So a little saddened with detecting.


Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2013
Elkhart, Indiana
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250
Primary Interest:
I got my detector on Sunday and have been to a few parks and homes. Found mostly nails and random stuff. Was looked at funny by people in the park and had cops follow me. I didn't find anything at the homes I went to and I feel like it's a waste of time. My city isn't famous for anything in particular and I can't really travel super far. I guess I will stick with CRH. I am hoping to get a refund for my gear. I know I only used it for a few days and never expected to find anything awesome but was hoping for a wheat or something. I think because I have silver fever that I want to find everything. I love reading this forum and seeing what people pull from the ground.

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Miroku, I just started as well and have not found the big win, but I am looking for other things. History. Right now I am using my MD on a family mountain to understand inhabitants who lived their in the past. I found the frame of a sawmill and loader based on the groupings of hand made nails. Mapping out the existing structures that people labored over 150 years ago is fascinating to me. If I come across a "treasure" along the way, great, but in the meantime I am discovering many other riches along the way.

That's great! Welcome to the hobby, have you ran it in trashy areas? If so maybe you could shine some light on this machine and relay some tips and techniques to this thread concerning the 250, as I have no experience with it. My experience is limited to 8 years on a high end analog machine 15 years ago, jumped back into it recently with an at pro and have no regrets. Any help/advice with the 250 would be appreciated.?

When I hit trashy areas I turn the sensitivity down and also change to coin or jewelry. ..

Hey dude......... I didn't find much the first few times I went out either. Heres what to do, go yard sale hunting in the older part of town, to where the houses were built in the 50's or before. Stop and buy something for a dollar, then ask "may I metal detect your yard. Last week I found 15 wheat pennies a couple blocks over, and a silver dime". You might add, "you would be supprised what I find sometimes." Some houses you might not find much, but then there are those that I find 3 silver coins, or 17 wheat pennies, or maybe a silver ring. My best hunts are when I ask yard sale people for permission. I've only been doing the yard sales for a couple months now, and I can't remember anyone not giving me permission.
Good luck, and let us know what happens

I am torn between sending it back and just doing CRH or MD too. I don't have a lot of free time and this seems like a hobby that you need time. Also just don't see too many houses/old places to hunt at. I see a lot of people saying you need a good 4-8 hours at a place and I usually only have 2-3 hours to go out. I guess if one of my friend's did it with me it wouldn't be so bad, but doing it alone I don't feel really comfortable or enjoy it. Just not my cup of tea. I love the idea and I love seeing everyone enjoy it though.


For the first and foremost advice anyone who loves this hobby is after the thrill. The finds are terrible, and the finds are GREAT. It's that "you never know what you can find"...

Back in '87 my family and I were living near Boston. I was working heavy overtime and had a rare Sunday off. All I wanted to do was lay on the couch.

My wife asked to take our son to one of the parks - didn't really feel like it, but it was for our 4 year old.

We got to the car, and she asked why I wasn't taking the detector... Okay, so I went back and got it.

Went to the park and just watched my son play, our car was backed in near the tot lot and a swing set.

We'd been there a while, and then my wife asked me why I'm not using the detector.....

Okay, so I took it out and set it up.

Put the coil on the ground at the swing set, went two or three feet. Got a signal.

It was a gold wedding band - and I'm the one who was too lazy to even make an effort.

So, a quick thought about it - figured I'd already found the best I would find, so I put the detector back in the trunk. I still got to be lazy, the best of both worlds :)

Stick with it - moral of the story, you don't have to be 24/7 day after day. Just that one happenstance find will make your day.

I suppose :) I guess my only real fear/doubt is that I won't find anything of value ever. Doesn't have to be money value. I just mean I am afraid I'll never find a wheat or something that's old. I know the saying is you don't know unless you try. Basically, since I just bought it I can return it now and probably get a full refund. Or I can keep it and go out, I am just afraid people have gotten it all.

Its very unlikely others have got it all, I was out yesterday and saw fresh sign, multiple fresh digs, I found a 37 mercury dime, and an old ornate military button..this was a small area as well

I suppose :) I guess my only real fear/doubt is that I won't find anything of value ever. Doesn't have to be money value. I just mean I am afraid I'll never find a wheat or something that's old. I know the saying is you don't know unless you try. Basically, since I just bought it I can return it now and probably get a full refund. Or I can keep it and go out, I am just afraid people have gotten it all.

Bottom line us you're going to do what's best for you. If that means keep your detector or just CRH you'll figure it out. Nothing says you'll find anything looking through rolls either though. One is just leaving the house and the other isn't. Good luck on your decision.

I think another reason is I would go to the park and my detector would go off, I would dig and would get nothing. This happened like 4 or 5 times. Beep, dig, nothing.


Have you watched any of the Youtube videos on the Ace 250? That's a wonderful starting point. There are many, many variables as to why you found nothing on the signals - and actually they are all very simple.

I presume you were in the "coins" mode. Still with that, even foil will get a signal. I once dug a balled up cigarette pack at 13". Almost gave up on that one, but it sounded so much like the whisper of a silver dime. But, if I remember right, my very next signal was a silver dime.

Your Ace will last you for years to come. And you WILL find silver, period! It is only a matter of time - PERIOD again.

I'm thinking you won't always be discouraged about it, even if you put it away in your closet.

And most of us here do all kinds of treasure hunting, CRH, thrift stores, scrapping, panning for gold. If you think about it, all the treasure is not limited to the local park. And, the local park - consider that only as practice - it has likely been searched repeatedly. I mentioned at work just that I had a detector, and 3 co-workers offered to let me search their property - without me asking them. I just mentioned that my hobby was metal detecting....

Yeah I watched some videos and the one that came with it. I tried a few different modes and the sounds come back as coins. I tried the all metal mode, jewelry, and coin mode. I watched the indicator light up with either foil, 5 cent, or coins. When I dug though, there is nothing in the hole. Anywhere from 2-4 inches to 8+. I got mad when I dug 3 holes and nothing was in them. I shook my plug, dug deeper, made the hole wider, still nothing but the detector said there was stuff.

That's where a pin pointer would have absolutely helped. Harbor Freight has one that works pretty well - as I understand - for only about $16. I read that the switch stops working - but there's posts here about how to replace it with a better switch which won't stop working. Go that route instead of throwing in another $129 and then giving up. That signal was there for a reason! Back years ago I left too many targets in the ground, just couldn't find them - but now I have a pin pointer and have yet to miss finding the signal.

Man you got a great should have tryed to learn in the 60s and 70s those machines were not very good, very heavy,ate battery's,hardly any depth, and had no discrimeter.. and no, silver coins did not lay on the ground,and you got this forum to help you got it made,with all the help here.

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Yeah I watched some videos and the one that came with it. I tried a few different modes and the sounds come back as coins. I tried the all metal mode, jewelry, and coin mode. I watched the indicator light up with either foil, 5 cent, or coins. When I dug though, there is nothing in the hole. Anywhere from 2-4 inches to 8+. I got mad when I dug 3 holes and nothing was in them. I shook my plug, dug deeper, made the hole wider, still nothing but the detector said there was stuff.

I agree a pinpointer is great. .also are you using the pinpointer on the ACE ?

I've been following this thread with interest, and it seems that the high cost of the machine has added to the pressure of the hunt, and that can't be much fun I imagine. I agree with your feelings Miroku, and would return the MD for a full refund while you still can. Then if you still have an interest, maybe scan Craig's list or the classifieds or ebay for example, and start out with a low-cost MD.

You'll immediately feel better, and how you feel is what it's all about I think. In that way, you can go out when time allows and if time is short, there is little pressure as your investment isn't so high.

If you find that you enjoy it and get bitten by the bug, then you can upgrade as you become more experienced. This goes for anything or any hobby I'm sure. However, if you find that you have to convince yourself to 'keep' something, then it's not meant to be and will never feel right, because you are battling with your inner voice, which is always important to heed. Good luck with your decision. As long as it's "your" decision, it will be the right one. :icon_sunny:

I've been following this thread with interest, and it seems that the high cost of the machine has added to the pressure of the hunt, and that can't be much fun I imagine. I agree with your feelings Miroku, and would return the MD for a full refund while you still can. Then if you still have an interest, maybe scan Craig's list or the classifieds or ebay for example, and start out with a low-cost MD.

You'll immediately feel better, and how you feel is what it's all about I think. In that way, you can go out when time allows and if time is short, there is little pressure as your investment isn't so high.

If you find that you enjoy it and get bitten by the bug, then you can upgrade as you become more experienced. This goes for anything or any hobby I'm sure. However, if you find that you have to convince yourself to 'keep' something, then it's not meant to be and will never feel right, because you are battling with your inner voice, which is always important to heed. Good luck with your decision. As long as it's "your" decision, it will be the right one. :icon_sunny:

High. Cost??? As far as MD 200.00 is not considered high cost!

I'm just saying that it looks as if the OP is seeking permission to return it.

I think so too!! And I agree that any amount is to high if you really don't think it's the right choice in hobby,which seems to be the case..

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