 1.7.5.

Ver 1.75 and the resultant higher Vdi numbers especially on high conductors, different from the 1.5 ver on the baseline factory version. "The high conductor" silvers giving much higher numbers, 40 instead of 35, on simple on-edge half dollars for sure. As far as 4Khz, it serves my purpose a little, but I won't use it in "active" hunt mode. As far as Fe0 and Fe2? I just see it useless for high conductor silver coin hunts, unless somebody can easily explain its uses to me. Overall, IMO, the first factory SW file was solid, besides missing a literal half dollar shoved down at surface level on perfect edge. You can miss half dollars on perfect edge, I accept that one scenario personally. Also, every version beyond V1.5 gives me Vdi numbers in my established home test garden, shows simple 7-10" Mercury dime, with plain common quarters, saying it's a Vdi being 30. I know it's a dime, I planted it. There are just too many skews IMPO with all the non-factory SW versions.

To be honest? I rely a lot on Vdi numbers in this sport 50% in the shallower detected coins. Every version beyond V1.5 lacks solidity IMO. I am just waiting for ML to produce an Fe-Co Equinox model.

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Same here. CTX variant of Multi IQ. In the mean time I am having a lot more success reverting to my trusty Deus as my primary detector. Equinox for beach work and as coin shooter and change of pace machine in hot, but low ferrous junk scenarios.

Regarding iron bias, in a nut shell, it drives an iffy mixed ferrous target towards ferrous. Dial it up and it even works well on flat rusted tin that tends to false easily. The drawback, of course is that you might truly have a mixed ferrous indicating target that is actually non-ferrous , though I haven't come across that scenario. The other concern regarding cranking F2 too high is masking of non-ferrous adjacent to ferrous targets. I saw that in tests of Fe but it seems to be a relative non-issue with F2. Fe is also not very good at driving a mixed ferrous target to ferrous even at high settings. Bottom line is that FE iron bias appears to be a swing and a miss as far as ML is concerned and F2 is pretty effective with little down side. So if ferrous falsing is an issue, use F2 at its default setting of 6 (Equinox 800) and see if that doesn't alleviate the issue. If not, don't be afraid to crank it higher. HTH

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I always have Fe1 at 0 FE2 at 0

Let my brain do the working out.


I always have Fe1 at 0 FE2 at 0

Let my brain do the working out.


That's how I felt about FE (I too am a hear it all guy) but F2 is a different ballgame. It actually does what it is supposed to do, unlike FE, and really puts iffy ferrous squarly into definitive ferrous at the default setting or higher. Also not seeing a masking penalty even when cranking F2 high. Almost a free lunch. You should try it.

Feel the same about F2 after lots and lots of testing with late 1600's and 1700's square nails. The iron is different than todays and boy some sound just kike a silver down in the hole. I have 1 nail no machine will call iron lol..
FE just masks it all out, good for coins in parks. F2 is a strange beast, I have found a small amount of masking with the 11 inch coil and zero with the 6 inch coil.

How about hot rocks, my 600 finds them all

What do you mean by stronger signal? What signal is stronger than what? As far as I know the output of the machine remains constant no matter the sensitivity.

I’ve noticed that with the new update, which is good, the Nox seems more sensitive and if I have my sensitively to high then the VDI is more unstable and that is I’m guessing because of other properties in the ground so I run my sensivity around 15.
I believe when higher the signal is reflecting or bouncing around. When I’m wanting to detect deeper I raise it.
A stronger signal and better processor will detect more targets unlike other brands and that is why the Nox is finding stuff other detectors pass over.
we just have to deal with it.

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