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I have millions behind me as i type this.How dare you attempt to disarm the true American patriots at a time when other country's claim death to America and war.What are you thinking?This is a time when self defence,self survival,are at the utmost importance.Yet this is a time you want America to disarm and become still targets.I may be wrong but this will not happen in this country.You want to rule like that you can leave and go politic in another country as far as we are concerned.You push harmful and toxic pills to innocent kids and there parents while throwing us in prison for ingestion of Gods plants that were put here for us.George Washington himself made cannabis production mandatory in the beginning for the survival of the nation!You are getting ready to meet a wrath from both good and evil forces as of 6-1-13 with a force that has never been witnessed before.Black magic,white magic,a voice from above that will shatter your ears until you start thinking correctly.We are watching your every move.The tables have turned.Instead of you spying on us we are spying on your every move with a vengeance.You will leave our guns alone.You will leave our religious plants and shaman's alone.There will be no more imprisonment for the use of Gods cannabis plant,mushrooms,cacti,or whatever plant we wish to smoke or eat.We are done with your self serving laws.You thought you killed us in the 60's and early 70's.How you have thought so wrong.We have been planning,watching,waiting patently for this day to come.You will free us now to use any one of Gods plants that we choose or we will throw every last one of you American hater's in prison with your enemies.You will tell us to have guns in our homes for civilized self protection so we can continue to feel safe without your false vale of protection.The internet is about to become so infected with viruses that it will become unusable.All bank accounts will be wiped off of your screens before your eyes if you do not correct your communist thinking.This is no joke,this is real and accurate.How dare you kill thousands and thousands with harmful pills each year while denying a harmless joint.You have lost your communist mind and we are here to correct your thought process.You cannot harass me or anyone behind me.We are watching with every surveillance tool that you have.All of your self serving moves are being recorded and stored on many storage devices.We are watching like a hawk.Try to harass me and see what happens.I am the chosen one because of many many reasons.Until you do the right thing from this day fourth there will be massive chaos that has never been seen brought on by unseen forces.The choice is yours now to rethink what you have done and what will be done.We know your harassment techniques and have copied them to mirror right back in your face.You say we are free with your curtain that hides the stage that you play behind.This will continue ,no more to vote and accept that you have our best interest in mind.We see right into your eyes what you want and are planning and it will not continue.You better move quick and shift with some new ideas or it will too late for you.
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