Socialist entitlements are Not whats bankrupting our country

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Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
Primary Interest:
Not to sound like I do not care about humanity, but socialist benefits are not the problem, the 5 TRILLION+ dollars we have given foreign countries in economic and military aid in the last 10 years alone would give everybody free health care and foodstamps and 2 movie tickets a week for life, and then how much have the 2 iraqi wars cost ? or afghanistan war ? I bet it is way into the trillions, what was the point of iraq ? because saddam was killing his own people ? so what, let the world police its self and stop trying to push whatever administrations current views are onto the rest of the world, you know sacrifice americans in foriegn countries like iraq, so we can get a oil friendly to us government in there..
Now add it all up, and when you do you will see just how much of a minor cost socialist benefits are, its all about the mighty dollar, they dont care about people, unless you are a billionaire thats padding pockets, they may like you just a lil.
I do not really like the guy much, but if you watch michael moore's documentary fahrenheit 9/11 you will see just how that mighty dollar comes to play it all out.
Bash me if you want to, but you cannot argue them trillions in given away tax payer dollars.


I am all for cutting off most of our foreign aid, we can start with the UN. Pull the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

Next stop giving aid to any country that is not a true ally of America.. If they burn our flag in the street they get no money....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

I don't think that 5+ trillion is correct. Looking at the numbers, I believe it is probably less than 2 Trillion spent in Foreign Aid by the current administration ... officially.

Of course, the mismanagement and increased handouts to both deadbeats and corporations are what is killing our economy.

See what number you come up with ...

I agree with much of your statements. We should stop the foriegn "aide" that is only used to line tyrants pockets. We should pull out bases out of other countries. This isn't the 1950s cold war. Those are a major water of our defense dollars.

We could have paid the healthcare costs everyone in the country if we weren't paying for the government management of giving out that money.

various sources off the net, same kinda places everybody else on here uses as sources, that number also includes internal stateside aid which was the theme of my post, not just to foreign bodies, things such as colleges and private parties, for abroad data mostly from
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, U.S. Bureau of Census (BUCEN) International Database.
Maybe in the morning I will wade through official numbers, but they would'nt lie to us would they ?


Take a look at my link above ... the last 10 years prior to 2012 don't come close to 1 trillion.

Don't know why the New York Times would lie about that.

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

By Terence P. Jeffrey

( - Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.
They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.

The Census Bureau counted as recipients of means-tested government programs “anyone residing in a household in which one or more people received benefits from the program.” Many of these people lived in households receiving more than one form of means-tested benefit at the same time.

Among the 108,592,000 people who fit the Census Bureau’s description of a means-tested benefit recipient in the fourth quarter of 2011 were 82,457,000 people in households receiving Medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on Supplemental Security Income, 23,228,000 in the Women, Infants and Children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Also among the 108,592,000 means-tested benefit recipients counted by the Census Bureau were people getting free or reduced-price lunch or breakfast, state-administered supplemental security income and means-tested veterans pensions.

The 108,592,000 people who were recipients of means-tested government programs in the fourth quarter of 2011 does not include people who received benefits from non-means-tested government programs but not from means-tested ones. That would include, for example, people who received Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, or non-means-tested veterans compensation, but did not receive benefits from a means-tested program such as food stamps or public housing.

In the fourth quarter of 2011, according to the Census Bureau, there were 49,901,000 people who received Social Security benefits, 46,440,000 who received Medicare benefits, 5,098,000 on unemployment, and 3,178,000 who received non-means-tested veterans compensation.

When the people who received non-means-tested government benefits from programs such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and non-means-tested veterans compensation are added to those who received means-tested government programs such as food stamps, Supplemental Security Income and public housing, the total number of people receiving government benefits from one or more programs in the United States in 2011 climbs to 151,014,000, according to the Census Bureau.

Scary numbers there deepseeker, makes you wonder when they say we are the richest country in the world, is it really that hard to see why so many are on food stamps and other aid ?
Try working 3 plus part time jobs each day for a wage that should be considered criminal, considering how much profit the huge corporations make, nothing but a bunch of greedy pigs that are making the hard working folks pay those people so they can survive.
Of course people are going to sit at home on welfare, its a better deal than killing yourself for a huge corporation that could not careless if you can afford to eat or not, I really applaud you guys on the level of passion you have for trying to fix what's wrong in our country, but you guys are going at it the wrong way, forget trying to change big brother, and turn that passion loose on them mega corporations that have put most of those folks on welfare to begin with.
Unless you happen to be multimillionaires and are padding pockets for millions at a time, to those mega corps, you are lumped in with the poor.
Again I'll say it, socialist benefits are NOT breaking our country, vulture capitalists are, and if you guys can't see what I said as the truth, just wait 10 years and see where the country is then, it won't be the top 1% controlling 85% of the wealth, it will be just a few dictators controlling it all.

Just saw a news report this morning that outlines why out country is broke (although that wasn't the point they were making), welfare is now the #1 job in america. We have more people on welfare than actually employed. That's more than half the country NOT paying into the tax system, but worse, they are taking money out of it.

Edit- I just saw DS posted the same info in raw form.

Funny that news story is posted to a watchdog forum, and the story is from a ultra conservative watchdog group, sure post news, but I'll take mine unbiased please.
Doh I forgot the info.
NEWS WATCH; New Conservative News Site Will Fill a Void, Founder Says
By Katie Hafner
Published: June 18, 1998

Convinced that the Clinton White House is awash in scandals that national television networks have ignored, L. Brent Bozell 3d, chairman of Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group in Alexandria, Va., this week opened his own news operation on the Net.
Mr. Bozell said that his Conservative News Service ( would report news that he says is not touched by traditional television news outlets.
The press release announcing the formation of the news service said it ''will fill the growing news void left by the establishment media in their chase for the sensational.''
With a staff of four reporters and two editors, the organization has a three-year budget of $5.46 million, all from private donations.
Scott Hogenson, the executive director of C.N.S., said the site had 61,000 hits on Tuesday, the first day of operation.


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I am all for cutting off most of our foreign aid, we can start with the UN. Pull the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

Next stop giving aid to any country that is not a true ally of America.. If they burn our flag in the street they get no money....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

I agree, though it's tough when a country has 50 million people and 25 million want us to help and the other 25 million burn our flag???? Then what??

It kills me to see innocent people slaughtered, when we have the means to destroy the Bully's!!!!!!

I don't think that 5+ trillion is correct. Looking at the numbers, I believe it is probably less than 2 Trillion spent in Foreign Aid by the current administration ... officially.

Of course, the mismanagement and increased handouts to both deadbeats and corporations are what is killing our economy.

See what number you come up with ...

I agree that the "increased handouts to both deadbeats and corporations are what is killing our economy." Of the two, I think the corporations are by far the worst. The welfare dollars are spent in the communities on food and other commodities in a short time frame, returning those dollars to the economy, great if you're a local businessman. Welfare folks don't hoard money, they spend it. Corporate dollars support a much higher level of living and those dollars can flow into places that DON"T support our economy. In fact, can be used against our country since a lot of corporations are now mulitnational and keep money out of circulation.

from the article: "Foreign aid has increased, in part to support the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and global antiterrorism strategies".

I'd say not much of that has gone to welfare, huh? Most find their way into corporate coffers.

The rest end up in foreign leaders' accounts to bribe them not to be hostile to us. Sometimes that's an expedient strategy, sometimes not.

Cheaper and less messy than sending the Sixth Fleet.


Most "foreign aid" is spent right here in the USofA. It's corporate welfare, spending taxpayer dollars to support those who manufacture arms, heavy equipment, etc., that is sent overseas. Seldom is the cash sent out of our country (other than when the Bush Administration thought it a good idea to shrink wrap uncounted millions of $100 bills, but it on pallets, and send it to Iraq).

Just as "food stamps" (SNAP) is agricultural aid - welfare for farmers and food stores.

I absolutely agree with you that "Try working 3 plus part time jobs each day for a wage that should be considered criminal, considering how much profit the huge corporations make, nothing but a bunch of greedy pigs that are making the hard working folks pay those people so they can survive."

The problem in our nation isn't jobs - it is wages. Too many people at the top are taking too much and leaving too little for everyone else. The head of a corporation should probably be paid more than those just starting out - of course I accept that. But the CEO doesn't need to be paid hundreds or a thousand times more. Many of them don't earn it and dang few deserve it.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Most "foreign aid" is spent right here in the USofA. It's corporate welfare, spending taxpayer dollars to support those who manufacture arms, heavy equipment, etc., that is sent overseas. Seldom is the cash sent out of our country (other than when the Bush Administration thought it a good idea to shrink wrap uncounted millions of $100 bills, but it on pallets, and send it to Iraq).

Just as "food stamps" (SNAP) is agricultural aid - welfare for farmers and food stores.

I absolutely agree with you that "Try working 3 plus part time jobs each day for a wage that should be considered criminal, considering how much profit the huge corporations make, nothing but a bunch of greedy pigs that are making the hard working folks pay those people so they can survive."

The problem in our nation isn't jobs - it is wages. Too many people at the top are taking too much and leaving too little for everyone else. The head of a corporation should probably be paid more than those just starting out - of course I accept that. But the CEO doesn't need to be paid hundreds or a thousand times more. Many of them don't earn it and dang few deserve it.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

WOW,, Again. :BangHead: Think you could post how evil corporations are on every single thread? Your perceptions are badly warped.

I don't think it is an accurate statement to say the US is the wealthiest country in the world. I believe that would be Singapore, no?


You continue to attempt to twist and spin my posts. Is that because your case is so weak?

I didn't write anything about evil corporations. You claim I think profits are evil. But that is not what I wrote about.

This is an example of what I pointed out before - you rely on labels instead of thought. You apply stereotypes and generalizations as a poor substitute for thinking.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


You continue to attempt to twist and spin my posts. Is that because your case is so weak?

I didn't write anything about evil corporations. You claim I think profits are evil. But that is not what I wrote about.

This is an example of what I pointed out before - you rely on labels instead of thought. You apply stereotypes and generalizations as a poor substitute for thinking.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Why would I need to twist any post you make? You make the same point in every one.

You apply stereotypes and generalizations as a poor substitute for thinking.
If I cared enough this would be an insult,, which would show a poor substitute for thinking on your part.:laughing7:

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