🥇 BANNER So I found a sword!!!

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Sr. Member
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Jupiter, FL
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
PRL-1 Whites, Tesoro Sand Shark, Excalibur II
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Found it in the woods about 3 feet deep. Found using my Whites Industrial PRL-1 which goes pretty deep so I use it for going hunting in the woods. I honestly thought it was an old pipe of some sort but I guess not! It's marked "1851" "Mitteh" anyone have any info on that? Had no luck online.

Upvote 3
ok it is a US model type 1851 heavy cavalry sword (saber) the mitte h-- means "group H" in german (so possible made by germans for import to America for use during the civil war) ----this type of sword would have been used in the civil war by both sides --its nickname was --the wrist breaker ---likely it was a confederate sword(smuggled in thru Engllish suppliers by rebel blockade runners) that was buried when the union troops took control of the area rather than turn in --the confederate owner simply buried it , so it would not be found if his house was searched -- the union troops would arrest you if they found out you were a rebel..and burn your house down leaving you wife and kids homeless , as well as taking any horses and live stock . (finding a sword in a florida home during the civil war would get it burnt down and the husband and older boys arrested * unless they were enlisted in the union army) I say confederate since the union troops would not need to "hide the sword" by burying it --however a confederate would..
Way to go Ivan .

It could also be a Third Seminole War sword...Officers purchased their own swords and a lot of the Second Seminole War forts were rebuilt and reactivated during the third war.

The U.S. made swords tended to be Ames, Norths, and few other makers, and the imports were British, which tended to say "warranted" on the blade, and then the German ones that often had the "P" guard.

The sword on display at the Dade Battlefield Park from the battle, is a German made one, if I recall correctly... It is a "P" guard model.

So it could just as easily be a Third Seminole War item...There was a fort in your area, if that's where you found it...

Congrats and I'm impressed with your tenacity to dig it out and find it whole! I probably would have given up once I thought it was a pipe!

Banner nomination complete!

Holy freakin crap that thing is in amazing condition!!!! I too would like to see the cloth it was found in. Truly a find of a lifetime! Congratulations man, I'm blown away!

Amazing find! Some serious dedication with the digging! I'm thinking "Banner".

hope you saved the cloth,that would be sweet and the iceing on the cake,i too think it makes more sense that this is from the Seminole wars,i don't remember that many confederate battles that far south off the top of my head,maybe if it was closer to capron.... maybe,these are only my opinions

Wow...3ft deep...Wow!

Cool sword ! Am I the only one that finds the depth and condition of that sword to be the definition of incredible?

Cool sword ! Am I the only one that finds the depth and condition of that sword to be the definition of incredible?
Not really, large targets are easier to find, I sometimes dig up aluminum cans at close to 2 feet deep at the beach hunting in all metal switch then switching to descriminate and get good signals after couple scoops of sand are removed...

Cool sword ! Am I the only one that finds the depth and condition of that sword to be the definition of incredible?

I was using the Whites PRL-1 which is used to find pipes deep down. Sucks at the beach because if im close to some houses, I always pick up pipes and other large objects. Works great in the woods though as you can see!!!

Amazing find. This will be my first banner vote!

Unreal !! Banner

* correction * it could be a 3rd seminole war type sword as the other fellow said---please note the date of the model type 1851 * the 3rd Seminole war (1855 to 1858) ...but the civil war was jut around the corner ...and many European makers made the US 1851 model heavy cavalry sabre (sword) during the pre and civil war era..PS there was a lot of confederate smuggling during the civil war in that area until it was firmly in union control..:laughing7:

plus even if it was a Seminole era sword why would it be buried ? owning a sword pre civil war was legal --since only during the civil war would it be illegal for the "general population" to own one..--since the model type date is 1851 * both 3rd Seminole war or civil war is possible --since it was buried I still tend to think --civil war era --but it could be a "left over" Seminole war sword used during the civil war --folks used what they had after all.

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It is easy to find the price of an Ames sword or any 1851 style wrist breaker type sword on line. Condition is everything. Being dug and missing the leather and wire handle will of course affect the price. Good news as Ivan said it was probably confederate being German made as many of their swords were shipped from Europe and a few were made in Alabama or captured. Great find normally you just find the guard after 150 years if from the ground. I like other would be interested in the cloth it was wrapped in as it is probably the most important piece of evidence of how the sword came to be where it was. It will at least date the swords burial and help account for its condition.
Congrats on a cool item.

that "cloth" might just be a highly rotted rebel uniform or flag buried along with the sword...check the area where found for buttons..very carefully ..state of florida confederate buttons tend to be quite valuable

oh the "price" --as much as they will give and as little as you will take for it --when those two "overlap" that's what its worth at that time and place ...however the "current general price asked / actually sold for" see e bay..

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it is not not a 3rd seminole war type sword as the other fellow said---please note the date of the model type 1851 * Seminole wars were over by then ...but the civil war was jut around the corner ...and many European makers made the US 1851 model heavy cavalry sabre (sword) during the pre and civil war era..PS there was a lot of confederate smuggling during the civil war in that area until it was firmly in union control..:laughing7:

plus even if it was a Seminole era sword why would it be buried ? owning a sword pre civil war was legal --since only during the civil war would it be illegal for the "general population" to own one..but its not one again--since the model type date is 1851 * even then next earlist model dates to 1840--still post Seminole war era..plus DUH --ITS MARKED 1851 * ON IT...


The Third Seminole War was from 1855 to 1858...A lot of the Second Seminole War forts were rebuilt, reactivated, and others built for the Third Seminole War exclusively. It is also commonly known as the "Billy Bowlegs War".

There was also the previous "panic" that resulted from some rogue Seminoles robbing, and killing that came between the second and third wars.

And why would something only be buried because it was illegal?? And where is it written that citizens couldn't own swords or weapons during the Civil War?? They had family heirlooms that were passed down, and some are even in the same family today...many had to hunt...no mandatory call to "turn in all your weapons" that I ever heard of...

And I don't appreciate your "History Lesson" private message, and post on here with "DUH" in it, while you are the one that is way off on your facts....Like the one that states that the Second Seminole War was over before 1840....It was 1835-1842.

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Gentlemen let's remember our rules....

And why would something only be buried because it was illegal?? And where is it written that citizens couldn't own swords or weapons during the Civil War?? They had family heirlooms that were passed down, and some are even in the same family today...many had to hunt...no mandatory call to "turn in all your weapons" that I ever heard of...

I be needing this here rifle for squirrels and such. The Outlaw Josie Wales

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