Socialist entitlements are Not whats bankrupting our country

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With his attitude, I sometimes think he might be related to Dano ... posting style is eerily similar, political view as well.

Beginning to wonder if the dems have mastered cloning.

Comments like this really do "strike a nerve" with me.

Are you so far resolved to your views to be so closed minded to actually believe this?

OB speaks intelligently and always offers a viewpoint that is based in reality. Whether or not you believe it or subscribe to the same political ideologies, that is your prerogative. But please be fair and give him (and the rest of us) some respect when it comes to having individual opinions and viewpoints.

Comments like this really do "strike a nerve" with me.

Are you so far resolved to your views to be so closed minded to actually believe this?

OB speaks intelligently and always offers a viewpoint that is based in reality. Whether or not you believe it or subscribe to the same political ideologies, that is your prerogative. But please be fair and give him (and the rest of us) some respect when it comes to having individual opinions and viewpoints.

The problem comes in when you hide your intentions. Which a few of your friends do. No honest debate when you do that.

And " based in reality" that is subjective, as much as his" in my opinion" comments.

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Apparently I missed the "Intentions" box on my TN Profile. Obviously, you have found it and filled yours in.

Your comment proves how much you try to read into posts.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Apparently I missed the "Intentions" box on my TN Profile. Obviously, you have found it and filled yours in.

Your comment proves how much you try to read into posts.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Sooo, that means? You have no point to your posts then? I guess it is normal not to care about what someone says? Now I know what your problem is. Thanks.

The problem comes in when you hide your intentions. Which a few of your friends do. No honest debate when you do that.

And " based in reality" that is subjective, as much as his" in my opinion" comments.


Even you could agree that much of the delivery of these debates ON BOTH SIDES is subjective.

Comments like this really do "strike a nerve" with me.

Are you so far resolved to your views to be so closed minded to actually believe this?

OB speaks intelligently and always offers a viewpoint that is based in reality. Whether or not you believe it or subscribe to the same political ideologies, that is your prerogative. But please be fair and give him (and the rest of us) some respect when it comes to having individual opinions and viewpoints.

Takes something more than "intelligent speaking" to get on my iggy list.

Attacking me personally? Perhaps your Ben's Bully Busters thread needs to be renamed?

When someone has a cogent thought that isn't a simple parroting of "the party line" I'm happy to discuss anything with them.

So, what is your opinion on the Liar in Chief saying that "If you like your insurance, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, you can keep him." (paraphrased, but I can post over a dozen different videos all available on Youtube and other sites)?


Your failure to comprehend continues. Perhaps because you elect not to?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I am all for cutting off most of our foreign aid, we can start with the UN. Pull the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

Next stop giving aid to any country that is not a true ally of America.. If they burn our flag in the street they get no money....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Hi ,History record's Woodrow Wilson saying "At last the world knows America as the savoir of the world. Signed the Treaty of Versailles then the USA wouldn,t ratify it as it didn,t agree with it. Started the League of Nations and chaired it and signed it Again wouldn,t ratify it . America decided it was in its own interest to seek a better treaty with countries on its own. Example Allowing countries like Germany , Austria out of "war reparations" for consular and commerce advantages. This was between 1919 and 1922 . Seems the UN as we know it is merely a tool for those when they can get what they want. When things don,t go the way of some ,they want out. Sorry to say nothing has changed for nearly 100 years. Don,t like to eat what you grow.



"Rambling" doesn't mean what you think it means.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

With his attitude, I sometimes think he might be related to Dano ... posting style is eerily similar, political view as well.

Beginning to wonder if the dems have mastered cloning.

Actually, I think you are right. A member that hasn't posted in 5 years? Then comes back and posts all day, every day. Something is off balance here.


Please share with all of us - what have you added to TN?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


If someone did that, the obvious conclusion would be he (or she) had something better to do.

Although what that has to do with the topic at hand is nothing.

I've only been a member of TN for 5 years - so I'm not aware of your example. Speaking of pointless.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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Ahh , related to Mr Shaw are you?

Lucky you aren't on any panel that we have to answer to. But "I see the want to in your eyes". A dictator in search of a country are you?


Off to another topic, I see...What happened to your whine about someone who hadn't posted in 5 years?

And what did that have to do with anything?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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