Something Curious with the New Update

I know that this reply is just taking up space, but with my 800 and my hunting or type of detecting I do these days, I'm happy with the way I have it without the up dates. I did try the first up date, I don't know, just something made me undo it back to factory per say, did not do the second up date, and wanted to hear more from you fella's on # 3. For me? I pretty much never operate in single freq. with the 800, and I have on only a couple of occasions used the 5Hhz, a 4Khz may not do anything for me, again for my detecting anymore. Understand, nothing at all wrong with it, I still have many features I've never used yet. I like the weight, I like the Multi-Freq., I love the 6" coil, I understand the VDI #'s and the sounds in 50 tone, and always find stuff. I still, after more than 30 odd years of detecting, fully enjoy and always look forward to any type of metal detecting. With the updates? I don't know that I want to re learn something, (well, at least this week) I like what I'm using the way I am using it. BUT!, I still tune in to see what you guys have to say about it, if it sounds good enough to me from what you say, why not give it a shot, can always un do it. What I'm saying is that I often value what many of you have to say about or report on something different or new. It's a part of T-Net I like.

I know that this reply is just taking up space, but with my 800 and my hunting or type of detecting I do these days, I'm happy with the way I have it without the up dates. I did try the first up date, I don't know, just something made me undo it back to factory per say, did not do the second up date, and wanted to hear more from you fella's on # 3. For me? I pretty much never operate in single freq. with the 800, and I have on only a couple of occasions used the 5Hhz, a 4Khz may not do anything for me, again for my detecting anymore. Understand, nothing at all wrong with it, I still have many features I've never used yet. I like the weight, I like the Multi-Freq., I love the 6" coil, I understand the VDI #'s and the sounds in 50 tone, and always find stuff. I still, after more than 30 odd years of detecting, fully enjoy and always look forward to any type of metal detecting. With the updates? I don't know that I want to re learn something, (well, at least this week) I like what I'm using the way I am using it. BUT!, I still tune in to see what you guys have to say about it, if it sounds good enough to me from what you say, why not give it a shot, can always un do it. What I'm saying is that I often value what many of you have to say about or report on something different or new. It's a part of T-Net I like.
Don’t worry about the update just do it and don’t let it boggle your head. Some are making it to big of a deal. I believe pinpointing is better , depth gauge I quit worrying bout it.

My 800 was real chattery with update 3, took donuts advise and did a factory reset and it worked. Thanks Doug.


My 800 was real chattery with update 3, took donuts advise and did a factory reset and it worked. Thanks Doug.

👍🇺🇸 That’s good to hear.

I updated three Equinoxes to 3.0 and I have not noticed any difference in VDI on modern US coins, pinpointing or the depth gauge since doing the update. I have used all three for at least 10 hours each. Zinc pennies have always been crazy if they are even slightly corroded. They are really bad when they have that white zinc oxide coating. So before and after the 3.0 update a zincoln in good shape would usually be 19-21 in my dirt and one in really bad shape could read 18 up to an occasional 30. Clad dimes and copper Memorial pennies (there are two slightly different types by the way, 1959 to 1962 have copper, zinc and tin, 1962 to 1982 have just copper and zinc) have always had interchangeable VDIs between 24 and 28. Clad quarters usually read 29 to 31 for me.

I want to make sure I understand about the factory reset and updating the software I've seen mentioned.
So do the 3.0 update and after it's updated then perform the factory reset?
And performing the reset doesn't take the software back to the original version or did I misunderstand?


I want to make sure I understand about the factory reset and updating the software I've seen mentioned.
So do the 3.0 update and after it's updated then perform the factory reset?
And performing the reset doesn't take the software back to the original version or did I misunderstand?


The update is removing and replacing the software on the the detector. Doing an FP only resets your adjustments in the modes, it does not and can not alter the software. As for doing an FP to make the detector more stable, that seems to be a random occurance and not true for everyone. You will lose all settings and have to re-pair your headphones afterwards.

Unless you're having some other problem with the detector, you don't have to do a factory reset as part of the software update. Just install the latest version and you're all set. You don't even lose your current settings.

I just got back from a beach trip and I have to agree with the original post by "mrmastadon". My numbers are all over the place compared to where they use to be after the update. Plus I did a factory reset and it did not make any difference.

Is there any secret to doing a reinstall of the update?

See my Post "Latest Beach Finds, August 2020" for some of my issues.

My Nox 600 has had random VDI numbers from the start... but i did notice that they are even more unreliable recently, after 3rd update.. really is becoming just a 'sound' 'machine for me, i rarely look at the numbers anymore as they are just a mess.

I’ve noticed that with the new update, which is good, the Nox seems more sensitive and if I have my sensitively to high then the VDI is more unstable and that is I’m guessing because of other properties in the ground so I run my sensivity around 15.
I believe when higher the signal is reflecting or bouncing around. When I’m wanting to detect deeper I raise it.
A stronger signal and better processor will detect more targets unlike other brands and that is why the Nox is finding stuff other detectors pass over.
we just have to deal with it.

My Nox 600 has had random VDI numbers from the start... but i did notice that they are even more unreliable recently, after 3rd update.. really is becoming just a 'sound' 'machine for me, i rarely look at the numbers anymore as they are just a mess.

I reverted back to V1.5 today. I got used to V1.5 very well, I don't care about the backlight, nor me to possibly missing a half dollar on edge signal. I wasn't happy with the first SW update compared to 1.5 and I keep coming back to the first version. I do need the VDI numbers and the first SW just works more consistent in numbers and tones.

I recently downloaded v. 3, and I've only got about 4-5 hours of testing so far. I've hunted two different locations now in the new 4kHz mode. In 4kHz it drives me crazy with high pitch ground chatter; I haven't figured out if it is falsing or is super sensitive to mineralization, it will not repeat the signal. It does seem to enhance iffy signals that are actually there in the ground. I played around with 5 - 50 tone, sensitivity, etc. to no avail trying to get it to stabilize.

It definitely blows your ears off on bottle caps with a constant 29-30 VDI. Any ideas about the high pitch ground falsing, I'm too far from any EMI effect and air and ground balanced. In multi-frequency which I normally hunt in [Park 1], nothing seems to have changed.

I switch to 4 kHz when I hear a weak high tone in multi, it’s helped me find two deep silver rosies that way. Don’t think I’d ever leave it in 4 kHz though

I reverted back to V1.5 today. I got used to V1.5 very well, I don't care about the backlight, nor me to possibly missing a half dollar on edge signal. I wasn't happy with the first SW update compared to 1.5 and I keep coming back to the first version. I do need the VDI numbers and the first SW just works more consistent in numbers and tones.

Think i will do that, the updates have done nothing for me, except change the numbers that i thought i knew, and i dig as many nails as before, so...
How do you go about reverting to an older version ??

Think i will do that, the updates have done nothing for me, except change the numbers that i thought i knew, and i dig as many nails as before, so...
How do you go about reverting to an older version ??

I thought the version 2 introduction of the revised new and actually useful F2 iron bias algorithm was beneficial so no way I personally am dialing back. But it can be done and I describe how in the post below. Everyone has preferences and at least ML understands this and accommodates it by providing the ability to reinstall a previous version.

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That said, I have noticed something peculiar which I have not seen mentioned elsewhere: the update seems to have made VDI less stable on modern clad in multi-frequency. Zincolns that were once an easily-identifiable 19-21 are now 18-24. Copper pennies that used to consistently read 23-26 now bounce all around from 22 on the low end to 30 on the high. Dimes used to be a tight 24-26 on my machine; they are now 23-29. And quarters that were *always* 29-31 I have now measured from 27-32. Interestingly, nickels appear to be unaffected and are still 12-13. All of this is especially perplexing given that the 4kHz frequency isn't even active in multi, so in theory multi should behave exactly as it did prior to the update.

YES YES YES! This EXACTLY! I've experienced the same thing after upgrading my machine to version 3 as well. I really dislike it. I'm considering rolling back to version 2.

So after recent addition of 15" coil, i had problems with getting the Iron bias updates to actually funtion in different modes, first of all it wouldn't function in Field 2 MuLti FQ, then after a factory reset it happened in Beach modes, just a dull grunt from the control unit.. :icon_scratch:
Back to the VDI number accuracy, i dug 33 targets yesterday, scored 5 coins and two very old buckles, also a brass book binding,
- out of those 33 actual digs i had nails in about 20 holes, with Various modes, all Multi IQ and the VDI numbers were a complete random set, no way of telling what i was about to dig, no way at all..
In the past 21 was a good VDI for me, GOLD,, but after updates i often get nails and other junk at 21..:dontknow:
Beep and dig, that's the Equinox way.:BangHead:

My experience has been different, Equinox is a pretty nuanced detector in 50 tones. With its high recovery speed and disciplined coil control I can get it to consistently lock on to (and ID) non-ferrous targets with ferrous junk adjacent or nearby. It's not 100%, but reliable enough for me to not dub it just a beep and dig machine. Deus is probably a little better in this regard for me because the tones are even more nuanced and modulated, but Equinox can get it done, too.

Perhaps you should get a more suitable detector for your detecting style. You appear to rely heavily on visual target ID vs. audio nuances to integrate target identification. The Minelab FBS machines (like eTrac, CTX) have more precise visual target ID but they have slower recovery speeds and less affinity for mid-conductive targets at depth vs Equinox. Equinox does not appear to be your cup of tea. That's why there are choices. No detector clicks with everyone and no detector does everything perfectly. Life is too short and free detecting time even shorter to be constantly frustrated.

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