1850's Schoolhouse Adventure


Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2023
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Nazareth, PA
Detector(s) used
Dr. Otek MT-XR, Ace Apex, Xterra Pro, Nokta Legend, Nokta Makro Impact, Manticore, XP ORX, XP Deus 2 WS6 Master, XP Deus 2, Deeptech Vista X, Nokta Makro Invenio Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
My latest permission is an 1850's schoolhouse owned by a municipality that actually seems to care about history. I have the blessing of the municipality and its Historical Commission to clean out the property and find what I can. Any items pertaining to the school will be given to the Historical Commission for display.

The school was built in about 1859 and operated for about 100 years closing in 1958. The school served grades 1-8 till 1951 when it was lowered to grades 1-6. In 1959 the school building and property was sold to a nearby farm and sold again in 1997 to a large corporate farm. In 2013 the school building and property was gifted to the municipality. The structure was refurbished between 2013 and 2015 to its current fine condition.

I was able to get a half day off work August 23, 2024, and decided to spend a couple hours at the site just sniffing around for any obvious decent tones. Tons of iron, I mean it's a very trashy area. Around the building is the worst I think I have seen. I imagined most of the trash there was from the work done to refurbish the building. I got lucky though, I went to search around the trees in the yard. They are thick, so I figured they were at least 80 years old. That paid off with a coin spill including silver.

I spent a couple hours on Saturday and Sunday removing iron from the yard and around the building. Haven't taken photos of those items yet. I also pulled flashing, bottle caps, pull tabs, and the dreaded foil from around the building. While working the building area, a gentlemen wondered over from the nearby farm and introduced himself. Turns out he not only attended school there but also worked for the farm that owned the property from 1959 to 1997. This fellow was a wealth of information and explained why I was finding the iron items I was finding.

At one point the school building was renovated to accommodate tractor repair. Tractors and farm equipment were stored on the grounds for many years. Broken parts were just thrown to the ground and left to rot and sink into the ground. I have my work cut out for me, but I have all the time in the world to work at finding the older pieces.

I'll continue to post as I make progress.

Upvote 16
I broke into a new era of coinage yesterday. Found a 1907 IHP. Also hit on another Wheat, a 1917.


I have last week's finds to post. Work has kept me pretty busy.

My luck of finding a coin every time I go to the school continued today. A 1926 Wheat penny. I actually found two Wheats yesterday while there but forgot to take pics while taking these. ???

I also found another interesting piece. I'm sure it's some type of decorative pin/brooch. There is a partial patent number on the back of the clasp. It appears that some of the numbers have been worn off. This item made me happy. I've been pulling a lot of junk out of the ground yesterday and today. Yesterday my wife and I spent almost an hour trying to get a 2' long piece of iron out of the ground almost a foot deep.

The pin/brooch is exactly the kind of item we are looking for. Pieces used or worn by the people that used the school and grounds. The Historic Commission is happy with our progress so far.

I posted it over in the "What is it" forum.



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I've been using either the Deus 2 or Manticore with the 9" coils mostly at the school. Friday afternoon I switched gears a bit by using the 11" coil on both. It has really seemed to make a difference, I think. Finding the IHP on Friday and 3 more Wheats Saturday and today plus the pin/brooch. All five items were found where I've been working with the 9" coils. An area about 10' x 10' square where the kids used to pitch pennies in the 40's and 50's. All have been about 4-5 inches deep.

Only thing I've noticed with the 11" coil on both machines is that bent nails give me 83-92 signals. The Manticore 2d does give me a trace reaching up to the Ferrous line. But I dig anyway because you just never know.

I've been itching to try the Deeptech Vista at the school, but I have a bitch of a time trying to get a spot to ground balance. There is iron everywhere. I've been digging all the larger iron, but the smaller iron will be digging holes on top of holes. I've been using zero for ground balance on the Manticore and it seems to be working well at this site.

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Finally got around to doing the pics from October 12. Work has really been a pain in the rear for the last month. Back to normal hours as of today.


Today's finds. Still trying to work through the iron. I keep swinging slowly to find anything that may be hiding between the loads of iron. Pulled out a lot of bent nails today. I decided to stay until I found a Wheatie. Well, I got my wheatie after an hour or so. A 1919.


I continued on the current course another 10 feet or so and hit on another 80's signal. Sounded like I had found another penny. Out popped what I thought was a ring. Upon cleaning it up, I wasn't so sure anymore. One side has a groove cut into it. Posted it over in the "What Is It" forum three post so far, maybe a ring.


I totally forgot about a cool find this past Saturday. A modern hatchet with fiberglass handle. I am amazed at the things I find at this schoolyard.


Recent finds I have not posted here. I did post them in "Todays Finds".


This past Sunday I spent a few hours at the schoolhouse. Again, low and slow with the ORX and then Deus 2 trying to hear those good signals amongst the iron. Did pretty well again. First find was what appeared to be a gold-plated copper or brass ring. Looks to have a design on the face although I can't tell what the design is. The ring was heavily corroded, I needed to give it a lemon juice soak to get it as pictured. The inside of the top of the ring came out of the ground as shiny as in the pics.


Next, I hit another Indian Head. Although this guy was heavily corroded and thin. Won't get a date off this one. Gave it a lemon juice soak.


Next a 1913 Wheat. Man, I just keep pulling these out of the ground over there.


Not sure what the next find is. Actually, I found two of these in a row about 5 feet apart.


Last hit was another Wheat. Not sure of the date on this one. didn't clean up as well as I had hoped.


All in all, I'm very pleased with my progress the last couple weekends. I've learned how to slow down my swing to find the goodies hidden in the iron. I've also learned that the Deus 2, ORX, and Manticore seem to be very equally matched in their ability to find items hidden in iron.

Looking forward to my upcoming four-day weekend to see what else I can pull out of the iron.

Thanks for looking...

Posted the latest installment in "Today's Finds".


Latest posted in "Today's Finds"


I Like the thread, I’m a rookie with the deus 2, so maybe I’m telling you something you already know but I hit an old barn site for several hours with tekkna i noticed I was getting constant chatter which is fine I assume a ton of nails, but i noticed a high tone just off of an iron tone nearly everywhere, I dug several hits to see what it was and it was always a nail or a bolt or scraps of iron plate… it got to be time to leave so I switched to fast which i haven’t toyed with and it was amazing going back across the same area the detector was basically silent but every so often it would light my ears up and instead of bolts and nails and iron it pulled out part of a monkey wrench, an odd brass item, a small cartridge, some tubing… basically things that were more than nails and scraps… I’m excited to get back and run the fast program over the whole area I think that might be my go to in high trash areas

With about 3 inches of snow on the ground and freezing temps the next few days, my detecting days are over for a little anyway. I'll have to take time to take pics of all the trash I pulled out of the schoolyard over the last couple months. It's all in the trunk of my car, I need to get it out of there anyway.

12-25-2024: Update on Ring found on November 24. Can't really get out to detect with snow on the ground. I decided to take my time and look into the ring. I knew there was something engraved or stamped into the band but wasn't sure what it was. I got out the trusty coin microscope and had a closer look.

Turns out it's an eagle with arrows on either side pointing toward it. Also looks to be a signet type ring. Looks like something was engraved on the top but I can't tell what it was. Maybe initials? My web search led me right back here to good old TresureNet. I found this post discussing a similar makers mark. The mark is of Ostby & Barton of Providence, Rhode Island. TNet member Red-Coat gives some great info on the makers mark and company.


Near as I can tell from further web searches, the left facing eagle and arrows is a somewhat rare mark used by Ostby & Barton (Worth Point). It's been said the right facing eagle is even more of a rarity. Who knows, I only found one database listing that even had the eagle and arrows as a mark used by the company (same image Red-Coat provided in the linked Tnet post). I'm still lost for a round about time frame this mark was used. I've read today anywhere from pre 1906 to 1950. I can find no other markings on the band. Pretty sure the ring was gold plated.

I'm re-posting a photo of the top taken with the microscope. Maybe some of you will see some design I don't.


Maybe one day I'll be able to narrow down the dates this mark was used. At least now I know who made it.

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Some of the trash taken from the school yard. To be honest, it's only 33F here today and I got tired of the cold, so I quit taking pics. Ah, you guys didn't want to see all the crap anyway! Just a smidge of the 3, 5-gallon pails I'm going to be taking to the scrap bin. At least my trunk is clean now. The 3 buckets are from the school yard between August and mid-December 2024.


Latest posted in "Today's Finds".


Latest posted in "Today's Finds".


Wow, those are great finds, what is the glass object you are placing the relics and coins on?

Wow, those are great finds, what is the glass object you are placing the relics and coins on?
Thats a broken bottle bottom I found in a cornfield.

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