ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

it did'nt work for me

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla


How do you know it is a ship??? Just from the wooden pole stickin out?? It could be a bulkhead of an old pier man. What other parts did you see that could really make it a ship? I live nearby, got my shovel and some friends. Got to see if there is an credibility to this story.

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

like I said ---it WAS uncovered and a "neat" thing to SEE since the area it is in is a "no metal deteectors" and a "do not distrub" the wreck zone ---all you can legally do is look around ::) who knows you might see some great stuff----until the storm uncovered it the wreck has laid there buried in the sand for many,many years--strong storms "surge"waves often uncover things ----the large waves "strip" the covering sand off the beaches and drag it into the sea---the sand normally settles just off shore thus exposing the wrecks and other beach goodies -the "trough" area between the beach and the sand bar can be loaded with goodies--"this is often the "motherlode" spot---over time the sea slowly replaces the sand back onto the beach---the timing varies on how long this will take---basically the"normal" seas wash the sand back to were it came from ---do not repeat do not "disturb" the wreck site by digging or messing with it---it has been reported by me to the state and is in a "do not" disturb zone and is being checked on---its just a "look at kind of thing"---do not loot or screw around with it----sorry that most of it covered back up by the time you got to it---there was plenty to see the ribs and botttom of the hull--- too bad it recovered ---I wish that I would have had my camera that day---damn but thats the way it goes---been busy and unable to get back there --- during the old style ship building the timbers have markings in them of a certain type bumt hole and dowel type contruction these marking are "plain" to the trained eye---folks who know what their looking at will see it for what it is---sadly you "look" at it but do not "see" it for what it is---this is no slam or insult in anyway about you ---just that you don't know yet what to look for or what your "seeing" at times ---this takes much time and effort to learn and sometimes even "so called" experts disagree on what this or that is or isn't---sorry you didn't catch her in her full uncovered glory---Ivan

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla


Maybe the state will see that it is a ship and excavate? I have no doubts that there are shipwrecks on these islands. However we will never really know until it is dug up. Who knows, it could be a Spanish, French or even English warship or merchant ship? Or maybe just a fishermans ship...As you know all three countries battled it out on these islands. What do u think according to what you saw.

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

the differant countries used differant building methods at varoius times by noting the type of wood --the size of the boards and the way it was put together a ship can be aged or at least a rough time frame figgered out ---by what I saw very late 1600 to early- mid 1700's say 1680ish to about 1740 ish ---most likely spanish (based on a % basis---spain had the most ships in the area / although a lot of english were around the area and some dutch too) hard to get more exact with out testing the wood and finding wreckage items or coinage.---by the % basis the odds say spanish,english and then dutch --the french were not around that much in the area except the huguenot french that the spanish wiped out---after that disaster the french did not hang aorund much --with both the spainish and english already established in the northeast florida area---there was much back and forth battling between them over the area over the years esp. from 1700 to 1763

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

Has anyone been out there recently? Is the wreck still exposed??

Re: ship wreakage found---on little talbot island,fla

Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to go.. :'(

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