Sleeze ball Lerner

Yes she has rights...However she waived her right to the fifth by opening with a statement. She needs to be charged. Plain and simple.

So your the only one who picked up on that she has waived her rights. Better call congress, I don't think they realize that. She also better fire that law firm of hers for giving her such bad advice!! Someone's been watching a little too much Law and Order I think!! (Just joking)

I believe that she should be given her full rights afforded to her under the constitution of the United States of America. I believe she should be afforded full due process under the law. I believe a basic tenant of the US legal system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. I believe this system created by our founding fathers and perfected over the centuries is the hallmark of the American system that million of lives have been lost to defend.

I believe the legal system of this country must be allowed to run its course. I do not believe that we flush this all down the toilet because we believe she is a liberal with an agenda.

Any disagreements with that?

Seems to me if I remember correctly you were singing a different tune not long ago. I seem to remember you saying you saw nothing wrong with Obama killing American citizens on American soil if he suspected they were terrorist even if there was no immenent threat back when we were talking about the use of drones to kill Americans on American soil. I think you even said you had no problem with the Patriot Act either....

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Seems to me if I remember correctly you were singing a different tune not long ago. I seem to remember you saying you saw nothing wrong with Obama killing American citizens on American soil if he suspected they were terrorist even if there was no immenent threat back when we were talking about the use of drones to kill Americans on American soil. I think you even said you had no problem with the Patriot Act either....

Drones are inanimate objects that don't kill people.

So your the only one who picked up on that she has waived her rights. Better call congress, I don't think they realize that. She also better fire that law firm of hers for giving her such bad advice!! Someone's been watching a little too much Law and Order I think!! (Just joking)
Picker, this point was pointed out at the hearing as soon as she plead the fifth...And no I haven't been watching law and order, I am far to busy hitting the ball back into your court!:laughing7:

Picker, this point was pointed out at the hearing as soon as she plead the fifth...And no I haven't been watching law and order, I am far to busy hitting the ball back into your court!:laughing7:

I think you will see that the assumption about that part of the fifth was an overreach and that she has intact not waived her right.

I wonder if she claimed the fifth then"waived" it on purpose. So her boss wouldnt suspect.

I think she needs to be investigated...Picker, have you seen her involvement with the humane society?

I wonder if she claimed the fifth then"waived" it on purpose. So her boss wouldnt suspect.

Her comes all the conspiracy theories ........

Let me see, she deserves the benefit of doubt.

But she also refuses to resign. Thus she gets a nice vacation, sleeps late when she wants to, and watches soap operas on TV with the security that she can't be touched - while on full pay.

That free paycheck would support 4+ tornado victims - people who really do need help.

Her family doesn't need her paycheck, not with the size of the donations she makes to political entities.

Maybe she should do the very first "RIGHT THING" she may have done in her life ????

Donate her free paycheck to the tornado victims....

I wonder if she claimed the fifth then"waived" it on purpose. So her boss wouldnt suspect.

I've wondered that myself. Obviously the gal is not stupid.

Lois Lerner pleaded the fifth? Not surprising. Many prominent characters have pleaded the fifth in the not too distant past. In the late 1950's the likes of Frank Rosenthal who managed Las Vegas casinos for the Chicago mob pleaded it 37 times. Mafioso and Union labor racketeer Johnny Dio pleaded it 140 times! And then there was Dave Beck, Teamster boss who pleaded the fifth 117 times! So, she is in good company here.

They pleaded over and over. They did(could not) stand up and walk out. She broke the law, if that is not contempt I don't know what is.

Availing oneself of the fifth is a constitutional right - like the right to carry a gun. Enough said.

She needs to be charged and the evidence is there.

She needs to be charged and the evidence is there.

If the evidence is there the repubs will certainly present it and she will be charged. Though I'm sure that your favorite news sources will be chocked full of conspiracy theories no matter what happens. Don't forget the "evidence" you are seeing is biased spin so reality might be different. Good news is that repubs will turn over ever stone and use every legal trick in the book to dig up the dirt on her. So if there is a case to be made, they will make it.

I hope so Stockpicker, however in recent years we haven't had republicans especially leaders that have a backbone...

believe me if it is one thing we can count on our politicians on both sides of the aisle to do its to sling the mud at the other side. i dont think either side has ever lacked the backbone to do that. Lack the backbone to make nesseccary changes to entitlements, debt, deficit, etc - YES. Lack backbone to waste our time slinging mud at each other - NO.

The fifth was first used extensively and upheld in its usage during the famous "McCathy era" as the infamous Senator was persecuting american citizens based on their supposed beliefs and asking people to "name names". I'm sure that any freedom loving patriot on this board will acknowledge how his actions flew in the face of everything that this country and our founding fathers stand for. Was it a good thing the fifth existing or should these people have been forced to "name names"??

Uncle Joe would have made a fantastic conservastive radio talk show host now a days. Could you imaginee!! Blogging commies names. Tweeting about commie conspiracies, etc, etc. He was a man before his time!! Think of the great things he would come up with about the Big O!!!

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