Silver in conglomerate......bahamas with the EQX

Blak bart

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Jun 6, 2016
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Been hunting the bahamas for relics and hit some fused conglomerate from an old house that burnt and fell into the sea....I've found some good stuff over the years here from time to time but I've always been looking for the rumored silverware here !! Well I've finally started to find some after a couple years of poking around. Today I got a heavy ladle handle in silver along with a large conglomerate that has a silver spoon bowl and a mystery piece of inscribed silver !! The pictured pieces are only a few of what I found but have definitely got silver locked inside 20200223_134635.webp
You can see a large silverware handle in the first pic and the large silver conglomerate next to it.20200223_134722.webp in this chunk you can see the decorative silver spoon bowl exposed in this clump. 20200223_134703.webp
Heres the inscribed piece that came out of this silver clump20200223_134656.webp
I cant make out what it once said but it does have a patent also at the top of the tag.
This was a deep hit that turned out to be a Revlon compac from the 50s.20200223_155228.webp
In this video I had just dug it and had not reached the HEAVY LAYER yet !!
20200223_124022.webp heres my co worker digging with me on her day off...she did good with the carrot pin pointer and actually dug a nice bottle while digging in the iron layer today !!20200223_124016.webp20200223_124137.webp
Here's some of the iron trash we cleared away to get to the heavy (silver)layer today !! Check out the video.....the nox is a beast at looking through the iron !! There's more there.....I wanted to dig more but to be honest I cut my finger on glass while digging and had to stop !! Happy hunting everyone and good luck.

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That's my brother in laws distillery.....its going good. Almost done with a 25000 square foot facility in ft. Pierce...right next to our brewery !! Life is good brother !! But when out of the country I drink whatever is put in front of me. Trying to get our stuff over here in the islands !!

View attachment 1806866 you guys got me cracking up some of these conglmerates !! So out popped another book mark....this one was plated and engraved with a HP. there are many generations of henry pinders on this island so that's my first guess.

"HP" hmmmmm.............Hewlett Packard ? No no I got it.............."Hillbilly Prince" :icon_thumleft:
Sorry guys, I needed some humor. I have been absent for a short time so I could concentrate on that button. Well, I missed my wife's birthday because I had my blinders on again. Hey, she has one every year so it's not a rare occasion :laughing7:. Oh well, things are OK again and I am still trying to solve some of Bart's riddles. Searched 32 websites so far, and thousands of button pictures and have not even found one remotely close at all. I have looked on American sites, English sites, French sites, Spanish sites, and the Bahama sites and zero :BangHead:. I've looked at clothing buttons, electrical buttons, door bell buttons, even inserts for cabinet door pull/knobs. Some British designs on the cabinet pull/knob inserts showed more promise, but even they were still out in left field. I have not given up yet, but please Bart, when you get back and have time, please post picture updates.


"HP" hmmmmm.............Hewlett Packard ? No no I got it.............."Hillbilly Prince" :icon_thumleft:
Sorry guys, I needed some humor. I have been absent for a short time so I could concentrate on that button. Well, I missed my wife's birthday because I had my blinders on again. Hey, she has one every year so it's not a rare occasion :laughing7:. Oh well, things are OK again and I am still trying to solve some of Bart's riddles. Searched 32 websites so far, and thousands of button pictures and have not even found one remotely close at all. I have looked on American sites, English sites, French sites, Spanish sites, and the Bahama sites and zero :BangHead:. I've looked at clothing buttons, electrical buttons, door bell buttons, even inserts for cabinet door pull/knobs. Some British designs on the cabinet pull/knob inserts showed more promise, but even they were still out in left field. I have not given up yet, but please Bart, when you get back and have time, please post picture updates.
I've looked and looked to luck. I'll have to clean the back and see if there is a back mark ?? Should be. I'll get on it tonight after dinner! !

I'm eye balling 2 permissions right now....they will be game changers if I can get on them. Very old properties with fresh tear downs.

Also found the original spanish least 1 of them. Theres a house on it.....waiting for the guests to leave.....rumored gold coins found here.

Off to dinner...bbl

Later Bart :hello:

Nice ring and other assorted items.

20200302_221031.webpall kinds of stuff in this conglomerate....another button. Pretty plain.

A chandelier crystal !!

20200302_215321.webpbuckle isn't super old but I love the patina.this was laying in plain site on the edge of one of the permission properties I'm looking to get. I picked it up as I went by !!

I was going to say earlier, I believe I have a buckle on one of my belts downstairs that looks almost like a twin. I know I am not that old, ( MUCH to Sis's dismay ), but yes, the buckle looks more recent.
Bart, what town are you looking in ?
You keep finding them and we will keep looking :notworthy:

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I was going to say earlier, I believe I have a buckle on one of my belts downstairs that looks almost like a twin. I know I am not that old, ( MUCH to Sis's dismay ), but yes, the buckle looks more recent.
Bart, what town are you looking in ? I was wondering about looking on-line to see if there was not a ship or hotel fire at that location at one time ? Heck, I guess it could be deposits from some previous hurricanes that went through the area as well.
You keep finding them and we will keep looking :notworthy:

Simon, you may have been side tracked by the , ahem, pics. Bart explained it in the first post.

Been hunting the bahamas for relics and hit some fused conglomerate from an old house that burnt and fell into the sea.....

Thanks Sis. I did overlook that small detail. I was GOOD at "Speed Reading", but must admit that the devil is in the details. Thanks for alerting me to that part of the post. Now I can go back and "Edit" that part out and then confuse people why my post doesn't contain what your's does :tongue3: Again, thanks Sis. :notworthy:

Damn, I certainly made bad carrier choices. Let's see, I could be a Guide (I'm assuming you are?), Travel in the Carribian to fish, and get paid on my off time to do my hobbies? You're living the dream.

You're finding some awesome pieces! I'm curious, how are you cleaning your items?

Welcome aboard ravensnest !! You have taken note of the one thing that is the most important part of the way I job !! This job allows me to travel to far off historic locations....just so happens that I keep as much treasure hunting equipment as I can carry on each boat I travel on....this let's me spend my free time doing what I love in some beautiful exotic locations !! What could be better than fishing for a living and treasure hunting in your spare time ?? I truly do enjoy my job and just about everyday holds adventure of some sort for me ! Now that I've made it sound so great.....heres the down side. I came home for a short break about a month ago to spend some time with the family. Corona virus broke out and a travel ban was instated. I was unable to return and all our equipment, clothes, tackle, boat, and everything else we brought over is stuck there in the bahamas until this whole corona thing blows over !! BUMMER !! The 2 machines I had here in the states are broken now so I have nothing at the moment !! Oh well...that's life...had to go out and buy a new set of clothes and I'm thinking about another detector until I get back over there. As far as cleaning those finds.....gently tapping and cracking the conglomerate usually frees the objects up. Sometimes I'll use some mild acid solutions to dissolve the sand and coral if necessary. After the objects are freed up I will soak them in distilled water...or clean the silver with the baking soda and tinfoil method. Happy hunting and good luck ravensnest !!

Welcome aboard ravensnest !! You have taken note of the one thing that is the most important part of the way I job !! This job allows me to travel to far off historic locations....just so happens that I keep as much treasure hunting equipment as I can carry on each boat I travel on....this let's me spend my free time doing what I love in some beautiful exotic locations !! What could be better than fishing for a living and treasure hunting in your spare time ?? I truly do enjoy my job and just about everyday holds adventure of some sort for me ! Now that I've made it sound so great.....heres the down side. I came home for a short break about a month ago to spend some time with the family. Corona virus broke out and a travel ban was instated. I was unable to return and all our equipment, clothes, tackle, boat, and everything else we brought over is stuck there in the bahamas until this whole corona thing blows over !! BUMMER !! The 2 machines I had here in the states are broken now so I have nothing at the moment !! Oh well...that's life...had to go out and buy a new set of clothes and I'm thinking about another detector until I get back over there. As far as cleaning those finds.....gently tapping and cracking the conglomerate usually frees the objects up. Sometimes I'll use some mild acid solutions to dissolve the sand and coral if necessary. After the objects are freed up I will soak them in distilled water...or clean the silver with the baking soda and tinfoil method. Happy hunting and good luck ravensnest !!

That sounds fantastic. I'm from WPB and have a few friends that guide. I'm currently living in Cambodia and have thought about buying a detector, although it would be 3 times the normal price. IDK what the heck I'd find though and it would be worth it.
I highly doubt they let anyone go walking around detecting at Anchor Wat :mrgreen:
Thank you for the tips.

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