Should we report treasure that we find?

from what I read she showed it to measum folks to get it "IDed" as to what it was --they the ones that IDed it told her it was "treasure" and thus to report it and submit it to her local man, she refused to. --thus the fuss and fight --- as a over 300 year old item and being more than 10 % precious metal * it falls under "treasure" --- her mistake was getting her moms coin IDed ( which is only needed if one plans to sell it)-- in short she shot herself in the foot .


One of the biggest problems with the Treasure the wait :-\
It takes to long, funding I know is a real problem :-\
I am currently going through the treasure act ??? and I can tell you it's been a bitter experience ???
I know all cases are not the same, some take longer than outhers, but this doesn't help the finder, the act needs upgrading badly.
How long does it take, or should it take for someone to look at a object and say yes that's Treasure :dontknow:
I don't agree with having to go to court, swear on the Bible, just for the coroner to say I'm declaring this Treasure ::)then sending it back to the Bm, why can't objects by viewed on mass :dontknow: (at least things like rings and small finds) like a block sitting.
Another problem is valuation :P no body wants to give you a true valuation for your find when they know it's been declared Treasure, because they know they can't acquire it, so you have to commission somebody to do it. (I know) The Gold Stirrup ring I have going through the act, had a provisional value of £2000 put on it, by the valuation committee. I have a valuation from a specialist , who deals in Antique medieval rings, they have placed a value of 6000 euros that's £5000 :o
If I hadn't had this valuation done, the chances are the committee would have offered a lot lower price for the ring, than the £2000 provisional value that they origanally put on it.


yes the "real" value of a treasure item is often "up" in the air --- so the ones they want to keep will be "low balled" in their "pricing of worth" so they the govt can try to buy it -- the very ideal that the govt would take advantage of its "subjects" -- the mere wording--- british "subject"--- ( underling submit -- medival type term --like surf or "peasent") means your subjected to whatever screwing they want to do to you. good thing you got a "outside" or honest pricing of its "true" worth

hogge said:
First of all.....a hardy thanks to UK Stan for this "ongoing" controversial post. Second......You guys can look at the "positive" aspects of your governments laws and bylaws, and say it's good enough for me. The fact is, the few people that are making these laws up say it's for the common good. But is it coming from the moral majority, or the immoral minority that is speaking for you all? Seems to me, the "Monarchy" style of your so called "Democracy" is leading you into a "Socialist" style of government. I like you guys, and enjoy reading your posts and seeing the great coins and relics you find. But when I read the post of how this lady was treated over, what seems to be a rather insignificant find, I say :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:. What's next on the agenda over there, censorship or book burning? :laughing9: Don't be afraid to speak up. Or are you afraid "Big Brother is Watching"? :o :-X 8) :icon_pirat: (sometimes I even surprise myself)

Here's what you got to save the US economy from sinking. :wink:


  • heysailorqr0.jpg
    20.1 KB · Views: 769
SHE IS HOTTTT!!!!!! Who is she? :laughing9:

Why don't we just use the Photoshopped pic of her:



  • sarah-palin-bikini-gun-pose.jpg
    23.9 KB · Views: 776
That's not really her. Somebody Photoshopped her head on another body.


Today's finds-legal issues-What next, Politics? Maybe this will eventually make it to Rants.

Newt said:
Today's finds-legal issues-What next, Politics? Maybe this will eventually make it to Rants.

Actually, this thread DOES belong in Legal Issues. Everything else here aere jokes! HAHAHA


ivan salis said:
shes got a gun at least , or it that 3 guns?
I think you are talking about 2- 38's and a gun!

chirper97 said:
This is the Obama style of government....statist/Socialistic/Communistic

If we continue our current path, we can expect the same absurdities, and loss of freedom in the U.S.

Britain has ceased to be a free country.

So stupid to always group socialism with communism, and capitalism is not all its cracked up to be.
And just for the record Britain is not a country anymore than North America is. Britain is part of a continent that encompasses 4 countries, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. All 4 are as free as the USA :read2:


SkyPirate said:
I love my freedoms here in the USA!

Good for you but your statement has no value to the topic being discussed. Maybe you should review your own treasure trove laws and then re-evaluate your statement.

In the mean time maybe we could meet up in Northern California and go dredging on one of the streams there. ?

oops maybe not "your freedom" does not allow it


hogge said:
You guys over there have "Gov't controlled everything". Gov't controlled.......Health care........this "so called" treasure law........and my personal favorite----NO FIREARMS. Now only the criminals have guns. AWESOME.............First time I've ever seen a so- called Democracy, use a "Socialist" (Communist), style of government. How's it workin' out for ya! :laughing9: I guess this way of governing is why our four-fathers left. I really shouldn't laugh,(but I can't help it), as some of these "DIMWITS" that run our country, want to institute some of these exact same things. Kinda nice to have a system of checks and balances where no one agency, or branch of government can obtain too much power. Thank God for "The Bill of Rights" and our Constitution.

The old socialist = communist gag again :laughing9:

A question, why do you think your 4 fathers left and which one of their names appears on your birth certificate ?
Or were you refering to the forefathers ?


And what do you really know about our health care system ? although not perfect by any means it is far fairer than that in the States.

My wife who is American was taken ill whilst we were in the States she had been here in the UK in the 2 years leading up to our visit and had no health insurance.
For her to get the inhalers she required for her acute asthma she had to visit a facility and see a doctor, we then waited for several hours in the facility for her to be called to collect her prescription.
She was later taken to hospital with a double pneumonia, and it was with a great deal of resistance (on the part of the doctors) that she was admitted and treated.
The bill for a 4 night stay in a hospital and an ambulance ride $48,000 and change.

Whilst here in the UK she has seen doctors, recieved prescriptions and had several dentist visits, total bill in US dollars approx $200


Re: What else of value does the UK produce?

bobleyland said:
Of course they have to confiscate every gram of silver and gold found... it was left in the ground by the last inhabitants to generate value on that island.

Socialists TAKE. The don't PRODUCE.


goldnow said:
tinpan said:
Shortstack said:
I spent a week on R & R in Sydney in 1969 and learned that the quickest way to start a fight there is to call an Aussie a Limey. Hell, even the women will bow-up and want to kick your a--. I saw this one night in a night club when a troop called my date a limey (joking) and she stood up and called him out on it. :sign10: He apologized after he figured out she wasn't joking. :laughing7:

LOL nothing has changed and its 30 years on.

tinpan Pommies fight like girls and yanks are generally bigger but real slow.

Could you please clean up one confusion I always had in regards to the word , "POME"?

I stayed in Australia for 6 months, traveled pretty much everywhere, but never could figure out why the Aussies called the English, "Pommies", when historically the Aussies are the Pommies.

P-O-M-E is the acronym for Prisoner Of Mother England.

And likewise the Aussies being the original pommies can also be said of the Yanks being the original Limeys.
To save a history lesson, the name was used as a slur on the "brits" by the French because sailors during long voyages would suck on limes for vitamins to prevent scurvey.
Now I have never undertaken a long sea voyage and its unlikely that any modern "brits" have. However the kind of sea journeys that would most likely have required the limes as a source of vitamins would have been those like that of the Mayflower that sailed from here to the US.
The same Mayflower that Hogges four (4) fathers sailed on. :laughing9:
From that I would assume that all their descendents are descendents of limeys ? :icon_scratch:


hogge said:
First of all.....a hardy thanks to UK Stan for this "ongoing" controversial post. Second......You guys can look at the "positive" aspects of your governments laws and bylaws, and say it's good enough for me. The fact is, the few people that are making these laws up say it's for the common good. But is it coming from the moral majority, or the immoral minority that is speaking for you all? Seems to me, the "Monarchy" style of your so called "Democracy" is leading you into a "Socialist" style of government. I like you guys, and enjoy reading your posts and seeing the great coins and relics you find. But when I read the post of how this lady was treated over, what seems to be a rather insignificant find, I say :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:. What's next on the agenda over there, censorship or book burning? :laughing9: Don't be afraid to speak up. Or are you afraid "Big Brother is Watching"? :o :-X 8) :icon_pirat: (sometimes I even surprise myself)

You really do need to open your eyes and read your own news, my personal oppinion is that you are a biggot, nothing more nothing less.


tuatara said:
I like British laws. :icon_thumright: They created Australia. Most of convicts transported here for life were just petty thieves who were kindly spared of their usual death penalty for a coupla bobs of loot. Now those who survived formed a prosperous country and Brits are migrating here en masse on their free will. Nah, they are not very patriotic about their fog. They prefer sunshine. :laughing7:

You should consider getting Mel Gibson ( the Aussie, American Scotsman) to direct the movie.
He could turn your fantasy into the truth, just like braveheart and the patriot.


ivan salis said:
yes the "real" value of a treasure item is often "up" in the air --- so the ones they want to keep will be "low balled" in their "pricing of worth" so they the govt can try to buy it -- the very ideal that the govt would take advantage of its "subjects" -- the mere wording--- british "subject"--- ( underling submit -- medival type term --like surf or "peasent") means your subjected to whatever screwing they want to do to you. good thing you got a "outside" or honest pricing of its "true" worth

Another Anglophobe shows his hand


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