Sites where keepers out number the clad?



Someone mentioned there were no new topics. Someone posted a topic coin to trash ratio. Well how about a site where the number of old coins out number the clad? How about no pull tabs? Such sites exist, we drive by them daily. Any coins I've posted have come from these types of sites. I'll watch this posting for replies to see if anybody has figured out where these spots are located.

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Since I received my first detector last Christmas due to weather and other circumstances I have done a lot more research and reading up on the various forums than I have actual metal detecting. From all I have read almost everyone gets much more "trash" than actual good finds. A lot of the finds seem to be just blind a$$ luck but there are a few who consistently hit paydirt. I tend to scrutinize the information posted by those talented few more so than the average Joe. Research seems to be a common thread...along with a little common sense. I also have noted the success ratio isn't necessarily related to the cost of the equipment. In my area I would never expect to find artifacts from the Revolutionary War or anything of historical value beyond about the 1850's. Why? Because there weren't any people here except native Americans prior to that time! Most of the early Indian artifacts were of stone, metal only being introduced with the coming of the settlers. So, you won't find any ancient silver or gold around here or even metal objects until well into thelate 19th or early 20th century. There are a scant few Civil War era items found but most well established Civil War sites are off limits. What I would expect to find as a "treasure" in this area is items dating from the 1850's to early 1960's in the way of silver coins and perhaps gold and silver jewelry. So, if there are any areas where "good stuff" outnumbers "junk" I don't know about them. What I do know is that there are very few detectorists who work the local area where I live...if any.... and the sites sould not be too picked over. JIM

My best site ever was a PUBLIC SERVICE project. EVERYTHING I pulled out. " EVERYTHING " was between 1860 & 1930. it was a step back in history. to find these types of sites, you have to" research " they are not along the "BEATEN PATH" even if they havn't been searched, people have been there, right up to today. You have to travel into the Woods. you have to find spots that are so grown up, that cutting weeds is necessary, they are there.

Seems it's a question of hunt site selection. Found more than a few such sites but the coinage there was minimal, down to one or two coins. Found an old trading site, only two coins there. It had never been hunted but the variety of other items seems to attest to it's purpose. Been to old homesites, long forgotten or plowed under. Much more likely to get an RIO than a coin.

Still looking for that one old park/playground or fairground that no one else knows about around here. Pretty unlikely find in this neighborhood. (No. Il.) But the domain of large volume old coinage does exist. My experience with shaved ground in heavily hunted areas tells me there is far more in the 8-10 inch range than most would imagine. Problem is that pesky stuff in the matrix between you and that depth.

;D hey whats up everyone. I do alot of detecting in backwooded areas where old roads once were and i find that alot of the cellar holes are already picked through. but when my friends and i started doing the breaks in the stone walls , following paths in the back of the foundation and detecting in and around the growth we've had some pretty good luck.Also, dont forget to do the path near the foundation because alot of the people rush right up to the cellar hole and pass the road in front. last thing, alot of the foundations have barns nearby, some are actual foundations and some are corrals where animals were kept. if you dig up a bell or farming tools, you are in the right area. good luck all :)

If your talking of places where Old stuff Outnumbers New. I'd say Any Heavily Hunted out place. I have several old parks around here that have been hunted to death. When you find new it's because kids were playing there lately. when you find old, it's usualy deep.? if your talking old only in populated areas, then you gotta wait till someone ripps up some cement somewhere. as people travel everywhere they can walk and loose things all the time.? I'd definately be intrested in knowing, if you had somewhere else in mind, other then what has already been mentioned here or above.? ;)

of course after fruther thought. I think I came up with a few more, for you. In areas where for as long as you can remember there has been signs "KEEP OFF THE GRASS". In Yards where the people did not have Children for 2 to 3 generations, and only use it when they mow the grass. & posably COURT HOUSE PROPERTY.? ;D but you gotta get permission? :D

Hey Jeff, our county court house was getting a face lift and all the streets and sidewalks were tore up there about 10 years ago. Great hunting, I hunted the courthouse grounds w/o any hesitation or apprehension. Local, county and a lot of LEO's of course crossed my path at the time with the usual positive interest we used to experience.

Of course lots have changed in the last ten years. No more, or very few "old school" LEO's who understand recreational MD'ing is anything but a threat. More lawyers and what I can only consider Heritage and Nature tyrants nowadays. So bent on some moronic mission to protect us from exploring the past that I can only think of the ending of Planet of the Apes. Remember that smart Orang who warned Taylor he wouldn't like what he found in there!

LOWBATTS, These days, you'd think, if you were hunting a court house, every lawyer within miles would be comming over handing you their card, saying " If you get arrested , Give me a Call" then turning around & complaining to a cop. asking them to arrest you? ;D COULD BE GOOD FOR BUISNESS? :D? ?HH jeff

So what you're saying Jeff is that all the archeologists who want us criminalized are really just looking out for their brother-in-laws that are out of work criminal deense attorneys. Geez can we steer this thing off-topic or what?!? Talk about adult AD & D. Sorry f2D, didn't mean to hit the siding.

Back on track: Parkways and sidewalks are great places when they are being turned over. Yep, that's what draws one to older and sometimes seemingly less-than desireable parts of town. These should definitely fall into f2D's categories. Walked next to the shovel before as it pulled sidewalk slabs and got some real keepers. Unfortunately everytime such work is done some of the goodies get lost forever in the fill getting carried off. Some of the sidewalks and curbs I worked last summer are 2nd generation work for me already and with each generation of rework there is less and less old and more and more junk. But just occaisonally, yep, you hit the hotspot.

Don't know How to take that "Lowbatts" I hope you knew it was a 'Joke" .......... ........................... Around here all the Sidwalks are the responsability of the Home or Buisness adjorning it. So when a sidwalk is torn up, it's usually just a small area the width of a house. Probably worth a coin or 2, but I personally don't bother. ............. I am planning on trying to do the COUNTY COURTHOUSE LAWN, "Hill Side" but havn't gotten that way in awhile. March I'm slated for Jury Duty, Maby while I'm out there I'll ask around , see who I would need to ask. LOWBATTS, you say you hunted the grounds, does that mean the lawn too , or just the sidwalks ?

Yep, just having fun. ?Worked the courthouse grounds but only where they were overturned. ?Also did the courthouse grounds in an adjoiniing county when they tore up the yard for a landscape redesign. ?Both dated to the 1890's but finds were few on the gorunds. ?I suspect they had been reworked in the past.

Sidewalk work can be good stuff. ?Most city sidewalks were put in place above the level of the original boardwalks so there can be lots of goodies in some. ?Depends on the number of times and type of utilities that have been worked on these stretches. ?

A few years back here in town they were redoing the downtown streets and "discovered" a lot of the old vaults in front of the buildings. ?These were the places used for delivery and storage for quite a period. ?Many old towns have these under parts of their sidewalks also and they an be unique time capsules as they were often walled in and closed up with a few items remaining. ?One I discovered in the 70's was actually a back office for an auto garage with tools, bills of sale, calendars and miscellaneous items tucked away and all dated early 40's. ?When the city locates these, they typically just fill them in with concrete and it's up to the work crew to find any keepers.

Hey Free,

Who's that good look'n woman under your name ? ;)


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