Sleeze ball Lerner


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[h=1]IRS official on leave refused to resign, says GOP senator[/h]Published May 23, 2013

WASHINGTON – First she refused to testify. Now Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the tax agency scandal, is refusing to resign, according to a top Republican senator.
Sources confirmed to Fox News earlier Thursday that Lerner, the head of the IRS division that oversaw the unit targeting conservative groups, had been placed on administrative leave, with pay.
But Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, claimed she was only put in that status after refusing to step down.
He said the commissioner was in his right to demand her resignation, and said taxpayers should not continue to pay her salary indefinitely.
“My understanding is the new acting IRS commissioner asked for Ms. Lerner’s resignation, and she refused to resign. She was then put on administrative leave instead,” Grassley said in a statement. “The IRS owes it to taxpayers to resolve her situation quickly. The agency needs to move on to fix the conditions that led to the targeting debacle."
Capitol Hill sources said Lerner, the director of exempt organizations, was placed on paid leave Thursday, amid calls from some lawmakers for her to be suspended or fired. In her absence, Ken Corbin, the current deputy director of the submission processing, wage and investment division, will take over her duties, according to an internal IRS memo obtained by Fox News.
Lerner, the official who first acknowledged the controversial IRS practice earlier this month, asserted her innocence at a House hearing on Wednesday. She then refused to testify, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. The move angered many who say she should have been forced to answer why the tax agency targeted conservative groups applying for tax exempt status.
Republican leaders of that committee, though, now say she waived that right by giving a statement and want to haul her back to testify.
Pressure has been mounting on the administration to take tough action against Lerner, after two other IRS officials were pushed out in the wake of the scandal.
In a letter earlier Thursday to IRS Acting Commissioner Daniel Werfel, Sens. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and John McCain, R-Ariz., asked the agency to remove Lerner from office and said they had “lost confidence in her ability to fulfill her duties.”
It's unclear whether Republicans will succeed in trying to recall her before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the panel, said through an aide Thursday that her Fifth Amendment assertion is "no longer valid," since she delivered remarks at the start of Wednesday's hearing.
That hearing was never technically adjourned, and Republicans hope to bring her back.
Others, though, say she was in her right to defend herself and subsequently invoke the right to remain silent.
The IRS has had a series of missteps that have not only publicly marred the reputation of the IRS, but also called into question what the White House knew about the scandal and when they knew it.
Separately, Tea Party-related groups who claim they were targeted by the tax agency have started filing lawsuits this week against the IRS. In some cases they are asking for the IRS to admit wrongdoing. In others, they are seeking monetary claims.
"It's extremely troubling that it has taken this long for Lois Lerner to removed from the top exempt position at the IRS,” Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, the group suing on behalf of some Tea Party groups, said in a statement to
Sekulow said instead of putting Lerner on administrative leave, his group is calling for her to be fired.

Read more: IRS official on leave refused to resign, says GOP senator | Fox News

This is just more fun than Nixon and Watergate. Wait till the trail leads all the way up...

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The character of that woman shines like a beacon.

From her actions it is very easy to believe that she is the source of the horrid evil in the IRS.


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If lerner was asked to resign and she refused - that she was placed ad leave was the only option.

Though most of the jury here has made up its mind we still have almost no facts in the IRS investigation. It could turn out that this woman did nothing wrong. Her claim that the handling of the conservative groups was out of poor policy decisions regarding operational isssues could be born out.

Of course that's not the result the inquisition here at TNet is hoping for, but it could turn out that way.

That being the case - if the IRS were to force her resignation when it is later proved she did nothing wrong they would be on the hook for a million dollar settlement just on the employment issues alone. Add in the character assasination and the cash register really starts to ring! And, the government official who caused that cash outlay? What happens to them? They are fired! Without recourse.

Putting her on ad leave was the right call.

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Then there is this: What would Lerner's motivation be to protect the president? Further, what would be her motivation to orchestrate a conspiracy against conservative groups? She's not in the bag for Obama. She is a career bureaucrat. She started under Bush.

If there was a conspiracy, and she's got the goods, why isn't she asking for or demanding immunity? Obviously she is smart enough to know the gig is up. Whatever she did wrong is going to be exposed. IOW, time for the rat to flee the sinking ship and save itself! But she's not doing that.

The conspiracy thing reminds me of an old James Bond Movie. I really like James Bond Movies, most of them, but they are, in a word, ridiculous. At least the old ones.

When you finally get to Mr. Evil's base, there are thousands of people running around helping him destroy the world. or what ever they are doing to cause mayhem. Thousands of people keeping a secret? Thousands of people who are like minded and bent on crime? OK with killing? That makes the movies fun to watch though laughable.

Applying that to the IRS case - at the minimum, at least hundreds of IRS employees would have to be down with the conspiracy. They would have to be able to keep the secrets of who is involved and what is happening. Anyone here believe that is happening?

No way this is is a conspiracy. This is no more than the IRS run amuck with poor policy decisions.

Heads should roll, but it is what it is.

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Way are the same people here who are always complaining that the gov treats them like criminals because they are exercising their 2nd amendment rights are now calling this person a criminal for except using her 5th amendment rights??

Also aren't you the same people always whining about "due process" now asking for a head on a platter with no due process??

Can you say hypocrites??

Funny how you all thump your chests about our rights and rule of law only when it suits your cause.

Picker, so just what do you think should be done with lois lerner? Do you not think she had an agenda?

Then there is this: What would Lerner's motivation be to protect the president? Further, what would be her motivation to orchestrate a conspiracy against conservative groups? She's not in the bag for Obama. She is a career bureaucrat. She started under Bush.

If there was a conspiracy, and she's got the goods, why isn't she asking for or demanding immunity? Obviously she is smart enough to know the gig is up. Whatever she did wrong is going to be exposed. IOW, time for the rat to flee the sinking ship and save itself! But she's not doing that.

The conspiracy thing reminds me of an old James Bond Movie. I really like James Bond Movies, most of them, but they are, in a word, ridiculous. At least the old ones.

When you finally get to Mr. Evil's base, there are thousands of people running around helping him destroy the world. or what ever they are doing to cause mayhem. Thousands of people keeping a secret? Thousands of people who are like minded and bent on crime? OK with killing? That makes the movies fun to watch though laughable.

Applying that to the IRS case - at the minimum, at least hundreds of IRS employees would have to be down with the conspiracy. They would have to be able to keep the secrets of who is involved and what is happening. Anyone here believe that is happening?

No way this is is a conspiracy. This is no more than the IRS run amuck with poor policy decisions.

Heads should roll, but it is what it is.

National Legal and Policy Center asked for the IRS to investigate the Kenya-based Barack H. Obama Foundation for soliciting tax-deductible contributions from the public although it was not tax exempt. The IRS response was to grant this shady organization retroactive tax-exempt status. Click here to see the letter from Lois Lerner which she said she was pleased to send. [nlpc]
Then there is the case of HSUS. Lois is a member of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), an organization accused of sending less than 1% of its funds to animal shelters, a charge not denied by them. Large sums of money appear to be spent on political campaigns.
Missouri Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer wrote a letter to IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman expressing his concerns about HSUS 501(c)(3) status. In three years, Rep. Luetkemeyer has not gotten a straight answer from his contact at the IRS – Lois Lerner. She won’t comment on an ongoing investigation and won’t even say if there is an investigation. Lerner is still a member of HSUS. [Daily Caller]
This is what we have in charge of our government agencies these days.
Guard your First Amendment rights. You are losing them to weasels like Lois Lerner.

Picker, so just what do you think should be done with lois lerner? Do you not think she had an agenda?

I believe that she should be given her full rights afforded to her under the constitution of the United States of America. I believe she should be afforded full due process under the law. I believe a basic tenant of the US legal system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. I believe this system created by our founding fathers and perfected over the centuries is the hallmark of the American system that million of lives have been lost to defend.

I believe the legal system of this country must be allowed to run its course. I do not believe that we flush this all down the toilet because we believe she is a liberal with an agenda.

Any disagreements with that?

I believe that she should be given her full rights afforded to her under the constitution of the United States of America. I believe she should be afforded full due process under the law. I believe a basic tenant of the US legal system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. I believe this system created by our founding fathers and perfected over the centuries is the hallmark of the American system that million of lives have been lost to defend.

I believe the legal system of this country must be allowed to run its course. I do not believe that we flush this all down the toilet because we believe she is a liberal with an agenda.

Any disagreements with that?

Maybe she can just be persuaded to blow the whistle on Big Daddy in exchange for keeping her job and that federal salary. Agenda? You bet she has one AND a slick lawyer too I bet...

Maybe she can just be persuaded to blow the whistle on Big Daddy in exchange for keeping her job and that federal salary. Agenda? You bet she has one AND a slick lawyer too I bet...
Her husband is a lawyer and owns a firm of which has contributed large amounts of money to Obama...

Maybe she can just be persuaded to blow the whistle on Big Daddy in exchange for keeping her job and that federal salary. Agenda? You bet she has one AND a slick lawyer too I bet...

Anyone with half a brain gets the best lawyer they can possibly afford.

I believe that she should be given her full rights afforded to her under the constitution of the United States of America. I believe she should be afforded full due process under the law. I believe a basic tenant of the US legal system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. I believe this system created by our founding fathers and perfected over the centuries is the hallmark of the American system that million of lives have been lost to defend.

I believe the legal system of this country must be allowed to run its course. I do not believe that we flush this all down the toilet because we believe she is a liberal with an agenda.

Any disagreements with that?
I don't disagree with that at all. My issue is why are we treating this with kid gloves? She is a employee of the people, she has been accused of wrong doing (of which the IRS publicly acknowledged) She has also been deceptive on how the question came up at the bar meeting...So don't you think she should be charged with at least obstructing an investigation?

Picker, have you looked into Lerners campaign contributions?

I don't disagree with that at all. My issue is why are we treating this with kid gloves? She is a employee of the people, she has been accused of wrong doing (of which the IRS publicly acknowledged) She has also been deceptive on how the question came up at the bar meeting...So don't you think she should be charged with at least obstructing an investigation?

Believe me the right side of the aisle will use every legal trick in the book to nail her. She is definitely not getting off easy. But again there is a legal process that has to be followed as prescribed by our constitution and legal system.

Again, each and every one of you should be standing up for this persons constitutional rights against an oppressive government - correct?

That's why we have the constitution to defend us from a tyrannical government - right?

Believe me the right side of the aisle will use every legal trick in the book to nail her. She is definitely not getting off easy. But again there is a legal process that has to be followed as prescribed by our constitution and legal system.

Again, each and every one of you should be standing up for this persons constitutional rights against an oppressive government - correct?

That's why we have the constitution to defend us from a tyrannical government - right?
Yes she has rights...However she waived her right to the fifth by opening with a statement. She needs to be charged. Plain and simple.

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