Blak bart
Platinum Member
I'm not sure I even have everything represented here ? I've lost track ? Over the last 2 marathon hunts, I've picked up so much material that I'm not sure if I even have all of it on film. It's been a blurr of long days and boat rides....2 separate sand bars from sun up to sundown in the shallow water!! 7 golds in 2 hunts, and a pile of silver. Rings, chains, and earrings. Then ballast stones, shipwreck wood, a cannonball, a musket ball, and possibly some old Spanish silver !! Piles of rotten clad, many pairs of sunglasses, and vape after vape....I've spared you all the bottle caps and pop tops, and honestly I skip most signals from 29-32 on the nox 700....that number with a distinct noise is the pop top, and no time for even digging them.
There were 4 silver chains one day for sure....most belly chains are junk, but I got lucky and found 2 silver ones back to back!! Another couple silver chains, and a pandora "you&me ring came up the same day !!
Mix in the pandora clasps, and plated silver earrings and silver studs, and rich environment for jewelry.
there was a heavy white gold watch bezel, and a pair of brand new 500$+ gucci sunglasses right next to each other on the sandy bottom in plain view !!
then there was scattered ballast stones, and a cannonball right on top of the sand !! This material was probably brought ashore by salvagers of the 1733 treasure fleet and was scattered about in knee deep water !!
The cannonball has another iron object fused to the side of it, and is soaking in fresh water now waiting for restoration there was a few small copper square nails, a musket ball, and an ornate piece of silver all in the same area along with wood, and ballast stones...all a complete surprise and delight for me...big bonus that day !!
Square nail and musket ball !!
Ornate heavy piece of silver...still a mystery, and not sure if jewelry or religious in nature?
And finally a ballast stone, and the large shipwreck timber....the timber was in ankle deep water, and collected a week beforehand....this timber is what got me interested in this new spot, and got me fired up to explore this technically there were 3 took alot to get just the timber home, and was a mission on its own. heres a look at the other junk and rotten clad that came up in handfuls here
Even pins and spikes of other eras, an iPhone, and a plated fork !! I've already thrown a pile of clad not pictured into my junk treasure chest !! My hands are raw, my feet are cut, and it took all day of rest yesterday to regain my strength after 18 -20 hours underwater over 2 and a half days total.....oh shell....a very rare and invasive cowrie shell....this is an invasive Mediterranean cowrie, found in the Florida is a morph, and really looks nothing like any's been localized over generations of breeding, and is unique in its appearance
I boiled his little invasive snail ass !! I got scared to eat him at the last minute and fed him to the cat...the local cowrie is a delicacy, but this one was my first...the cat is alive so I may try the next one....if I ever find another?
Thanks for looking folks...the summer is heating up now !!
Forgot the old brass LEO the lion ring...a fun corroded mystery at first, but just a brass zodiac ring after cleaning 😂🤣
A stainless and a junker also.
There were 4 silver chains one day for sure....most belly chains are junk, but I got lucky and found 2 silver ones back to back!! Another couple silver chains, and a pandora "you&me ring came up the same day !!
Mix in the pandora clasps, and plated silver earrings and silver studs, and rich environment for jewelry.
The cannonball has another iron object fused to the side of it, and is soaking in fresh water now waiting for restoration there was a few small copper square nails, a musket ball, and an ornate piece of silver all in the same area along with wood, and ballast stones...all a complete surprise and delight for me...big bonus that day !!
Square nail and musket ball !!
Ornate heavy piece of silver...still a mystery, and not sure if jewelry or religious in nature?
And finally a ballast stone, and the large shipwreck timber....the timber was in ankle deep water, and collected a week beforehand....this timber is what got me interested in this new spot, and got me fired up to explore this technically there were 3 took alot to get just the timber home, and was a mission on its own. heres a look at the other junk and rotten clad that came up in handfuls here
Even pins and spikes of other eras, an iPhone, and a plated fork !! I've already thrown a pile of clad not pictured into my junk treasure chest !! My hands are raw, my feet are cut, and it took all day of rest yesterday to regain my strength after 18 -20 hours underwater over 2 and a half days total.....oh shell....a very rare and invasive cowrie shell....this is an invasive Mediterranean cowrie, found in the Florida is a morph, and really looks nothing like any's been localized over generations of breeding, and is unique in its appearance
I boiled his little invasive snail ass !! I got scared to eat him at the last minute and fed him to the cat...the local cowrie is a delicacy, but this one was my first...the cat is alive so I may try the next one....if I ever find another?
Thanks for looking folks...the summer is heating up now !!
Forgot the old brass LEO the lion ring...a fun corroded mystery at first, but just a brass zodiac ring after cleaning 😂🤣
A stainless and a junker also.
Amazon Forum Fav 👍
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